I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1382: Sky lover

An Lin’s chest was hit by a piece of heavenly debris.

Fortunately, the strength is not great, and the fragments of Heaven are somewhat empty.

If it takes out the impact of hitting the gods of the mainland, it is impossible to say that Anlin will be hit by a smog.

"Hey, you are really sinking... you are a little bad guy!" An Lin smiled and snorted, his eyes full of disdain, his mind thinking, demo, just relying on your strength, can you drop me?

The white crystal is somewhat dissatisfied, as if it is very angry, like a child whose toy was taken away, retreating for a distance, and is about to gain momentum against Anlin.

An Lin suddenly remembered one thing: "No, you can hit me, does it mean that it has become an entity?"

His eyes brightened and he immediately used the wing and the smashing line, and it flashed in front of the fragments of Heaven. Tiandao fragments did not expect that Anlin would suddenly be in trouble, avoiding it and being caught by a slap.

This is followed by a very strong sense of space.

The Heavenly Shard is inhaled into the Need for Space in the physical state!

"Call... finally became..." An Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

He touched the following again, okay, and feeling.

It may be necessary to let the heavenly debris into the body, and then there will be a sequel to the wind.


In the distance, there was another tearing sound from the sky.

The rupture of the sky has begun to intensify, and the dark black chaotic airflow destroys everything around it. The cracking of the void makes the world begin to be transformed into the Jedi.

Most of the Imperial Palace is turned into ruins.

Dozens of volcanoes around the Tianshan Mountains began to erupt at the same time. It was extremely scary to spit out hot magma and toxic gases, such as the earth smashing blood.

Millions of monks were scared to start escaping.

The same scenes of the end, as well as the terrible destruction of the atmosphere, let them know that this matter is not what they can intervene.

Even if it is the return to the virtual level, it is also a change of color.

"God, is this really the end of the world?"

"Well, let's go on like this, where can we escape?"

Many monks have already shown despair.

Of course, there are also some strong people who are looking forward to looking at the figure on the Sendai. They know that if anyone can reverse this and bring hope to this world, then it must be the sin on white!

Anlin indulged in a moment and felt that it was not too late, and immediately vacated and flew to the Imperial Palace!

"The celestial celestial moves again."

"The place he went... is the place where the sky is broken!!"

"The world is in great difficulty, or the white dress is the most dazzling."

When other monks chose to escape, the one that went backwards and rushed directly to the white figure that shattered the sky was dazzling.

Yang Lingqian saw Anlin rushing to the Imperial Palace, and the silver teeth bite tightly, without hesitation following him.

Although she didn't know what to do with the past, she wanted to watch Anlin fight and want to watch Anlin win the battle!

She struggled to catch up with the white figure in front.

However, her cultivation is too low, and the more she goes farther and farther, the more she can't see the back.

Seeing that figure disappeared and disappeared, a huge sense of loss came to my heart.

Yang Lingqian’s face has a stubborn color and is still chasing.

The secret of the comet, the center of the rupture of the sky.

Yin Xizheng avoids all kinds of chaotic energy with a flexible body.

"It's over, it's over... what can I do?"

"If you go on like this, you can really make a living!"

He evaded quickly with a rounded body like a table tennis, and he said with urgency.

Just then, a white figure came out of the air.

Preparing to fly the ship, Yan Ji, who fled with love, saw the white shadow that passed through the sky.

Yan Shuqin, who is evacuating the Chunhua Palace, also saw a resolute figure that rushed to the center of the broken sky.

The dark vortex diffusion center, the void is ruined, the blood thunder is raging, and the chaos annihilates the wind. The white figure is like a moth, but it is dazzling enough, as if it is the only light in the last days, and it looks like an eternal picture.

Countless creatures, seeing that figure are stunned.

Yang Lingqian is even more obsessed with his eyes, staring at the man who rushed into the broken sky, ten fingers crossed on his chest, nervous, and kept praying.


The wind of countless chaos shattered, and it came to Anlin.

The blood mine is like a demon head, and it slams into Anlin.

The horrible power and oppression can easily crush the returning power into fly ash.

Anlin’s hands slammed the law, and the singer’s sword was defeated.

The dark swords traverse the sky, and the wind thunder fades!

"Go!" Anlin held the sword of victory in one hand and stabbed it to the hollow of the sky. The light spread over thousands of miles and shrouded the heavens and the earth.


Invisible fluctuations spread the world.

Everything seems to be still.

Whether it is a stormy turmoil or a thunderous thunder, it is as static as a painting.

Only the sword of victory is released, and the purest ink color is released to spread and fill the broken sky.

Then, as time goes by, the cracks begin to shrink, and the power of destruction begins to fall into the sky. This scene makes everyone look dazzled.

The dark clouds gradually dissipated and the sun began to spill over the earth.

Everything has become light and calm, and it has been peaceful.

Only one person is still standing above the sky, white clothes, and the gods are like jade.

On this day, there are countless people, and it is unforgettable for that figure.

"God...I saw a miracle?"

"The singer in the white is in the Sendai, and the power of the celestial king is enough to be surprising. Now it will still make up the sky. What else is he going to do?"

"He is the savior, he saved all of us!"

"On the white, Xian Anlin is the myth of the world, the symbol of invincibility!!"

There are countless monks who have smashed all these things, and they are excited to say that their hearts are full of admiration.

Yan Shuqin Mei looked at the sky, smiled and said: "In the destruction of the rebirth, the world will usher in a new atmosphere, the new owner of the world, looks pretty good?"

The broken sky was repaired~www.readwn.com~ Xiaoxie is not only tired, but more exciting, as if I like to do this kind of thing, I love working, I will die if I don't work for me.

Anlin had some helplessness and silently took back the sword in his hand.

The rupture of the sky is a very low probability event. Where can he make a broken world for Xiaoxie?

Having said that... He recently ran to other worlds to play, as if he had encountered something that had broken in the sky?

First is the early ancient dragon domain, then the Shenyuan continent...

Is this going to be the rhythm of demolition of the world? !

"An Lin." A soft, twirling voice rang behind him.

Anlin turned and saw a woman wearing a red fairy dress, her skin was like snow, and she was looking at herself with a smile.

"It turned out to be Yang Lingqian, how, just I am handsome?" An Lin smiled.

Yang Lingqian was a little shy, the pink face was charming and blushing, and nodded lightly: "It’s very handsome, handsome from the head to the end!"

This time, she did not confess or perfunctoryly answer, but said from the heart.

She looked up, her sleek eyes were straight on Anlin, and it seemed to be courageous. She added: "It’s still handsome that I can’t completely open my eyes!"

"Oh..." Ann Lin stunned, and he boasted that he was a little embarrassed.

He looked at the woman's gaze and seemed to be able to see some of the emotions contained in the woman's glare.

"Haha..." An Lin smiled and patted the woman's head in front of him. "Go, it's time to copy some spoils."

"Copying the trophy?" Yang Lingqian returned to God and asked with a red face.

Anlin waved the fairy king ring in his hand and said: "There is no treasure in it. The fairy palace must have a treasure. I have to count the money."

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