I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1403: Manned space rocket

The export of the secret.

Suddenly there was a huge rocket.

The white body of the body, the red pointed head, and a pair of translucent gold wings.

An Lin was tied to the outside of the rocket by a gold wire, blowing the cold wind and blowing his hair, just like accepting the sanctions, and immediately sent to the heresy.

He looked at Bai Ling underneath with a black line: "This is what you said let me take the rocket? Is this rocket in your home?"

Tied your body outside the rocket and shot it on the "sit" rocket. Do you believe it?

Bai Ling Qingli’s face raised a smile of expectation: “I designed this purple star No.1, it’s just a first-time product, and there is no manned function, you will use it.”

"This will be a bit scary, I really won't die?" An Lin was awkward.

"You are now a dying power, still afraid of these things? Is it not shameful?" Bai Ling is somewhat scornful. "Moreover, this is not a matter of time, it is for the sake of Cocosty, but also Do this."

An Lin: "..."

It sounds like this is the truth.

Eggs! For Cocosty them, fight!

"Let's go, send me to heaven!" Anlin took a deep breath and said.

Just then, a voice came from afar.

"An Lin Giant, you have to fight, why not bring me!"

A very beautiful elf came from afar and had a color of concern on his face.

"An Lin, this time you don't think about a person facing, I can help you too!" Xu Xiaolan also came from the sword, such as a blue shadow.

"Look, our lord is tied to the rocket!"

"What is this to do, to rush out of the mainland, fly to the sea of ​​stars?"

"I always feel that there is something wrong with it. Is the ergonomic manned space rocket so ascending to heaven?"

Because the rockets are relatively large, many of the sects of the sects have also seen the strange rockets. They have started to talk hotly and are very curious.

Anlin saw the flying Dina and Xu Xiaolan, and immediately said: "Ignition!"

The enemy he will face is likely to be an enemies at the joint level. Bringing them to Xu Xiaolan is really dangerous. After all, Xu Xiaolan is also invincible under the road, but now the enemy is a harmonious way!

Bai Ling heard the words immediately: "Ten, nine..."

An Lin’s face was dark and urged: “Immediately ignited!”

At this time, it is still counting down. Is it that Xiaolan is not running fast enough?

Bai Ling heard the words speed up: "8:76..."

Anlin was so angry that "I told you to ignite immediately, not to speed up the countdown!"

Bai Ling was too lazy to care for him. How could he understand the sense of sacredness and ritual when launching the rocket? If the countdown is the most important one, the rocket launched will have no soul.

The speed of Dina and Xu Xiaolan was so fast that they immediately rushed to the front of Anlin, and wanted to hold the rocket tightly and go to heaven together.

But at this moment, a space barrier suddenly blocked the two people who rushed.

They seem to be hitting an invisible wall, and even if they use the ability to tear the space, they can't break it.

"Four three three one, ignition!" Bai Ling smiled and completed the countdown to the ignition.

If the rocket is to be launched, how can there be no environmental protection measures?

Her space defense, the return to the virtual level of power can not be broken.


At the bottom of the rocket, there was a dazzling ray of light, and the power of recoil allowed the rocket to ascend to heaven. At the same time, the golden translucent wings on both sides of the rocket, extending over the kilometer, began to wave the wings like a bird, and the unspeakable strong thrust began to appear.

Anlin was dragged by the rocket, all the way to the sky!

"Ah, ah...!"

Strong sense of overweight, still let An Lin could not help but scream.

Forty-nine sects, the disciples of the onlookers, were shocked.

"Look, our lord live broadcasts to the sky!"

"The Little Lange and the Master of the Court have chased it!"

"Hurry, can they catch up?"

"Being chased by two peerless beauty, I suddenly felt that the Sovereign was so happy."

"Is this the legendary manned rocket? It feels very exciting..."

Anlin was ascended to the sky by the rocket, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Xu Xiaolan and Dina want to go with them, but they dare not forcibly break the rocket's defense. I am afraid that one will not cut the rocket and cut it. Wouldn't it help to save the plan of Cocosti and others?

Xu Xiaolan was angry and anxious, and his eyes were red: "An Lin, you are a bastard! I obviously won't drag my legs, why don't you bring me!"

An Lin heard the words in his heart, loudly said: "I will go back, very soon, wait for me to come back!"

It is impossible to really dry up with a few **** emperors, and it is impossible to win. He has his own plan, and this plan is more difficult to implement, so it is better to fight alone.

Before Anlin was on the rocket, he had already passed the notes with the Emperor.

The three great emperors have other important tasks and cannot return in a short time.

But the Emperor and the Ziwei Emperor are free, they will go to the main territory of the blood family to engage in things, seduce the rest of the blood family emperors to come back. Anlin took the opportunity to enter the core of the blood family, entered the blood ancestral site to rescue the three sons, and then evacuated at the fastest speed.

Now, the Emperor and the Ziwei Emperor have set off ~www.readwn.com~ The ability to join the road is very fast, one thousand miles, the extraordinary creature can imagine. I believe that before the arrival of Anlin, they will be able to attract the blood of the great emperor to fight.

The super powers of the road can be mutually inductive, and the returning to the virtual environment of An Lin can just come in and there is no problem!

Anlin is now fighting every second, sitting right in front of the rocket.

"The coordinates have been confirmed, the track confirmed... Entering the Golden Shuttle mode." A mechanical sound suddenly came, and then the rocket exploded with infinite golden light, covering Anlin's body.

At the same time, the front of the rocket, the space ripples like a smashing world.

"Anlin Giant!" A voice from far and near, clear and sweet.

Anlin turned his head and saw an elf, flashing through the runes.

In the next moment, even the strength of Anlin actually lost the vision of the elf.

But the neck was suddenly strangled by the jade arm, feeling that it was about to break.

"Hold the grass! Are you going to murder?" Anlin was shocked.

"Oh... you can't get rid of Xiaona." The elf smiled like a flower, and a pair of crystal-clear jade arms clung to Anlin's neck and let go.

Anlin was speechless, and even if he was locked in the whole body by the golden thread, now he even has a neck and a hug, and there is no freedom.

In the midst of wonder, the rocket slammed into the air, and the huge body fell into the water and disappeared into the world.

Xu Xiaolan looked at the disappearing Anlin and screamed: "When the wings are long and hard, don't you want me?"

Bai Ling is also somewhat frustrated: "My rocket defense, obviously it is impossible to break under the joint road, how can it be penetrated by a returning spirit?"

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