I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1389: See the niece

Going to the house of the son-in-law to gather together?

When Anlin heard the words of moral esteem, the whole person was not good. First, he was very nervous and scared, and then suddenly excited!

Don't think about it, he just never saw this legendary figure.

Now I finally have a chance to meet one side, so I am excited.

There are many legends about the son-in-law. The most famous ones are the son-in-law and the son-in-law.

The virginity of the virginity refers to the creation of the high-intelligence ethnic group of the early continental world in the shackles. To be precise, the earth is created by the son-in-law.

The niece fills the sky, and it is the defect of the heavens in the early mainland. This is the scorpion of the purple star civilization, but it is necessary for the son-in-law to help wipe the ass...

However, after she finished the day, she only delayed the arrival of the anti-paradox crisis, allowing the public to have more time to cope. In other words, she made up for an incomplete day.

Now that the crisis has reappeared, it has become more and more serious.

The son-in-law once again appeared on the world stage. I heard that she is still the leader of the Tiantian gang. The Emperor is the second-in-command. She has been preparing for the cause of the heavens. It is really for the human race and has broken the heart for the world.

It is said that the establishment of the heavenly court has a lot of connections with the son-in-law. The fight against the Buddha Sun Wukong in the Western Heavenly Kingdom is also broken out from her patchwork stone. It is also a good relationship with the Terran.

An Lin pondered the creation of the great power of the people, and almost all of them were good for the human race. Just like the nurses of the Terran, they ran from time to time.

I really don't know why she is so good to the Terran?

The colored light penetrates tens of thousands of meters of sea water and goes directly to the place where Anlin and others are located.

Anlin looked up and could see a looming figure. Just above Bai Qionghai, he was graceful. Even if it was a distant view, there was a feeling of peace of mind.

He also has to look at it in the future, and the power of a space has shrouded the whole body.

It is a very high-level space force. He can hardly do any reaction, and he feels that things change stars, visions are distorted, and space changes.

The next time he blinked again, he came to a very small wooden house.

When Anlin breathed, she felt that the indescribable fresh air flowed all over the body, as if she had washed away all the lead in her body and felt that it was easier and more comfortable than ever.

Not only that, but all the cells in his body seem to be active.

A hundred times more spirit, leisurely leisure!

Anlin had a feeling that if he let him breathe here for 10,000 years and do nothing, it would be super happy! !

The decoration of the wooden house is very simple, but it is not simple.

There are simple paintings, but the painting seems to be a world, ready to go.

There is a simple coffee table, the tea is clear on the small teacup, and the floating tea fragrance allows him to directly judge that the tea above is at least a god-level thing.

The simple carved window reveals a sense of divinity.

A simple and elegant dressing table with a hundred flowers in full bloom in the mirror.

The bells are crisp and windy, and the wind is coming, it can make a simple but pleasing sound, which makes people intoxicated...

Yes, every item in the room looks simple at first glance.

But if you look deeper, you can find the extraordinary things.

"I didn't expect it, the son-in-law really let us come to this room." Moral Tianzun sat across from the opposite side, cheerfully opening the door, not forgetting to pour himself a cup of tea.

It seems that he is not here for the first time, after all, I have seen this house.

Yin Xi sat aside, staring at the round eyes, and looked at the curiously around, apparently the same as An Lin.

Anlin couldn't help but look at the bed behind the light color.

Then the eyes are blooming, blindness...

"An Lin Xiaoyou, some pictures can not be looked at." Slightly ridiculous, but very gentle voice passed to the ear, the sound line is clear and natural, it sounds very comfortable.

Anlin turned his head, which restored his vision. He apologized apologetically: "Sorry, my predecessor, I just took the liberty..."

"It doesn't matter, introduce myself, I am a son-in-law." The woman slowly walked out from behind.

Anlin looked up and saw a woman wearing a colorful fairy dress coming in, and under the slender jade neck, there was a crisp chest like a white jade, a waistband, not a full grip, a pair of white and well-balanced The legs are bare, and even the beautiful lotus feet are silently releasing her charm.

Anlin couldn’t help but secretly swallow a sip. Isn’t the son-in-law of the snake-tailed person? How do you show people in the human form?

Nvwa is not the most beautiful woman. Among the women he has seen, she can only rank third. The first is that Xu Xiaolan does not explain, and the second is jealous.

Her facial features are exquisite without any defects, and it looks very natural. Although it is not so fascinating to others, it belongs to the kind of face that can be fascinating for tens of thousands of years of continuous reading.

Her skin is white and jade, and her body is like a natural being. Standing in the world, it is the most beautiful scenery in the world, as if it is the darling of the world.

This is the real goddess, and the goddess who does not have a sense of guilt in the heart~www.readwn.com~Anlin thought a lot at this moment.

The son-in-law was sitting on his own, and he looked at Anlin with curiosity.

"Why, have you seen enough? I think I can rank in the first place?" asked the girl.

Anlin returned to God in an instant, his face was even more embarrassed, as if his mind was seen through the general, only felt very rude, he replied honestly: "You are more beautiful than all the women I have seen! Naturally ranked first One!"

"Oh... really shameless!" A cold, hostile voice suddenly came from behind.

Anlin turned his head and saw the face, and his face changed.

A light black dress, black long straight hair draped over the waist, the beautiful and beautiful woman, looking at Anlin with a look of indifference.

"Black snake, are you here too?" Ann Lin was shocked.

This is really the heart of the family!

How long has it been before, and I have met this killing star!

Anlin still has fear in the future, and it is a voice.

"Who do you say shamelessly, isn't it true that An Lin Xiaoyou said? Are you not coming over to pour tea for the guests?" The son-in-law yelled.

Black snake: "..."

An Lin Le, the female niece is a good assist!

This time, as long as you hold the thigh of the niece, what can I do with this stinky snake?

The black snake snake came over with grievances, reluctantly for the son-in-law, moral celestial respect, Yin Xi, and an angry face of An Lin poured tea.

Seeing the sly smile, the black snake could not control himself.

Morality is honorable, as if watching a good show.

Nvwa smiled and said: "Oh, there are no outsiders here, and your heavenly fragments are taken out."

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