I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1426: Body blood mystery

"Oh ah..." The blood man looked at his heart in pain.

At the same time, his vitality is rapidly passing.

When Anlin saw this scene, he had a bad feeling in his heart. It seems that his blood, the man in the middle of the virtual period can not afford?

The blood man is still struggling, how cool it was before, how painful it is now.

The same bloodline power in the middle of the return to the virtual, seeing this scene, they are also afraid.

They are not afraid of their own pain, but they are afraid that they will never have the chance to eat holy blood!

"Come on! Support the past!" Some blood families can't help but open their hearts.

The blood man is holding his heart, and his heart is full of strange red light.

Suddenly, the heart is full of red light and dazzling.

When the red light faded, the man was round and round, his mouth wide open, his body was withered and dry, and there was no life.

"Dead?" Cocosti shed two lines of tears in sorrow.

"I have nothing to do with the Holy Blood?" Myron is also red-eyed, mourning more than death.

All the **** people in the mid-negative period were saddened by the death of this blood man, and the morale was unprecedentedly depressed.

Aida also finally understood that Anlin had said that his blood was dangerous and what he meant. He was very fortunate in his heart. In this way, is it not a lot less to be able to taste the competitors of the blood of the ancestors?

Aida, Jinling, and the Golden Sisters, as if they had a heart, smiled happily.

Anlin said with a word of comfort, "You don't have to be too lost. As long as you comprehend the Shinto and break through to the late stage of the return, can you taste the holy blood? You must fight for this goal!"

The **** people were able to hear the words, and finally recovered some fighting spirits.

Cocosti and Myron, who had returned to the peak of the mid-virtual period, have ignited their arrogance, and their determination and determination have never been stronger!

"The great ancestors, we will work hard!" Cocosty said firmly, adding a heart, trying to **** the delicious blood of your body!

Anlin smiled faintly. "You have to take a rest and adjust your status. I have to apply to the Emperor for your legal residence permit in Kyushu."

He was afraid that the **** abilities would hurt the innocent, and added, "Oh, yes, you are not allowed to smoke other innocent creatures. Once this is done, I will kill you on the spot."

Taber looked confused. "Why are we eating?"

Anlin "..."

The blood family who tasted the blood of Anlin is really difficult to swallow for the blood of other creatures.

This is probably the hardship of the sea?

After placing a group of **** disciples, Anlin returned to his home.

He took the blood from the Nayong.

"Master, why haven't you just let me go meet those little guys?" Bloody Meng shook his head and said, "They haven't been impressed by my heroic attitude!"

An Lin rolled his eyes and said, "It’s not the time to install it. You are letting me out because I want to talk to you about my blood."

When it comes to blood, blood sprouts are immediately excited and the eyes are shining.

Although it has no eyes, the two holes do emit a red glow, quite cute.

"Okay, okay, I like the owner's blood most. I can talk about anything. If I can reward me with a few drops of blood, it will be even more perfect!"

"This depends on your performance." Anlin did not refuse.

Then he said, "What do you think is my blood?"

The blood sprouts and raises his hands and looks up at the sky. "Your blood is shining, it is the future, it is the true meaning of life!"

An Lin looks at the black line. "You don't want to be flattering. I want you to say something real! You said that I am an ordinary monk, how can there be such a powerful blood?"

The reason why he asks for blood sprouting is because the blood is sprouting and the body of the most acquainted blood ancestors has become refined, and the truth will be more understanding of life than the ordinary blood!

"Well..." The blood sprouted with a knuckle and knocked on the skull and made a contemplative look.

"You are an ordinary monk? Are you teasing me?" Blood sprouted, "You give me a drop of blood, I will analyze it."

Anlin "..."

Also, regardless of whether the blood is sprouting or cheating, Anlin gives a milliliter of blood to the blood.

The blood sprouted immediately and hungry, roaring, and still bursting into a refreshing sound.

After a while, it was a bit of a slap in the face, and said, "Where is the owner, you are an ordinary monk? You are the purest creature I have ever seen, and it is not the life that can be in this world!" ”

"By absorbing your blood, I really feel the true meaning of life. I think that our blood family wants to go one step further and continue to evolve, and your blood will be the target and direction!"

"Come on the actual!" An Lin sternly.

The blood sprouting skeleton trembled and nodded. "Your blood is so perfect. I think there are two aspects. In the first aspect, you have a special physique. It is a kind of physique that is very close to heaven. If I don't guess. Wrong, should it be the physique of heaven?"

Anlin’s heart was shocked~www.readwn.com~ The face still smiles. “I don’t think you’ve become a good cockroach. You know it’s quite a lot...”

The blood is sprouting and honestly saying, "I still inherit some knowledge and experience of the blood ancestors."

Anlin nodded. "Please continue."

"Tianjiu physique is close to the heavens. The creatures with this kind of Taoism are extremely pure. The power of the heavens and the meditation is extremely strong, and the cultivation is extremely easy. It is not too much to call it the blood of heaven... The blood is very good, but it is not perfect."

The blood sprouted and looked at An Lin, and his eyes burned. "So, I guess, there is a kind of power or something I can't understand in your body."

"It can constantly improve your body and make your blood pure and perfect. Oh no, you can't just refer to the blood. It should be said that the life itself is more perfect!"

Ann Lin understood.

His natural physique and the transformation of the system made his body look like this.

"I am like this. Is it a blessing or a curse?" Anlin muttered.

Blood sprouts and excites, "If this is a disaster, let me bear it! What a perfect body, that is the life I have pursued throughout my life! You don't know how to be blessed in the blessing!"

An Lin’s mouth was slightly pumped.

God is not in the blessings, but I don’t know how to look at it.

"Well, this is what you said. If this is a disaster, it will be your responsibility." An Lin said haha. "Then we agreed."

"Master, what do you mean?" Blood sprouted and did not respond.

Anlin did not speak, and he regained the blood.

At the same time, a decision was made in the heart.

If the system can transfer this pot, first transfer it to the blood!


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