I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1424: What do you want to do?

"Don't!" Ada stopped the impulsive Jin Ling, and the cold scorpion stared at An Lin. "You can swear by the heart, we drink your blood, and you give us freedom."

"Well, I will give you freedom at that time." An Lin smiled and swears in the face.

When I heard that Ann Lin really swears, the three sisters are excited.

"He really swears! This blood may be really dangerous..."

"Yeah, we want freedom, and it is very likely to be a life."

"I am the biggest, your sister, let me come." Ada said.

The golden demon is not convinced: "You are only a few seconds before I climb out of the mother's womb. What is the biggest? My chest is big, I will come first!"

"I...I..." What is the smallest Jinling, wanting to argue, but found that I don't know where to fight from it, she is not the oldest, and her chest is not the biggest.

An Lin: "..."

These sisters are so good...

Can rush to die.

Finally, Ada stood in front of Anlin.

"The lord of Anlin, I hope that you can practice your promise." Ada seriously said.

"Do not worry, if you want to be free at that time." Anlin did not deny.

Ada is quite a chest, awe-inspiring: "Come on, I am ready."

Anlin looked up: "Xiao Na, unblock Aida's seal."

He is afraid that the seal will affect the accuracy of blood performance measurements.

In the next second, Ida felt the power return to her body.

When she was happy, she looked at An Lin, and suddenly she had a bold idea.

But this thought, after she recalled the battle between An Lin and Eden, was once again suppressed.

Anlin stretched out his index finger, gently stroked his wrist, and a few drops of blood floated to the void.

Ada is like an enemy, and the blood that comes together is like a flood of beasts.

But when the blood floated in front of her, her eyes were rare and blurred.

"This tastes...good incense..."

Ada muttered: "It’s a deadly fragrance..."

She took the initiative to stick out the tongue and smothered Anlin's blood into her mouth and swallowed it directly into her belly.


Almost for a moment, Ada’s eyes were round and swaying.


"Sister, how are you?"

Jin Ling and the Golden Demon were both exclaimed at the same time, and their faces were full of anxious colors.

Ada's face is blushing, and she is obsessed with obscenity: "It's so sweet!"

Jin Ling: "???"

The golden demon opened his mouth, as if he had heard the wrong general: "What do you say?"

Ada seems to still taste the blood, turn a deaf ear to the words of the Golden Demon, and faintly said: "The blood seems to clear all the dirt in my body, so that my life has been sublimated... This is probably the real life! Perfect life, unique life..."

"Well, my sister is crazy." The gold demon face grief.

Jin Ling is even more angry with An Lin, angry: "Bastard! You are not saying that there is any danger in drinking blood? Why is my sister mentally retarded!?"

"Hey!" Jin Ling was shot down on the ground by Ada: "No rudeness to Anlin adults!"

Jin Ling and Golden Demon: "???"

Ada looked up and looked at An Lin, revealing the tangled color.

The white face was covered with pink, and the fists clenched, seemingly resisting something.

For a moment, she was loose and seemed to see through the general: "I finally know why you can make so many **** people willing to be worshipped as sacred ancestors. The answer is in the blood."

Anlin also breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that my blood can be used in the late period."

Ada looked up and looked at Anlin with a beautiful look: "This blood is not the blood of the mortal world. I have never seen such a wonderful blood. Who are you?"

Anlin spread his hands and looked flat: "I said, I am the Holy Father, the most sacred existence of your family, and can give the blood family a real future!"

If it was before, Anlin said such a sentence, Ada would only say that he was stupid.

But nowadays, Ada is a shuddering body, screaming at the heart, and obsessed and painfully said: "How could this be, why would it be you..."

"Sister, what the **** are you doing?" Jin Yao couldn't help but ask.

Jin Ling glared at An Lin and said coldly: "I am afraid that I will be filled with soup by this man!"

"It's not a soup. It's my blood that makes her feel the true meaning of life. If you don't believe it, you can try it..." Anlin cut his wrist and sent a few drops of blood to the two women.

Ada saw this scene and did not stop it.

She feels that this perfect blood, it is really a pity that her two good sisters have no chance to taste it. To be honest, she can restrain herself and not eat with her sister. It is very good for them...

Jin Ling and Jin Yao originally thought of flying the floating blood directly.

But when the breath of blood came on the scene, they stumbled, and couldn't help but stick out their tongues, like a kitten, carefully squatting.

Then, they are like opening the door to the new world, and they are out of control...

"How could this be, what blood is this?" Jin Ling was short of breath.

"An Lin is big, I am wrong..." Jin Yao said, "Can you give me a few more drops?"

An Lin sneered: "Now, you are free~www.readwn.com~ Let me roll!"

The golden demon looked at Anlin with pity and did not move.

Jin Ling is also a beautiful woman, and his words are still resting.

Ada was mad, and he said with anger: "Look at you like this, give me a chance to fight. Can you take your discouragement!"

After all, she went straight to the front of An Lin. Liu Mei was erected and exposed, and asked in a word: "Let's say, what do we want to do, can you continue to drink our blood for us?!"

Jin Ling and Jin Yao Zhang opened their mouths.

This is what my sister said to be discouraged?

Take out your breath and ask for blood?

Anlin smiled faintly: "It's very simple. You and I have established a slave contract and become my servant. Then I will enjoy your blood and drink!"

Yes, Anlin did not intend to return to the Golden Seal Law Freedom! The strength of the Golden Saint Law is very strong. Isn’t it time to let them go back to the mountains? This stupid thing will not be done by Anlin.

Although Anlin vowed to give them freedom, they also have to be willing to be free! Anlin is confident that no one can resist his blood temptation, and they will be willing to stay with Anlin!

"An Lin... Is this your plan? Do you think I will count? It’s too naive, I am the Golden Holy Protection under the Black Emperor..." Ada gnashed his teeth.

"Ah! Sister, I have counted it!" The golden demon screamed.

"Sister, I... I also counted." Jin Ling shouted.

At the same time, she did not forget to raise the show, some nervous, and some look forward to Anlin.

Ada: "..."

It’s so hard for your sister to do this, so that I also want to vote for it.

Ada struggled for a long time, and this was followed by tears: "Sister, my sister is coming to accompany you!"

In this way, An Lin is in the pet elf ball space of Dina, and mentions the **** triplets!

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