I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1404: The holy ancestor debut

The center of the land of Blackpool.

Xianling treasure land.

Here is a piece of fairy land, beautiful to make people forget to return.

The blue sky is crystal clear, and the white crane flies in the clouds, making a burst of screams.

Even the heavenly kings did not dare to easily get involved in the center of the blood family. At this moment, they gathered a whole three super powers. They all looked dignified and seemed to be full of anger.

If even the Dark Emperor who entered the Holy Land of the blood ancestors counted, all the traits of the blood family were super powers, and they all came together. If the **** emperors have their own jurisdiction, if it is not the most important thing, it is impossible for the four great emperors to gather here.

The three great emperors stood outside a blood-colored palace, and the entire Xianling treasure land, there is no courageous super power to dare to approach.

"Who are the ancestors who said in their mouths?" The handsome face, Futian, holding a red-colored lupin, said with a smile, "I really want to see that person, why did he win over so many **** abilities that he died for?" ""

"Oh, I really didn't expect that even the three sons were involved in this matter. The Son is the **** ancestor of the revival of the blood family. How can they do this kind of thing? This is really unreasonable!" Deng Dadi gritted his teeth and opened his teeth.

"There are definitely other saints lurking in our land of Blackpool. When the dark mans catch three sons, we will summon the major lords back and check them one by one." The black empire spoke.

The Emperor of the Dark Mang has entered the Holy Land, and the rest of the Emperor is kept outside, in order to prevent the legendary Holy Father from coming to the rescue.

Emperor Eden nervously said: "We don't care about it. It can make the three great sons die for their lives. This holy ancestor will not be weak, at least it is the level of the road, and even the level of the creation god!"

The other two great emperors heard the news.

At this moment, the three emperors suddenly felt a sense of heart, while looking at a certain direction of the black land.

"Sure enough, there is a super-powerful way to step into the territory of my family!"

The super power of the road is sensitive to each other because of the fusion of the heavens and the earth. If there is no special hidden technique, it is easy to be discovered.

"Is the Holy Father coming?" Futian Emperor swayed the fan and smiled.

"Wait... this breath is very familiar..." Eden’s frown frowned and suddenly he said, “This is the breath of the Emperor and the Ziwei Emperor!”

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of the great emperors changed.

"Is the emperor of Heaven to provoke a full-scale war with the blood race?" The black-eyed people were cold and sullen, and the blood-stained eyes were slightly picked up.

It didn't take long for the great emperors to flash the notes, and they didn't have to pick them up. Many of the territories were being destroyed by the great emperors of heaven.

"This should not be a coincidence... tune the tiger away from the mountain?" Futian the Great said, "It seems that the Holy Father and the Heavenly Court have a relationship, we should not be fooled."

"This is not a problem that is not fooled. We have not been here. We believe that the emperors of the two heavens have directly removed our black land!" The black people sighed and showed helplessness. We have to fight!"

"The Emperor is not good to deal with..." Eden the Great sighed.

"There is nothing to deal with, I will go." Futian Emperor speaks the temperature and is not sick, and his face still has a faint smile.

Eden and the black people saw that Futian the Great was willing to take the shot, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Futian Emperor is the strongest of the blood family, only he can stop the edge of the Emperor.

"Then I will intercept the Ziwei Emperor." The black Yi emperor looked to Eden the Great. "You will stay in the land of Xianling. If there is an emergency, contact us."

Eden smiled and said: "Do not worry, the fairy tales left by the ancestors of the sacred treasures, can seal the Shinto of all living beings except the blood family. Even if the characters of the Emperor level come, they can't use the power of Shinto. I will be afraid of him?"

Eden is confident in this.

In the land of Xianling, he has not been married to Eden!

The Emperor Futian and the Heidi Emperor also thought so, and they began to go to the battlefield.

The body of Emperor Futian gradually became illusory and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Several of you followed Eden's emperor to keep it here." The black-eyed man snarled.

A woman with a short blond hair and a pretty black robes behind her can afford to bow down at the same time: "Don't be responsible!"

The three Golden Holy Protection Laws are extremely powerful and can play a big role here.

The black Yi people nodded slightly, and the sleeves danced. The black sleeves were used to spread out a road leading to the sky. The lotus steps were lightly moved, and the body shape quickly disappeared into the sky.

Emperor Eden looked at the figure of the two emperors, and sat down again in the throne. He said coldly: "How about tune the tiger away from the mountain, the ancestors may not know the horror of the fairy land, but the blood family depends on it. The strongest foundation. As long as the ancestors dare to come here, I will let him go without it!"

At this moment, there are already many **** strongmen and powerful people gathered in the vicinity of Xianling Baodi.

Some of them are called up, some are curious in the heart, come over, and some have an ulterior motive.

The only thing that is the same is that they have kept a great distance from the entrance to the blood ancestral holy land.

Otherwise, a single battle will be enough to make them die unclear.

The only one who decided to participate in this battle was Eden, and the three Golden Saints.

"Hey, what happened?"

"I don't know, the god-dish alliance has been destroyed. It is said that it is still the work of the black Yi people. Now there is a great emperor here. Is it difficult for someone to attack the Xianling treasure?"

"All the emperors are dispatched at the same time. This is going to change..."

"The fairy tales have a large array of blood ancestors left behind. Which one can dare to dare?"

Most of the **** strong people are eating melons without knowing the truth. But there are also some of the **** savvy eyes flashing, and there is some expectation in the tension.

If their guess is true, then they will see the legendary ancestors?

As soon as I read this, some powerful breathing has become urgent.

The ancestors of the ancestors, they think about it day and night, even the dreams are looking forward to. Nowadays, the ancestors will be as good as the gods~www.readwn.com~ I don't know what the style is, I want to be sure to be amazing across the black land! !

Just when the blood family can think about it.

Eden’s buttocks haven’t been hot yet, and his face has changed. He turned his eyes to somewhere in the sky: “Is the Holy Father finally coming, why can’t I feel his power fluctuations?”


There was a sudden roar of voice in the sky.

The golden ripples rippled around, and a pointed red head appeared in the void.

"This... what is this?"

"Long, thick, big!"

"There are still people tied up!"

"Ah... it fell!!"

A rocket with golden wings suddenly appeared in the void, falling toward the fairy tales at a terrible speed, and even Eden did not react.

"Be careful!"


The rocket fell to the ground and exploded!

Bang! !


The hand-painted map of Kyushu is officially released, thanks to the production of the true love powder.

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