I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1412: Deja vu experience

? 神鉴术 can analyze and see through the world.

Whether it is fighting or distinguishing something, it is very convenient to use God.

Sure enough, nothing can be hidden in front of the gods.

After Anlin looked at the red dress with the gods.

A piece of information began to emerge in my mind.

The tomb of the blood ancestors: The body of the ancient battlefield left behind by the blood ancestors after death, is now becoming fine, and wants to seduce it out, and needs to use extremely blood as a guide.

Anlin saw the black line of this message.

Is this really a blood ancestor? When a person dies, the body can still be refined!

Does the old man know that his body is still awkward? !

Also, what is the meaning of seduce it with blood? This product is still bloody?

Anlin will be suspicious, silently cutting his wrist and streaming some blood.

Bloody taste spreads.

The red robe was still leaning against the dead wood, shaking the bell, and suddenly the body trembled fiercely, and the eyes of the hollow hole burst into the light.


The screaming screams, the body turns into a residual image, and the speed that Anlin can hardly keep up, slams into Anlin, and goes to Anlin’s wrist!

What do you say when you say no tongue?

Anlin was shocked to find that after opening his mouth, a small pink tongue was condensed in his mouth, and his wrist was a glimpse.

哧 !!

"God! This is the perfect blood I have always dreamed of, really fragrant!"

Hey, excitedly shouting, the voice Anlin is very familiar, as if the sound of the entrance to the Holy Land is also the voice.

Anlin gave a slight glimpse and immediately responded. At the same time, his hand grabbed the neck of the blame at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time, the extremely powerful space was released.

Bang! An Lin grabbed the strange neck and fell to the ground, and pressed his body to the ground.

"Ah! Let me go!" I was struggling fiercely.

Anlin sneered at the strange neck and sneered: "Continue to shake your bell, just not shaking it, continue!"

No wonder: "..."

Anlin knows it. Although the illusion in front of him is a means of illusion, after becoming an entity, in addition to the speed, there is not much combat power.

Perhaps it was pressed too long, and the red robe screamed with anger: "Stupid ants, don't let me go, do you know who I am? Don't force me to shoot!"

Anlin was too lazy to care about it, and he smashed the clothes of the red robe.

Sure enough, he saw a skeleton that looked so refined and perfect as a work of art.

In the dark sky, there is also a lustrous white luster.

At the heart of the skeleton, there is a red glow flashing like a beating heart, which looks very special.

"Oh, you are very chic, you are dead, you have to add a heart?" An Lin smiled and reached out to the heart.

"No... no!" I screamed and screamed on the ground.

"Oh...you are shouting! Anyway, you will break your throat, and no one will come to save you!" Anlin had excitement and eagerness to try. "And, the more you resist, the more excited I am... ..."

The blame was forced to cry, but he could only watch An Lin’s hand grabbing his heart.

With the approach of the big hand, the red part of the heart, the burst of light is more intense, and a very horrible counter-attack force began to flock to Anlin's hand.

Anlin was shocked and was trying to resist his strength. However, the counter-attack force suddenly came close to his hand, and then he seemed to find something extremely shocking. He directly slammed into Anlin’s wrist, and suddenly it was a glimpse. .


The screaming skull has a faint red color, which seems to be extremely enjoyable and screamed.

Anlin was shocked to discover that the blood of the wrist wound was transported by the energy to the heart.

The red robe blame barely exposes the body and does not struggle. It seems that he just used his tongue to lick blood, and now it is the same thing to use the heart to lick blood. It's now more refreshing and obsessive.

"It's so comfortable, so good! I feel that this life has reached a climax. I feel that this life has reached the peak, so dazzling, so colorful!"

An Lin: "..."

He thinks his blood is a common aphrodisiac for some **** abilities.

But never imagined that his blood would only have a **** family that died, and he could have the effect of aphrodisiac...

I blame the backhand and grabbed Anlin. The look is excited: "Great creatures, you are the true meaning of my infinite years of searching for blood. Let me follow you, I am very good, just a drop of blood every day! A drop of blood will do Can you?"

Anlin was shocked. What happened to this familiar story?

"You are just a dead body, can you point to dignity? Don't move to follow a stranger!" An Lin yelled.

"I didn't move, I followed. I thought it well. Do you know? I have waited for countless years and I have seen eight sons, but none of them are my favorite. Only you, only you have convince me with blood. "骷髅 激动 激动 excited.

An Lin’s mouth was slightly pumped, saying: “So, you are a blood ancestor, you have to follow me?”

I immediately said: "I originally wanted you to follow me, but I can't beat you. And, with such a perfect blood, it is impossible to follow me. So let me follow you!"

Anlin nodded slightly.

The other party is still quite awesome, he is very satisfied.

This fundamental contradiction was resolved from the beginning, and the next conversation would be much better.

The remains of the blood ancestors became fine corpses, and it is impossible to say that it is not heart-warming. Although at present, this corpse has no use for eggs, but it can be slowly adjusted and developed in the future.

"So, how do you plan to follow me? Sign the slave contract?" asked Anlin.

"I can't sign a slave contract, because I don't even have a complete life now~www.readwn.com~ Just like a weapon without a birth, but a conscious weapon. You can refine my weapon, I recognize you as the main "No wonder."

Anlin nodded slightly, and took a law in accordance with the procedure of refining and chemical weapons, running the heart to release the essence of the blood in his hand.

I’m so hot that I want to be mad and bloody.

Fortunately, Anlin had been prepared, and immediately a major suppression!

"Oh ah...!" The blame was screamed.

An Lin sneered aloud: "I will be unprepared to deal with this kind of blood addict, you will have to accept the blood!"

Lessons from time to time, let Anlin have long been proficient in this program, and wonder where it is still cheap.

Soon, there was a connection between An Lin and the blame.

In this way, the blame has finally become a special weapon of Anlin!

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