I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1385: 49 Xiangong

Luo Yan and others scared his face whitish, and An Lin’s gaze was too irritating!

"White celestial, we tell you everything we know, you promised to deal with us lightly..." Wang Chen trembled.

An Lin wouldn’t really want to use Ming Jing on them. He suddenly wanted to try it. Now I want to come. There are still many objects for him to experiment with. There is no need for Wang Chen and others to be targets. They are not useful anymore.

"Well, I promised to spare you a life." Anlin nodded. In addition to the dead great elder Fu Fucang and the escaping Kunlun Liushen, the other elders were actually moderate, and they could try to adjust.

"The death penalty can be exempted, and the living sin can not escape. You must swear by the heart, from now on, no longer bullying the weak, and implementing every policy of the Forty-nine Immortals, one effective loyalty to the Forty-nine Immortals!" Open the road awe.

Wang Chen, Luo Yan, Gong Sun Biyu, one can listen to life, hurried should be.

But soon, they returned to God.

"Wait, what happened to the Forty-nine Fairy Palace and the Forty-nine Xianzong?"

Luo Yan snorted and asked.

Anlin’s hand behind him, faintly said: “From now on, there is no more fairy palace, and some are just the forty-nine palaces...”

The three men looked a glimpse, yeah, the celestial kings were all dead, and now it’s natural to turn to the celestial world in the white dress. Nowadays, the man in front of him is the most noble creature under the sun. What he said is naturally what it is! !

One thought of this, the three people once again said: "Follow! King of the Immortal!"

"Ah? Don't give me such a vulgar title!" Anlin was not happy to hear the title.

Luo Yan and others are exposed, the king of the fairy, what is wrong?

"Please call me Xiandi adults!" Anlin said.

Luo Yan, Wang Chen, Gong Sunbiyu: "..."

"Haha... It’s a joke. You continue to call me in white. I like this. I still like it. Don’t engage in formalism with me."

Anlin’s face was indifferent to the hand.

Everyone’s heart is in the belly, isn’t the white sin on formalism?

The three elders then swear by the heart and set a vow to humiliate and humiliate the country. Once the oath is violated, they will break the heart and repair it.

This result is actually better than they think. It is a bit strange that we can't hurt and bully people who are low-weak. Isn't it the most precious group of people under the sun? Is it not a matter of righteousness to occasionally insult a creature that is weaker than him?

This is the ethos of the Shenyuan continent, and the situation of the strong is respected to the extreme. You are the strongest creature with the strongest strength, then the rest of the soul will be convinced, and the low-level realm encounters the creatures of the high realm.

The emperor of the emperor belongs to the core power of the immortal king, and the emperor of the king will be admired by thousands of people.

Of course, these deep-rooted ideas, Anlin will gradually change.

He established the Forty-nine Immortals Palace for this matter, he wants to improve the world!

What Yin Lin did, Yin Xi actually said that she could not understand.

I want Yin Xi said that I took the Tiandao fragments and went straight back. What is the world, what are they going to do? Besides, the biggest poisonous tumor king is dead, and the world will regain its vitality. Sooner or later, it will return to the era when hundreds of schools contend and Wanzong opened.

However, Anlin didn't think so. In the case of the group dragons, every dramatic change meant that the smoke was everywhere, and the creatures were smeared. He couldn't do it without patting the butt.

Just take so many treasures of the wind, and do more good things.

An Lin came to the main hall of the Imperial Palace, and unexpectedly found a woman with a very attractive appearance, waiting respectfully and waiting.

When she saw the arrival of Anlin, she was as low as Bailian, and she gave a sigh of worship: "Let's go to Yan Shuqin and meet the fairy in white!"

"You are the queen of Yan Shuqin?" Anlin was a little surprised.

Yan Shuqin is the upper immortal in the mid-negative period. When the sky collapsed, she had a good chance to escape.

"Now the immortal king is dead, where is there any face that is called the queen, you just call the name just fine..." Yan Shuqin's voice is soft and gentle, gentle and sweet, like marshmallow In the same way, there is absolutely no sternness and skill in the Lord of the First House.

Anlin nodded slightly, and looked a little slower: "That's OK, Xiaoqin, please come up, and tell me, why are you coming to me?"

Yan Shuqin stood up, and the beautiful face had a shallow smile: "There are still 623 people in the Chunhua Palace, who are willing to stay and serve you in white. I don't know when you went to see the king." a bit?"

An Lin heard a cold breath: "They are willing to serve me? The hundreds of female repairs are the scorpions of the fairy king! I am not good at this!"

Yan Shuqin licked his mouth and said softly: "The white body is celestial, the body condition of the celestial king is boundless, you know it too... The six hundred scorpions are still the virgin body, they are also willing to put your arms in your arms. Among them, as long as you nod your head, they are yours."

Uh... Just a little bit ~www.readwn.com~ can have more than 600 beautiful women's harem?

Anlin’s heart jerked and had to say that it was really exciting.

But I always feel that this story seems to have been seen.

Thousands of scorpions, there are still more than half willing to stay with him.

It seems that the original two thousand people Raiders plan to exclude the law, the effect is still very good! Successfully, this group of women who want to climb up and can abandon many things is excluded.

As for so many questions that I am willing to serve him, can you ask for it...

Is he Anlin the kind of person? !

"I said in whit, I want to give them freedom, they must give them freedom! They want to stay with me? Sorry, I don't like to open the harem." Anlin whispered.

Yan Shuqin looked at Anlin with some mistakes.

In this world, where there is strength, no one is admired, and wives are married.

Do you even want to send the beauty to the door?

"This... why?" Yan Shuqin could not help but ask.

An Lin looked at Yan Shuqin seriously: "Because my heart is very small, I can only accommodate the next person."

Yan Shuqin was stunned. She was the first to hear such a speech, and that statement was still spoken from the mouth of the first strong man in the Shenyuan continent...

The woman who was fascinated by the Chunhua Palace had the same feeling for the first time in her heart. The inexplicable heartbeat was somewhat accelerated, and it was calm and calm before.

Yang Lingqian also looked at the man in front of him.

In this case, if "that person" refers to her, then she will definitely be the happiest person in the world, but she knows that this is impossible.

"Dismiss the scorpions of the Chunhua Palace, and send them some spiritual stones. In addition, I still don't understand why you didn't go?" An Lin turned his eyes to Yan Shuqin and asked.

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