I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1388: Successful completion of the task

Anlin saw the disappointment from the eyes of Yang Lingqian.

He smiled and played Yang Lingqian's forehead and smiled and said: "Don't you be so sloppy? Without me, the world can still develop! The forty-nine celestial palaces are good and there are hundreds of imaginary geniuses, seven returning to the virtual The top of the peak is sitting in the town, what are you afraid of?"

Yang Lingqian slightly flat mouth, a pair of autumn water eyes looking at An Lin: "But, you are our spiritual pillar..."

"Hey, you are now one of the eight cabinets, mature!" An Lin said awe.

"Well..." Yang Lingqian nodded gently, even though she did not know, she could not keep Anlin.

The Eightth Cabinet is the highest authority of the Forty-Nine Palaces. It consists of Heshen, Yan Ji, Wang Chen, Gongsun Biyu, Luo Yan, Yan Shuqin, Yang Lingqian, Peng Yuan, and eight people. He is responsible for the discussion and decision of major issues. It consists of the top scent of the returning imaginary peak.

Yang Lingqian can be said to be a cute and siberian husky inside, full of sense of violation, but everyone will respect the Husky's opinion.

There is no other reason, because this huskies are standing behind the white sin!

Yang Lingqian’s father, Yang Zheng, learned that his daughter had become the eight cabinets of the Forty-nine Immortals Palace. She almost fell off the chair and shouted at the graves of the ancestral graves. .

He did not expect that the small goodness under the management of his own small town would receive such a terrible blessing. This is not what the ancestral graves are.

Yang Zheng used the notes to keep talking to his daughter, and he must repay the confession in white.

Yang Lingqian also thought, but no chance! On the white clothes, Xian Xiu is a heaven, full of wealth, power, power and beauty, and there is no shortage of things. How can she repay?

She is about to cry, saying that she is afraid that she will not agree with her. After all, Anlin has also dismissed more than 600 self-recommended pillows and collected beautiful women from all over the mainland.

After Yang Zheng listened, he was helpless. He said that you should be the eight cabinets and serve the people. It is the best reward for the white sin...

After Shenyuan changed the owner.

Where mortals live and work in peace, the spirit of cultivation is full of vigor.

Wan Zong revival.

The gods of the great arrogance on the mainland have emerged.

They are either aiming at the celestial celestial beings, or they are eager to make a secret.

In just three months, the name of the fairy on white has been well known.

At the time when reputation reaches its peak.

In the white, Xian Xian suddenly announced a retreat and wanted to break through the new realm.

Retired with him, there is also the well-known Dandan Le Da De Wang Yinxi.

This incident has sensationalized the entire continent.

No one knows how long Anlin wants to retreat, but the Forty-nine Xian Palace has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even if it is closed for a long time, the deterrent power of Xiangong will not last forever.

On the heaven and earth altar of the Imperial Palace, there is a red woman who is full of independence.

In front of her is the white sin of the famous mainland and the Dandan devil.

"I can't think of a blink of an eye, three months have passed." An Lin said with some emotions.

"Listen to you, it seems that three months is very long! I was afraid that one year is not enough!" Yin Xi rolled his eyes.

Anlin shook his head. "I was going to finish it for three days."

If it weren’t for the system’s noisy moth, where did he need such a long time?

After the management of the forces of the Forty-Nine Palaces and the improvement of the order of the entire continent, it took a lot of time, but fortunately the result was good, and a new world was taking shape.

Yin Xi was stimulated by An Lin’s words. After a while, he said: “We are now urging the two circles in the body to transmit energy and shuttle between the two worlds.”

The longest period of energy maintenance is one year.

But they can choose to boost the energy early and go back in advance.

At the same time, An Lin and Yin Xi urged the power of the body, and the power of a recall fell from the sky.


Jinguanghehe, shrouded the two people on the altar of heaven and earth.

"An Lin Shangxian, you have to come back often, I will always wait for you in the Forty-ninth Palace." Yang Lingqian shouted, for fear that Anlin could not hear.

"Good luck, be an independent and self-improving woman!" Anlin smiled and encouraged.

"Yeah!" Yang Lingqian focused on the head, and the tears in his eyes couldn't help it. Looking at the white figure that gradually disappeared, he couldn't help but walk to the first two steps when he thought about what he would see in the future. That, Anlin Shangxian, I, can I hold you?"

This sentence almost exhausted her courage.

But she was still red-eyed and looked at the man covered in golden light.

Anlin snorted and then smiled and stretched out his arms.

Yang Lingqian, such as the milk swallows, generally rushed to Anlin, only to have a momentary real touch, the white figure in front of it turned into golden light particles disappeared in the heavens and the earth.

She stood in the same place, looking at the empty heaven and earth, and some were at a loss.

Suddenly, she felt the warmth of the wrist.

Yang Lingqian looked down and looked at the fairy bracelet that jumped with the flames of flames. The face finally showed a faint smile: "I will definitely work hard to cultivate, and the realm is too low. I am afraid that even if you live, you will not return." ”

Bai Qionghai.

Suddenly there was a huge whirlpool.

The big array trembled fiercely.

An old man lying on the big turtle on the big turtle ~www.readwn.com~ suddenly opened his eyes and excited: "I only came back in three months? I don't know if things are done."

When he stepped on his footsteps, his body crossed the hundred miles in an instant, and he came to the giant jellyfish in the depths of Bai Qionghai. The clear eyes of the gods were staring at the two gates of the two worlds, which were both intense and exciting.

The strength has almost surpassed the moral celestial respect of the whole continent, and now it is just like a child. The success or failure of this task can be said to determine the fate of the entire continent, and it is no wonder that he will become like this.

Soon, the familiar two figures appeared at the door.

"An Lin Xiaoyou, Yin Xi, great, you are all right!" Moral Tianzou smiled happily, caressing the white long beard, his eyes smashed into a seam, laughing like an old baby.

Both of them seem to be in good shape, excluding the possibility of a return to life and death in advance, so there is only one possibility.

"Master, we did it!" Yin Xi haha ​​laughed.

"Ethical esteem, fortunately, not to be insulted." An Lin also performed a ritual, faint smile.

"This time thanks to the anti-day force of Anlin's brother, the shot is super-powerful to kill, otherwise the mission is really hanging!" Yin Xi said excitedly, no intention to ask for help. Instead, he looked at An Lin with a look of worship.

"Ha ha ha... good!" Moral Heaven's honor must be laughed.

At this time, suddenly there was a colorful light shining above the sea.

An extremely beautiful voice came from above.

"Not as good as you come to my life lodge, let's talk about it?"

When Anlin heard the sound, he felt comfortable and had an inexplicable intimacy.

"Let's go, go to the niece's mortuary and get together." Moral celestial mood is very good, some old smiled.

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