I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1417: Madden Eden

"What is this? Eden's Great?" Anlin saw the monster in front of him like a demon, and he was shocked.

"It's over! Eden's Emperor is out of control!" Melan's face changed.

Anlin still has some confusion: "Out of control?"

Kokosti explained: "The power of Shinto after the Eden Essence has always been unstable. Once it is out of control, it will become irrational. In the heart, there will be only the killing of the prison, and the power will be skyrocketed. In addition to the Emperor Futian, No one is its opponent!!"

An Lin looked at the madman, the monster with the face of madness, and his mouth was slightly pumped: "There are only four **** emperors, and Eden has become this devil, and is the second?"

"It is already very strong. To know his usual strength, he can only rank fourth among the emperors." Cocosti said.

An Lin: "..., is the last countdown."

"There are no weak people in the way, they are all integrating their own ways into the heavens and the earth, and they are the strongest people who have been recognized by the heavens and the earth." Cocosti reminded, "The Holy Father, although you are strong, but don't underestimate the enemy, we should not fight Let's escape."

Anlin nodded and felt the same. The wind is boundless, this new promotion road that has been promoted for 10,000 years has almost killed him. It is indeed that there is no weak in the road.

At this moment, the mad prisoner Shura has been rushing to continue to the Starfire battleship.

The fire of the Starship battleship roared, and a large hole was blown up in the body of the prisoner Shura. Blood was shot and flesh and blood flew, but the prisoner of the prison was like a demon who would never fall, regardless of whether he was wielding a weapon and hitting the battleship. .

"Well, this undead warrior Thain is a **** and ruthless character. Bailing sister, let's run away!" Liu Qianyan said anxiously.

At this time, the height of a thousand feet, the **** mad prison Shura, once again rushed to the front of the Sparks, the arms of eight armed weapons madly waved, one of the arms holding a **** giant hammer, the life of the battleship's energy film hit through, squatting Above the hull.

Bang! The thick deck of the battleship was again scored by the giant hammer.

"Ah!" Liu Qian screamed.

Now that she is a man and a ship, the warship is wounded, and she can feel the pain.

At this time, a long gun slammed into the main muzzle of the Sparks in a thunderous thunder.

Bai Ling flashed in front of the muzzle, his hands pushed flat, and the white twisted ball appeared in front of him, and his eyes flashed through countless streams of information. The horrible long gun stabbed and twisted, and the direction changed. It stabbed the hull next to the main muzzle and tore a tens of thousands of meters of gap in the hull.

"Let's wait... we can't leave Anlin." Bai Ling's face was a little pale, but she still insisted on speaking.

"Oh... it hurts! Shipwoman is not good!" The Starfire battleship trembled and seemed to be shaking, and it seemed to be weeping.

Originally, the Starfire battleship could barely block the block of Eden.

But when Eden saw that Anlin had entered the blood ancestral land, he was deeply attacked. The **** ancestor of the ancestors used the blood ancestor, and even a returning monk could not stop it. This is a huge shame! He was both shameful and angry, and he turned out to be out of control and went straight away!

In the face of the violent Eden, the Star Warship was not an opponent at all, and was beaten to defeat.

Another place, the rest of the blood family.

The battle has gradually come to a close, with the blood family of the **** emperor, the death of the dead, the escape of the escape, the drop, there is no more combat power.

Dina is helping the injured Xu Xiaolan and Xiao Ze.

The other two guardians of Jinsheng have been included in the pet elf ball by Xiaona.

Originally, Xiaona could directly kill them on the spot, but her heart moved and decided to wait for the pet elf **** to cool down, and then they were included in the pet elf ball one by one.

Jin Sheng San Dafa, it should be neat!

After receiving the three Golden Protection Laws, I met Eden and smashed the emergency of Xu Xiaolan and Xiao Ze. She hurriedly transferred the injured two to the battlefield for treatment.

"No, the Spark ship can't hold it anymore, we have to evacuate here." Dina looked at the crumbling warship in the distance and hurriedly said.

Xu Xiaolan was infected with blood in Qingyi, and next to his lips, looking at the broken temple of the blood ancestors, he still had a stubborn insistence: "If we leave, An Lin will not be able to come out of the Holy Land, and face the irrational Eden. What should I do? He will be very dangerous too?"

"This..." Dina is also hesitant, obviously also worried about the situation of Anlin.

But at this moment, Xu Xiaolan smiled: "He is back!"

The demon god, who is a thousand feet high, once again rushed to the Sparks, and the Sparks quickly reversed, and the intensive super-kinetic guns rushed out.

The mad prisoner uses swords, knives, guns, hammers, cymbals, forks, and other weapons to smash the kinetic energy cannons that have been bombarded one by one. Occasionally, there are fish that slip through the net and blow their bodies to flesh and blood. Also fearless, still roaring to the Starfire battleship.

Liu Qian’s most feared is this kind of dead opponent, which is not reasonable at all!

"White sister, isn't it good to kill the guns?" Liu Qianxiao shouted.

Bai Ling shook his head: "No, energy loading is 80%..."

"It’s awful..." Liu Qian’s illusion is getting closer and closer to the mad prisoner Shura, who is about to cry.

Just then, a white figure was blocked in front of the Sparks.

His style is outstanding and his momentum is like a rainbow.

Bai Ling’s face is a joy.

Liu Qianyan is even more screaming: "Anba! You are finally here, hehe..."

Yes, the man who appeared in front of the Sparks is the Holy Father Anlin!

Neither of them questioned whether Anlin could stop the attack of the mad prisoner Shura. They all knew that when Anlin appeared in front of such a confident posture, it was very reliable!

An Lin looked at the impetuous prisoner Shura, who had not fully recovered his power. He couldn’t use the power of authority, and even triple explosions were difficult to display.

But it doesn't matter, he also has a powerful killing trick that can be used!

A long-skinned sword with a silver-white handle was taken out from the Naduan ring. It was flawless and shiny, and there was a sound of crisp and windy sound in the world.

"This may be my biggest move..."

An Lin looked at the blade ~www.readwn.com~ The color of the face was pampered: "Taihe Xianjian... In the endless wind, the wind source crystal that is hard to get a million years is the body, with the wind no The power of the Shinto of the World has been tempered by three thousand years, and it is a very strong middle-class sword in the wind system..."

"When I was a god, I couldn't use this move on the fairy. But after the return to the virtual, with the improvement of the realm, I can make the kendo of the Six Gods of the God of War more powerful!"

The long white sword with a silver body and white body began to crack.

The horrible energy, wrapped in the smell of the fairy, spreads around!

"The fourth form of the God of War six swords, funeral sword!"


Taihe Xianjian fried!

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