I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1432: Snow woman greets the son of hope

Gulongdi was a little depressed. She had just succeeded in joining the road. It was not long before she had a grand celebration. There was a snowball-like and lovely creature who suddenly ran to recognize her. I have to say that they are all the way, to recognize She is the master, it is not good, and a friend can also...

If I didn't see the snowball-like creature, it would be too cute to grow up. I couldn't bear it when I played. She had already slapped the other side.

"So, you made me up, right?" Gu Longdi looked helpless.

"I know what to do when I am snowy, and when I say that I want to follow you, I will follow you!" Xiao Xueqi looked serious.

Yes, it is attracted by the change of the extremely cold holy land, so that you can run away from the snow!

"Well, you build a beast pet contract with me."

Gu Longdi sighed and finally served softly.

Although she is not the kind of cute girl style, but the head of the evil dragon who kills the fruit, but it is not a bad thing to have such a cute pet to hug.

Snowy days nodded and was about to agree.

Suddenly, it was a tall, stalwart, as if to break through the vast man, appearing in its mind, lingering.

That man is also the existence of its yearning and chasing...

Although he has not yet joined the road, but against the sky, the sky is smashing the sky, but it is unmasked and exudes, fascinating it and making it crazy.

"Ah... can't be too hasty, I think we should start from friends, slowly cultivate feelings, can't do it, Dragon sister?" Xue Yantian eyes are full of water, and Meng Meng looked at Gu Longdi.

Gu Longdi did not care, laughing: "With you."

In the long journey, there is such a cute companion, which is quite good.

Heavy snow.

Tens of thousands of dragons followed the woman and traveled long distances.

A foot print like a dragon stays on the snow and is buried in the snow for a moment.

Not long after, Gu Longdi looked up and looked at the golden light group in the far distance, and finally his face smiled: "With the extra effort, we are almost there."

Their direction to go this time is the place where the gangs are broken, and the eternal light!

The other side of the world.

The snow woman is temporarily staying.

A dark crack spread across the sky.

Subsequently, a snowy and slender jade hand tore the crack.

Each figure began to appear from the crack.

Underneath, on a piece of silver and white, hundreds of thousands of snow girls have already gathered.

They also bowed to the ceremony and shouted in unison: "Snow Lady welcomes the Anlin Sovereign, Shangguanyi High Priest, Kyushu Emperor!"

Anlin was shocked by the front line.

Shangguanyi is not smiling, it seems to have been used to this kind of scene: "You are flat, Anlin lord is our hope, you must fulfill our promises."

"Yes!" Hundreds of thousands of snow girls shouted in unison.

The snow girls raised their heads and looked at An Lin with gaze or curiosity.

For the first time, Anlin was watched by so many beautiful women, but because she had experienced the worship of many beautiful women in the Shenyuan continent, she already had resistance, so she still had a look of lightness and lightness.

The Xuezu female emperor and the current high priest Meng Zhi also personally came to meet.

They saw the Emperor of Heaven, and there was not much change in their looks. They all gathered their eyes on Anlin.

The female emperor had a magical blue veil, and she was dressed in a beautiful way. She came to the ice and took a tribute to Anlin. She apologized: "I am really sorry for everything I have done to you in the past! If you still have Nothing vents, no venting, waiting for this, but come to me."

Meng Zhi looked at An Lin in a complicated look.

From the battle of Suzaku, Anlin repeatedly disrupted her plan five times and also thundered her clothes. In the battle of the other side, Anlin helped her fight the dark witches and she also helped Anlin to solve the encirclement of the female emperor. The intersection of the two is indeed quite a lot. I have been an enemy and a temporary comrade.

I really didn't expect that the man in front of him grew so fast, and now he has become the hope of saving the entire snow girl...

An Lin looked at the female emperor and nodded: "Your things, slowly calculate later, but the heart is vowed, I hope you will do it immediately."

The snow woman’s high-level surrender can’t be done. He needs the entire race, and he vows not to hurt humanity, and listen to him so that he can help the snow girl!

"Well, I will do it immediately." The female emperor agreed without any hesitation.

Snow women have a total of hundreds of millions of souls, but when they swear by this kind of thing, the female emperor can quickly convey instructions and get it all in half a day.

Emperor Tian was responsible for supervising the swearing of the Snow Maidens, and Anlin did not participate. He and Shangguanyi visited the snow woman’s temporary land, and then went to the treasure house to browse...

Anlin won't be so hungry, he just goes down the road.

Well, yes, it is the way!

The snow women live in ice houses. Even the Emperor Palace is carved out of ice. It looks particularly exquisite and beautiful.

Anlin walked here, just like walking in the snow and ice world, all kinds of exquisite and beautiful ice sculptures, not only fascinating, not only very beautiful, but also a lot of creativity.

"Our snow woman's ability to build a house is first-class. The house here is made by our own ability. When you look at the palace, I spent ten days carving it out, it is the place where I live." Shangguanyi With Anlin all the way forward ~www.readwn.com~ pointing to a pure and innocent palace, said with a smile.

At this time, she was less likely to enter the world, and became more approachable, so that Anlin had the illusion of returning to Zhuque Prison and brushing the blame.

"The houses here are all ice. Are you not cold when you live?" Annlin was curious.

"It's not cold, it's cool to be comfortable, our physique is like this, don't believe you touch our hands." Shangguanyi stretched out the delicate white arms to Anlin's face.

Anlin cautiously pinched, soft and smooth, and some cold, very good touch.

"Snow women are cold, so they are very afraid of heat, we like to live in ice houses." Shangguanyi Road.

Anlin once again deepened his understanding of the Snow Maiden.

They went all the way and came to the Imperial Palace.

Anlin has the highest authority of the Snow Girl, and wherever he wants to go, he enters the Imperial Palace and observes it.

What surprised him was that the place where the female emperor was administrative and living did not have the brilliance of imagination.

Everything is very simple, smooth floor, simple ice decoration, the only thing worth seeing is the ice painting on the wall, the painting seems to be the story of the ice ancestor battle.

The ice ancestor in the painting is unparalleled, noble and glamorous, and it is really similar to the official art.

Shangguanyi looked at the woman on the painting and she did not know what was thought of.

Anlin and Shangguanyi strolled all the way, and finally strolled to the Snow Maiden's Treasure Pavilion.

"Oh, it’s a coincidence, Treasure House, a little curious about what's good there." An Lindao.

"Here is our snow girl, where the treasures are stored. I will take you to see what you like, though." Shangguanyi smiled softly and had no hesitation on his face.

"Well, let's go see." Anlin suppressed the instigation of his heart and pushed the door in.

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