I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1425: Criminal phlebotomy

The Golden Sanctuary Law was successfully countered by Anlin and became the saint of the Holy Blood.

Anlin was happy, and gave the three sisters one liter of blood.

This made the three sisters happy and happy. The paintings collapsed and Anlin suspected that several women in front of him were fake golden guards.

"You can let us go out now," said Ada, who was looking forward to it.

Anlin nodded and smiled. "Of course."

He has established a slave contract with them, and has the fatal temptation of the Holy Blood. The current Golden Sanctuary can be said to be very well-behaved.

One thought about this, Anlin did not know why, but he thought of the Dark Emperor.

The Dark Emperor can be said to be the only bloodline who can resist the temptation of his blood. An Lin still admired him, and he didn’t know what he was doing now.

Dina will release Anlin, Ada, Golden Demon, and Jin Ling, while releasing the pet elf ball.

When Anlin came out, he saw that the **** abilities were looking at themselves with full expectation.

"God, it’s really the Golden Sanctuary!"

"They are really inside the ball of the adult, and look at what they are now, shouldn't they have been tamed by the ancestors?"

The blood races whispered.

Anlin saw the Qing dynasty: "Show it to you, this is the three core disciples I have joined in the Blood Court, Ada, Jinling, Golden Demon!"

Oh la la!

The warm applause sounded.

"Hello, please take care of it in the future." Ada greeted a greeting.

She always felt that this scene was a bit embarrassing. They were still enemies a few days ago. Now they are comrades in the united front. They always feel that their camp has changed too much and is awkward.

However, Cocosti and others are very enthusiastic to welcome Ada's participation, as if they are loving old people, and are welcoming the lost children.

"Sister Ada, have you finally realized the charm of our holy ancestors?"

“No one can see the blood of the Holy Father, but he is not tempted!”

"Ida Daoyou, when I was developing the offline line, I still want to come over to find you, but because you and the Heidi emperor are too close, I still dare not start, I did not expect that the fate will go around. Still let you join us!"

The Three Sons are very enthusiastic, which greatly resolves the embarrassment of the Golden Holy Protection Law.

Anlin was very pleased to see that the three sisters could be integrated into the group.

He clap his hands and signal everyone to be quiet. This is: "Well, now I want to announce a result, that is, my holy blood, the blood family in the late period can be absorbed."

This result suddenly made the blood clan cheer.

"Great! There is hope!"

"So can't you go back to the mid-term?"

"The great ancestors of the ancestors, I am the master of the mid-definition, I am willing to do this experiment!"

There are saints who have been bloody, and their eyes are burning.

Cocosti and Myron are also the first people who are determined to do the experiment.

"Don't argue, how can I be willing to let you risk your life? We can't just go to the blackfield to catch a mid-level power of the **** family?" Anlin saw the scene and couldn't help but laugh.

The disciples suddenly realized that they had recommended themselves to An Lin Mao, and they wanted to go to the black land to carry out this difficult and great task.

"That..." The Golden Devil said weakly. "If you want a **** family that is in the middle of the emptiness, I think I can give it to you."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone turned their eyes to the Golden Demon.

The Golden Demon gently took the golden jade bracelet on his wrist: "This is a treasure of the fairy space, with a small space inside, which can make life alive. It was originally used by the Black Emperor to imprison the **** people." There is just a recidivism in the mid-negative period..."

Ann Lin’s face was overjoyed: “Great! Little demon, take the felony out.”

"Small... Little demon?" The golden demon face was red, and no one ever called her like this.

She spoke and stopped, silently transmitting the golden meta-bone in the golden jade bracelet.


A man with his hands and feet bound by a strange chain fell to the ground.

"Oh, the black Iraqi emperor finally intends to let me go?" The man with the cloaked hair, grinning. "It should have been like this for a long time. I am the power to return to the virtual world. It is useless to stay in prison. It is better." Let me be guilty of sin... eh?"

He looked at the scene in front of him, and he was a little worried: "How... what happened?"

In front of him, a group of **** people are masculine, and they are looking at themselves with kindness.

These **** geniuses, most of them have impressions, are the strong ones of the famous ones, and are basically not weaker than him...

He found that things didn't seem to be the way he thought.

At this time, a strange young man came to him and smiled and said: "Let you? It doesn't exist, but I still want to congratulate you, brother, you will have the chance to taste the world's most delicious blood. ”

The **** man who was tied to both hands and feet sneered: "Human? Who are you special? Use this kind of look to see me. When Lao Tzu is too early in the mainland, you still don't know where to eat milk!"

He can perceive the realm of Anlin~www.readwn.com~ just to return to the beginning of the virtual, so do not care.

As everyone knows, his words have made all the **** people on the field very angry.

"The ancestors, the waste would dare to marry you, let me marry him first!"

"Don't worry, the ancestors still need to use it, we can cut off his hands and feet first!"

"Unforgivable, you must kill!!"

A **** and horrible blood family can scream.

"Reassuring, humiliating the ancestors, we will return thousands of times!" Ada also snorted.

In her eyes, the Holy Father is the most perfect creature, tolerant of a **** insult?

The blood man was stunned. He just mocked this seemingly ordinary human being and even angered all the **** people.

Even the famous Golden Sanctuary in the blood family is so angry that it is even more fierce than the reaction of his dark Iraqi emperor!

This time, even a fool knows that the identity of the man in front of you is definitely not simple!

"The ancestors of the ancestors were forgiving. I have no eyes, no words, and offended the elderly, please forgive me!" The blood man "slammed" and slammed directly against Anlin.

The husband can bend and stretch!

An Lin was shocked by the man's decisive action, directly to the mouth of his blood.

"Ah! What did you give me?!" The man yelled.

"Ah... this taste..."

After a second, the man was fascinated, and the ultimate coolness was everywhere.

The **** disciples, looking at the man in front of them with envious eyes, can't wait to replace them.

But all of a sudden, the still-smooth man’s eyes rounded and slammed his heart!


Four more, the new year to buy a guaranteed monthly ticket ~~~

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