I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1387: Re-establish order

The fairy king wind has nowhere to succumb to the death of Sendai.

In the white, a sword and a sword fill the sky. The Imperial Palace officially became the Forty-nine Imperial Palace. The forces of the Xianwang Palace began to be compiled and cleared, and all the scorpions of Chunhua Palace regained their freedom...

One news, spread across the continent at an extremely fast rate.

The creatures of the entire continent are aware of one thing, that is, the world has finally changed its master again, and the new owner is called Xian Anlin in white!

Anlin rose at an extremely fast speed, and ended the rule of the celestial kingdom for nearly 10,000 years with the thunder, which made all the creatures shocked. They all know that Anlin won with absolute force, without any luck and moisture.

The celestial celestial man looks good, not close to the female color, can seek welfare for the oppressed woman, and saves the world with a sword. The new owner of this continent should be better than the fairy king?

A paradise.

The 20,000 women rescued from the Wolf Teng Palace, who were rescued from the Chunhua Palace, saw the celestial celestial again.

He looked at the women and smiled: "The fairy king is dead and dead. Now on this continent, I have the final say, you are free from now on!"

They will never forget, the gentle and domineering when the singer said this sentence in white, he was so dazzling and yearning for that moment.

The women are free, but the things of God's mainland are not over.

On the white, Xian Anlin and Dandan Leda, the demon king, began to crusade the remnant of the king. The most representative is the end of the Kunlun Six Gods, the Dragon, the Ghost, the Spike, the poisonous flower, the river god, the flame Six powerful top-ranking immortals, the criminal dragon and the poisonous flower did not yield and surrender, and they were defeated.

Ghost vines are missing.

The river **** and the flame singer surrendered, and set a moral oath, eternal life forever loyalty to the forty-nine cents. Not only that, but they also voluntarily contributed most of their belongings, and dedicated themselves to rebuilding the new order of the gods and continents...

In addition, the rest of the forces of the Xianwang Palace, some escaped, some surrendered, some sinful and evil, no matter how high the weight, will be washed by violence.

The overall strength of the Imperial Palace was weakened by nearly half in just one month.

But the souls of the mainland know that no matter as long as the celestial beings are still in the white, the forty-nine sacred palaces are invincible and supernatural in the world!

Just in the hearts of all beings, think that things will end like this.

A new policy began to be promulgated from the Imperial Palace, which instantly sensationalized the whole world.

All the ruling areas of Shenyuan mainland, the amount of Xiuxian resources turned over to the Forty-Nine Palaces, depending on the development of the region, cut 80% to 90%!

What kind of strength is this?

It can be said that even the most impoverished areas can have rich balances!

Countless Wangfu’s leaders looked up at the sky and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: It’s going to be a day... It’s just a cloud of dark clouds, turning into a clear sky.

No one can believe that the April 9th ​​Palace will reduce its income by 80%!

Any living being is greedy, and the cultivating souls regard the cultivation of immortal resources as a part of the top priority, but the forty-nine sacred palaces, or the white sacred priests, can actually abandon these. What is this? Kind of power and ideas?

I am afraid that these resources can only maintain the normal operation of the forces of the Forty-Nine Palaces?

Even if it is a white man who wants to win over the hearts of the people, he will reduce the amount of the payment by 30%. I am afraid that most of the souls will be filled with tears, thanks to Dade, without any complaints.

Whether it is the predecessor of the state's imperial government, or the city's civilians, can't believe that the white sacred will issue such a policy, which simply broke through the limits of their imagination of future life.

For a time, the forces of the great and small powers of the Shenyuan continent reached their peak for the support of the new regime in the white.

Then, there were a series of decrees that sensationalized the entire continent.

For example, thousands of predecessors in the mainland are the urban areas of the country and become highly autonomous regions. To put it simply, the Forty-Nine Palaces once again gave them power to let them develop freely and no longer dominate everything.

The emperor of the king became a messenger of white, no longer a representative of the fairy on the high white, but a public servant serving the people! The people of Shenyuan mainland must not be forced to do things they do not want.

Every palace is open to the public to report the land. If there is any bad behavior in the white messenger, it can be reported through the palace, and it will go straight to the sanctuary of the Forty-ninth Palace to judge and decide.

This time, many kings of the palace, this time really flattered.

The return of power, the self-discipline of the white messenger...

The white messenger seconds become the rhythm of the white angel! !

If the palace has various illegally squeezing mortals, it can also be reported through the white ambassador, and the same can be directly reached to the ruling hall to make a ruling.

Whether it is a strong person with a high weight or a low-ranking ordinary person, they all realize that the white sin is really wanting to make them better.

Is this celestial celestial being sent to God to save them?

On the white, Xian Anlin ~ www.readwn.com ~ really deified.

Not only is the deification of the people, but even the immortality of the return to the virtual level, they are revered, and they are not as good as they are.

After the rule of the rule of the forty-nine palaces, the status of the ruling is becoming more and more detached, and some are like the United Nations with a high version. The only difference is that this United Nations has absolute force and execution, although it does not intervene in management, but if there is anything, one order, the world is from! !

A force with strength and virtue, no matter who it is, will choose to support.

Afterwards, some policies were promulgated and became extremely smooth.

For example, the abolition of the worship ceremony, the promulgation of various new laws, the establishment of the Women’s Federation, Yan Shuqin as the chairman of the Women’s Federation, etc...

Later, the Forty-nine Xian Palace also promulgated the two-character calligraphy, which is read by everyone, rich and powerful, democratic, civilized, harmonious, free, equal, fair, and rule of law...

No matter who you are, every time you read it, you feel that there is a sigh of anger that hangs over the body and creates a sin.

This may be the force of some kind of law that coincides with the birth of the whole world. Once triggered, it will be ineffective, and faintness has become their values ​​and certain beliefs.

Anlin saw that a new world is gradually taking shape. Everything is so thriving and full of vigor and vitality.

Inside the Forty-nine Immortals Palace.

"I have already done what I have done. This time, I have been innocent, and it is time to go back." Anlin teas and smiles.

Yang Lingqian’s hand was slightly stunned and looked at Anlin’s road: “So fast? Don’t stay a little longer? The forty-nine cents palace is gone, what should I do?”

She is the only person on the mainland who knows the true identity of the immortal in white.

Know that the white sin and the Dandan Le Da De, are the strong from the outside world!

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