I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1418: The strongest sheet metal type 1

The sudden break of the sword made all the people on the field look a glimpse.

To know that the material of the fairy is extremely strong, even if the super power of the road is difficult to break, the fairy that is broken like this is really scaring a lot of people.

In their horror, they turned their eyes to Anlin.

Anlin was the chief culprit in breaking the fairy.

Everyone still has something to do in the future.

There is a strong wind crossing, and the wind is raging for three thousand miles!

Around the center of Anlin, there are ninety-nine tornadoes that connect the heavens and the earth. They roar like giant dragons, twisting their bodies, tearing and smashing everything in the world.

The mad prisoner did not intend to give Anlin the world of law, and directly rushed to Anlin not far away. The arms of the eight armed weapons were like a madman, and they made a slap in the air, and they would throw dozens of them. The tornado is smashed.

"Hey! Die!" The mad prisoner Shura rolled the tornado all the way, and kept approaching Anlin.

Anlin had a painful color on his face. There was no other reason because the spell was reversed.

A good fairy is just gone, this pain can be countered to the heart like a knife to faint!

Millions of spiritual stones! !

The fragments of Taihe Xianjian turned into crystal white powder, fluttering in front of Anlin, and then gradually became a life of eternal existence.

The essence of the fairy is completely released, that is the power of the wind that has accumulated countless years!

"Be careful!" Xu Xiaolan exclaimed.

The mad prisoner Shuro broke all the tornadoes and had already rushed to the front of Anlin. The huge blood-stained knives were like a smashing face!


When the big knife fell in front of Anlin, a black lotus flower bloomed in the void, resisting this earth-shattering blow!

The wind is boundless and forged by the power of Shinto for three thousand years. At this moment, the power is finally erupted out, and it is turned into a heaven and earth black lotus guarding Anlin!

"The wind rises." An Lin single-handedly held a vacuum, and the crystal-clear white wind gathered like a sword. It is three hundred miles away from the heavens and the earth, born from the wind and desperate, and will never die.

"Clouds fall!"

Anlin held a three-hundred-mile sword and fell against the sword in front of him.

The wind with the tears of the world, ruthlessly fell.

The instinct of the mad prison Shura is still there. It feels the horrible power in front of it. The eight-handed squadron on the arm immediately erupts a very powerful light, and the madness usually goes to Anlin’s wind sword.

However, the wind sword in the hands of Anlin is as if it will never go out. No matter how many times of violent bombardment, it will continue to flow and keep flowing.

"Hey!" The prisoner Shura shouted desperately.

Three hundred miles of wind sword seems to be the world in two, so it falls on its head, cut its hard skin, cut the skull that is harder than the black iron ... all the way, like a broken bamboo, In an instant, together with its huge body, it was cut in half!

The mad prisoner Shura finally screamed, and was cut into two halves of the body, falling toward the ground, blood pouring into the river, the scene is extremely miserable.

However, the vitality of the blood family is extremely unsolvable. The body that was cut in half, began to wriggle, and there were signs of re-healing.

However, the wind sword never stops, turning into a wind blade with extremely sharp degrees of sharpness, still madly shattering the body of the prisoner!

This scene shocked the blood family of the entire Xianling treasure.

An Lin, who was still in a disadvantage with Eden’s emperor, can now be able to take a second shot of Eden’s emperor after the explosion?

This type of style sword of Anlin has completely exceeded their imagination. That is not the sword of the world at all. Where can the swordsmanship be used to make a sword to sacrifice the heavens before it can be used?

"A sword is a mad prisoner, is this the true strength of the ancestors they follow?"

"An Lin was rescued from the Holy Land of the blood ancestors, does it mean that even the Dark Emperor can block his footsteps?"

"I really can't think of it, and Ann Lin can really turn the most sacred part of our blood family to the bottom."

When the **** strongmen arrived, it was hard to raise any fighting spirit.

He saw the appearance of Anlin, just like seeing a **** of the gods, standing proudly in the sky, so tall and stalwart, can not be defeated.

"The great ancestors!" The saints looked at the man in the sky with enthusiasm.

Anlin glanced at the mad prisoner Shura, who was still struggling on the ground, and frowned slightly.

He found that the vitality of the prisoner Shura was extremely strong...

"So hard to kill?" An Lin sighed and turned to the **** powers of Xianling Baodi: "All the saints listened to me and returned to the four ninth sects with me!"

"Yes! Saints!" All the saints are hot and look very excited.

They know what Anlin’s words mean, which means that the ancestors have officially recognized them and they will become a member of the Holy Blood Family!

Anlin is not a casual person. This time, the battle of Xianling Baodi is just the best time to verify the loyalty of the saints. As a result, it was also seen that all the saints were able to go to the fire for him, and with the determination to die, they confronted the **** emperor.

This has proven their loyalty.

Anlin stepped forward and came to Xu Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, are you okay?" Anlin looked at Xiaolan, who was blood-stained in Tsing Yi, and had an unspeakable heartache and anger.

"I'm fine, let's get out of here." Xu Xiaolan stretched out jade and took Anlin Road.

Anlin nodded. "I just couldn't kill Eden by the way. Once the power of the funeral sword disappears, his horrible self-healing ability will allow him to quickly recover his strength. Then we want to escape. It's hard!"

"An Lin Giant, let's go to the ship mother first?" asked Lina.

"Ah?" An Lin stunned, and it reacted and nodded.

Has the role of Liu Qian’s ship-in-law been so deeply rooted in people’s hearts?

With a palm of his hand, the white space spreads, and the power of the space sends the people to the deck of the Spark.

Kokosti and others saw the injured Xu Xiaolan~www.readwn.com~ hurriedly ran forward, and gratefully said: "Small Lan Sheng, I did not expect that, in order to save us, even you personally came here."

"Also let you hurt, we are guilty!"

Kokosti and others are both ashamed and moved.

"Okay, don't hesitate." Xu Xiaolan smiled and said.

At the same time, I added a sentence to my heart. I am here to worry about An Lin, but I am not worried about you. You guys are always seduce Anlin's fascinating goods, I don't want to save you!

"Is everyone here? I am slipping away!" Liu Qian’s voice screamed.

Finally, I can stay away from the Eden madman, she is very happy.

Bai Ling, Xu Xiaolan, Xiao Ze, Yan Na, Cocosty, Myron, Taber, and the ten descendants of the **** family who are still alive, have gathered on the deck at this moment.

Ann Lin smiled and said: "Let's go, let's go home!"

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