I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1384: A lot of fairy fairy!

A good private treasure!

Is the fairy baby there?

Anlin was very excited, but his face was indifferent: "If you do, take the lead, I have to see how many dirty things are hidden in this evil king!"

Gongsun Biyu’s mouth was slightly pumped, and he nodded and said: “You will come with me on white.”

After searching for the treasure house of the Xianwang Palace, they began to go to the private treasure house of Xianwang.

According to the infinite virtue of the wind, what good things want to possess, this private treasure house must have many good things that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

The people came to the main hall of the king of the Spring Festival in Chunhua Palace.

Gongsun Biyu opened an organ, the ground cracked, and a secret passage that spread downward appeared in front of the eyes. The crowd went all the way and found that there was a black circular enchantment wrapped in front.

"Well, there is enchantment protection left by the imperial king wind, there may be some trouble..." Gongsun Biyu face dew color.

She had no time to come with the wind, but she didn't have this enchantment. She wanted to come to the wind and bound her before she arrived.

The enchantment of the super-powerful squad, even if it is a simple enchantment, is terrible.

Just when everyone looks dignified.


Anlin's eyes flashed over the white mans, and he slammed into a bullet. The black round enchantment was like a glass falling on the ground, bursting into a broken piece.

"Hey, this level of enchantment, the chicken and the dog!"

Anlin faintly said that he should first go to the forefront.

All the celestial beings sucked a swig of cold.

The enchantment of the celestial king's wind without a hand, can't hold the white singer's handful?

Really worthy of being the first person in the world, the first legendary **** of the mainland!

Wang Chen, Luo Yan and others, looked more and more awe, and carefully followed Anlin.

Yin Xi is a face-to-face reason, and the Tang Da Dan's founder, to achieve this level, isn't that the basic operation?

Anlin was unimpeded all the way, came to the front door of a dark metal engraved with lotus, and then slap the door into a powder.

In an instant, the door was bursting with a dazzling treasure, and the rich scent of Xianbao came straight, almost hit him!

"This is the power of Xianbao formed by many fairy tools!!"

An Lin sucked a scent of Xianbao, and the face was shocked.

This time, not only Anlin, but even Yin Xi, who regards treasures like dung, can see his eyes straight.

Yang Lingqian is more stunned and excited, almost fainting.

Although these treasures have little to do with her, she is still very excited! !

Just like a cockroach seeing the gold of the mountain, even if the gold does not belong to him, he will still accelerate his heartbeat, even a myocardial infarction.

In front of Anlin’s eyes, all are fairy and elixir and all kinds of fairy treasures! !

Almost no hesitation, he began to use the gods.

Giant spirit heart pen, Ying Long hand, Shen Yuan heart, Tiandu purple gold knife, Tianhuo red heart bracelet...

Japanese gold fairy, rupture nine mourning, autumn ancient fairy, **** should Longdan, Yuxian grass soul Xiandan, nine turn soul Dan...

Xianxian material Xuanbing magic grass, ghost lotus vine, Tianmo evil bone, ice clean copper, wild coconut tree...

Too much! It is too much!

Anlin has never seen so many fairy treasures in this life!

Twenty-three pieces of fairy, thirty-eight cents, and one hundred and six pieces of fairy materials! !

Even the god-level materials have three pieces, namely Leiyuan Star Crystal, Hongyan Devil, and Heavenly Book.

However, there is no such thing as a refiner in the world that can refine artifacts, so there is no such super high-level item as artifacts.

Under the strong demand of Anlin, Yin Xi received eight elixirs.

In this way, Anlin will have twenty-three pieces of fairy, thirty elixir, one hundred and sixty pieces of sage materials and three pieces of god-level materials in the bag!

This scene, see Gongsun Biyu, Wang Chen, Luo Yan and others swallowed.

"Sure enough, it is a tyrant who is extremely evil. Even the treasures that have been searched for so much are shocking, and people are angry!" Ann Linyi said.

When the elders heard this, they couldn’t help but twitch. When you say this, can you not laugh so happy?

Anlin turned his attention to Luo Yan and said: "The next time you come, what is the place where you said the fairy king messenger to collect hidden things."

Luo Yan respectfully said: "You will come with me on the white clothes!"

The crowd moved again.

This time, they came to the black lake in the depths of the Imperial Palace.

In the Xianwang Palace, which had just been ravaged, most of the surrounding buildings have been turned into ruins, but the black lake has not suffered any damage, and it is still as perfect as a black jewel.

Luo Yan runs the red flame Shinto in his hand and draws a circle on the Black Lake: "Black Water Cave, Open!"

The lake began to swell, and the water splashed and gathered into a round black hole.

"The sorrow in white is here." Luo Yan looked respectfully.

Anlin nodded slightly and followed Luo Yan into a round black hole.

As soon as I entered the black hole, there was an extremely strange crystal mine.

These crystals are all black and black, and they look deep and deep, as if they are a degrading abyss.

"This is..." Anlin was surprised to see the crystal mines scattered all over the place. He was able to confirm that it was definitely nothing in front of him.

Luo Yan respectfully bowed forward and said: "The crystal mine in front of the white man ~www.readwn.com~ is the collection of the emperor of the emperor, which has been collected for thousands of years. They are called Jingjing, and they contain extremely The rich dark energy has the effect of enlightening the understanding of the yin system and the one-time release of dark energy."

"The fairy king wind has no end to order the emperor's messenger to collect for thousands of years, just for this kind of thing?" An Lin looked at the dense black crystal mine in front of him, some unbelievable.

"Don't look down on these crystal mines in white, and don't say that it has a miraculous effect on the cultivation of the top monks in the dark system. Just let it be used as a material for detonation. The effect is also terrible. A crystal is enough to be hit hard. Kill a top class!" Luo Yan looked serious.

Ann Lin was shocked: "Is there such a bully? Why did the king of Xian did not use it to deal with me?"

Luo Yan face dew, some fear, and some look at An Lin with enthusiasm, explained: "Maybe Xian Wang does not want to waste these crystals? He may feel that killing you is a breeze..."

Luo Yan’s guess is very reasonable. This may also be the true idea of ​​the eternal king’s wind, but now the fairy’s grave grass is already three feet tall...

"In addition, this crystal has a very special effect..." Luo Yan quietly Mimi.

"Oh? What effect?" Anlin curious.

"Once the enemy is blown up in the crystal, a special spiritual power will be released in the crystal, which can engulf the enemy's mind and make the enemy become demented."

"In other words, the enemy is easy to be stupid! This kind of being stupid, repaired to a deeper may be a short stupid, repaired to a shallower, will definitely become a permanent dementia!" Luo Yan look awe.

When Anlin heard this, his eyes began to light up.

With such special effects, he really wants to try it!

So he turned his eyes to Luo Yan and others...

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