I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1411: Bizarre

The Starfire battleship has contained Eden.

Anlin flew all the way into the Scarlet Hall.

The Scarlet Hall has a strong blessing of the formation, and survived in the aftermath of the battle.

As soon as Anlin entered the hall, he saw a white jade crystal statue and a golden door with a golden brilliance.

"This is the entrance to the blood sacred place that Cocosty said?" Anlin rushed to the front of the entrance, and the gods spread. At the same time, they used the gods and their eyes flashed over the white awns.

A piece of information began to appear.

The blood battle ancient battlefield: the ancient battlefield of the blood race and the aliens fighting outside the domain.

The explanation is very simple and there is no information that Anlin needs.

"Is it the way I opened my eyes?" Anlin muttered to himself.

He closed his eyes and opened the pure white eyes again, looking at the gates.

A piece of information appeared in my mind.

The blood ancestors are forbidden, and only the blood that the blood ancestors can approve is qualified to pass the ban.

"The blood he instincts recognized? Coxsti and Taber their blood is recognized by the blood ancestors, my blood should be no problem?" Anlin saw more interest.

He straightened his hand and carefully plunged into the gates to see if he would encounter obstacles.

When the hand touches the golden gate, a touch that seems to be stuck in the water spreads throughout the palm, which is a feeling of coolness and slip.


A long, distant and very refreshing voice suddenly came from the ban.

"Hold the grass! What sound?" Anlin was shocked and instinctively shrank.

When Anlin shrinks his hand, the golden door violently shakes, and the sound is heard again inside.


A strong suction, actually sucked An Lin's hand, not letting him shrink away.

An Lin’s face changed a lot, and he was trying to use his power to break free.

Suddenly, the boundary door was like a whirlpool, and it bursted with a terrible suction. The space was extremely twisted and contracted, and his body was thoroughly sucked into it.

This is no longer a question of not allowing him to enter.

Even if he doesn't want to enter, the door must also **** him in!

A strong sense of space dizziness.

Soon, Anlin's vision was restored to a clear, bright green sky, gray, and the ground was yellow and dark red sand.

At first glance, it is like a desert with a special color.

"Here is the **** holy place?" Anlin muttered.

He turned and glanced behind him, and a door was releasing a faint glow.

It seems that this time it is not a random landing, the entrance and exit are fixed.

Just behind the exit gate, there is a huge skull of a strange animal. It is very simple to locate the exit.

"Next, let me first contact Cocosti." Anlin began to dial the notes.

However, he wanted to contact Cocosty's air machine, as if it had been separated by a strange force, and it was impossible to convey the information to Cocosti and others.

"Strange, when I am on the rocket, I can contact them obviously..."

Anlin is a bit confused, and guessing in his heart is not a strange place for the other party.

He glanced at the vast land, the terrain was staggered and broken, and the traces of the remaining techniques still radiated horror fluctuations. The various strange bones that can be seen were revealed from the land of the yellow sand.

Dead, desolate, dangerous.

This place is very big, so big that Anlin doesn't know where to look.

Countless directions, countless paths, if you choose the wrong direction, it really goes far.

"What can I do?" An Lin looked distressed.

Just when he was confused, suddenly a technique emerged from his mind.


An Lin’s eyes suddenly reflected the heavens and the earth, and the invisible fluctuations spread a radius of three hundred miles.

Shen Yanshu!

Once it is displayed, it can infer the laws of all things and understand the things of heaven and earth.

The trajectory of the **** sacred land, the direction of the dust, the insects on the ground, the airflow in the sky, everything is in sight.

These things are very common at first glance, without traces and clues, and can't represent anything.

But in the eyes of Anlin, who uses Shenyan, even every molecule has its meaning and the information to be expressed. If there is a cause, there will be fruit. Every creature will appear here, and it will unconsciously affect the surrounding environment. Every move will leave traces in the world.

When everything in this world is put together, there is a clear clue.

Predict the past from the traces of the present, and thus predict the future.

Anlin closed his eyes again and opened the pupil that was already black and white.

He silently smashed two elixir to restore his strength, and then he vacated and flew in a certain direction. The direction in which he flies is the most likely direction for Cocosti and others, and it is also the direction that the Dark Emperor came in after he came in!

The earth is still a pale color.

As the distance progressed, the sky gradually turned purple from the green, and the yin became rich.

The temperature has dropped.

Above the sky, even the black snow fell.


Not far from the land, suddenly there was a burst of crisp ringtones.

Anlin was curious and lowered the height of the flight and looked at the source of the sound.

I found a donkey wearing a red robe, sitting on a dead wood, his head squatting. If you ignore the red light flashing on your chest, it is an ordinary cockroach.

This is interesting...

Anlin also saw that he was holding a bell in his hand.

"Hey bells, bells and bells..." He seemed to notice the arrival of Daolin, and he shook his bell with fingers with only five bones.

"You are taking me over?" Anlin asked indefinitely.

He walked over and wanted to touch the embarrassment in front of him, but he caught an empty space.


The sound came from another place.

An Lin found that the cockroaches and dead woods in front of them disappeared strangely. Then they suddenly appeared in another place hundreds of meters away and continued to shake the bell.


"No! How can there be such a real illusion in this world that even my gods can't perceive it?" An Lin said with amazement.

You must know that he has just released his knowledge and can feel the "reality" of jealousy, not the illusion of nothingness. If it is really an illusion, how high is the other person who uses the illusion?

Anlin is not convinced ~www.readwn.com~ continue to fly to the hustle and bustle.

The result was only in front of me, and when I reached out, it became illusory again.


A ringing sound of the bell seemed to ridicule Anlin’s incompetence.

The shackles in the red robes will not do anything else, just keep ringing the bells.

Anlin sneered and said: "No wonder, such a conspicuous monster, after so long, can still seduce outsiders so wildly here, a little meaning..."

"It seems that Cocosty and the Emperor of the Dark Man have seen it, but they have no way to take it?" An Lin came to the interest, step by step to the red coat, and the eyes flashed over the white mans.

Shen Jianshu!


Continuous outbreaks from now on, pro-monthly tickets!

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