I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1413: The strongest saint

"Haha, I can make the blood ancestor be my weapon. It feels very good." Anlin was a little proud.

骷髅 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

Anlin was not disappointed, but asked: "Who are you? What should I call you?"

"I don't have a name yet, Master." I blame my head.

"This way..." An Lin thought thoughtfully. "Then I will give you a name."

"Okay, okay!" I looked forward to it.

Anlin glanced at the red robe, and the skeleton was crystal clear and white. He said: "You are the body of the blood ancestors, the most precious body under the sun, and the road to blood is repaired. Yin and Yang, one day sooner or later, I will be able to shake things..."

I was so excited that I was short of breath and nodded.

"It's better to let your blood sprout!" An Lin took a shot with both hands and hammered it.

No wonder: "???"

Blood sprouting? What is this ghost thing?

I was stunned for a moment, but the entire face was slightly open, and I looked at Anlin with dementia.

"What's the matter, is there a problem?" Anlin curiously said.

Xue Yutian’s younger brother called Xue Mengmeng, he felt that the name was good.

Nowadays, the corpse of the **** family is called **** sprouting, and it is considered a dream for him.

"I just don't understand, what is the relationship between me and Meng..." I blame the skull.

An Lin touched the sleek skull and smiled and said: "No, you are actually very cute, but you have never found it."

"It turned out to be the case." The strange face nodded, his body creaked, his hands bent over his head, his calf bones bent down, and he was more than a big heart to Anlin: "Master, then I will call it blood later." Meng Meng!"

Anlin looked at this thrilling selling scene, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but sigh: "Your character is quite fast."

“Meng is not cute?”


When Anlin handled the **** sprouts, he took it to continue searching for traces of Cocosti and others.

The only convenient thing about blood sprouting is that you can put it directly into the ring, just like Zhuque, as a spiritual weapon.

Blood sprouting is very curious about Anlin's affairs. Ask this question and ask him how he cultivated the blood. Why can he practice the blood so perfectly, ask him where he is, and ask him about the future? Planned...

The problem is endless, and An Lin is annoyed. He can directly ask if the blood can sprout and fight. What is the value of the combat power? Blood sprouting said that the body is now unstable and still can't fight. An Lin said "good", and then directly absorbed the blood Meng Meng.

Now it is imperative to save Cocosti, Taber and Myron, where is the time and blood to talk about this kind of thing? Oh no, there is time to talk!

Anlin continued to move quickly along with the clues he discovered with the oracle.

After a quarter of an hour, there is a huge mountain of God in front of it.

The mountain is as high as the sky, and the top is cut by a very sharp force. Not only that, but the mountain also has a shocking crack, and in some places, the blood energy is stirring.

Anlin’s heart jumped, and he had a familiar feeling.

"The deity can only be used once a month, and can no longer be used. The battle should be happening soon, the clue will be obvious..." He hesitated for a moment, his body flew to the sky, and his eyes appeared innumerable charms. "Tongtian eyes!"

Tongtianyan is one of the great schools of the Emperor of Heaven. With the eyes on the sky and the heavens and the earth, you can see through all things!

You can't use the oracle to find clues, so you can use the same eye to find clues.


Anlin turned and did not hesitate to chase in another direction.

I have time to hope that everything will come...

The yellow sand of the sky is on the ground.

A man with a thin figure, dark and dark, and a long black hair draped behind him, is dragging a three-legged black coffin with a chain, slowly moving forward.

Although it is slowly moving forward, the speed is actually very fast, such as shrinking into the inch, every step, the body has already crossed countless.

"Give me a stop!" There was a big drink in the distance.

A dark sword mans descended from the sky, like a heavenly blade that cuts the heavens and the earth, falling toward the man's head at a very fast speed!

The man raised his hand and grabbed it against the sword.

The mighty swordsman was actually caught in his hands.


Jianmang was crushed by men with brute force, and turned into countless pieces of energy to escape.

"You are the one who broke into the holy land of my family?" After the man looked up and saw the face of the white young man, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Is you, Anlin?"

Anlin floated to the ground and stared at the three coffins behind the man. The rich killing was like turning into a substance. He gnashed his teeth and said, "How are you taking Cocosty?"

The man did not answer, the dark pupil stared at An Lin, muttering to himself: "The sect of the Four Nine Emperors, recognized by the blood ancestors, entered the Holy Land... So, are you the holy ancestors in their mouths? Interesting, Really interesting, there are such wonderful things in the world..."


The heavens and the earth suddenly turned into a darkness, without everything, no space.

Artifact field!

Anlin rushed to the man's face, and a sword fell, and it was thunderous!

The man's look did not change, raising his hand to stop, once again grabbed Anlin's blade, the angle was precise, the **** clenched the blade, and the power of terror came from the finger, which actually blocked the sword's decline. .

"I am asking you, how are you taking Cocosti?!" Ann Lin gritted.

"They are dead." The man's mouth rose and smiled.

Anlin took a deep breath and looked cold and faint. "If that is the case, then you will accompany them. Ling Tiansheng evil, annihilation!"

Hey! !

Blood splashes.

The man’s head suddenly exploded and was annihilated into the finest particles.

The anger in Anlin’s heart can’t be contained. I don’t mind if I use the king’s bombing for this man, let him die completely!

He only intended to take the sword, but found that the victory sword was still tightly held by the fingers, there was no sign of loosening...

Anlin looked at the front with amazement. ~www.readwn.com~ The man who broke his head, the blood kept squirming, differentiated, and quickly split, and even condensed into a head again.

The man smiled and said: "It’s really a holy ancestor. It’s really strong, but you don’t seem to know who I am, or you won’t have the courage to shoot me...”


The space around the man began to collapse and the darkness was sucking everything.

Anlin looked at the man in front of him, as if he saw the infinite abyss of darkness and emptiness, guiding the indulgence and death of all beings.

"I am the Emperor of the Dark Man, known as the strongest of the blood of the sages, and dominate the absolute life and death, you ... what qualifications against me?"

The Dark Emperor stepped on the footsteps, and the darkness of the gods rose into the sky, extremely violently breaking through the field of the evil spirits, and the palm of the hand to the front of Anlin!

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