I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1433: Shocking financial resources

Shangguanyi opened the ban, and Anlin could not wait to push the heavy door.

A dazzling brilliance shook Anlin’s heart.

Anlin saw the place where the treasures were piled up behind the door and was instantly shocked.

"Well... is it... I am opening the door in the wrong way? Should I close the door first and then open it again?" Anlin muttered.

In front of him, the financial resources of the Snow Maidens deeply shocked him.

Not too much, but it’s too special!!

As far as the gaze is concerned, there are only a hundred scattered spirits scattered in pieces, and dozens of pieces of spirits. There are only three elixir items in the fairy class, two pieces of fairy tools, and the rest are messy things!

Even if it is a Lingshi, it is only more than 20 million pieces. Even a fraction of Anlinna’s ringing stone is not enough!

Anlin roughly calculated the value of the items in the Treasure House, which is probably equivalent to a few financial resources to return to the virtual power, or the financial power of the dragon's power equivalent to one or two returning to the peak.

You know, this is the financial strength of the entire Snow Maiden family. So little, is it possible? !

An Lin looked incredulously to the official art.

The color of the Shangguan art face: "You, do you think it is too little?"

“Otherwise?” An Lin looked at the black line. “Well, it’s a top-notch force on the mainland that has a strong superpower. How can the treasure house be so shabby?”

Shangguanyi smiled bitterly: "In fact, the place where we lived in snow, the resources of cultivation were relatively poor, and naturally there is nothing good."

"And, the climate of the extremely cold holy place has changed suddenly. When we are homeless, we are moving closer to the other side of the land and are excluded by the ghosts of the other side. Therefore, the fighting is endless."

"Where a war breaks out between races, the consumption of various resources such as medicinal weapons will intensify. Naturally, there will be only a few things left over."

Shangguanyi pointed at the treasure in front of him and smiled: "The baby is not much, but we can give you these treasures. If you take these away, you should still be able to pay some money, it is our heart. Take it."

Anlin has not yet opened, Shangguanyi has offered to give these treasures to him.

It was like a girl who had been displaced and had nothing. She handed the only piece of bread on her body to him with a smile.

To be honest, Tuhao An did not care about this piece of bread, so he refused.

"I said that I came here to visit. Who do you think of me?" An Lin said coldly. "Is that kind of person who sees money?"

"Oh..." Shangguan geisha stunned, and the heart used to cook with a pan, a piece of meat screaming for a thousand Lingshi sold to her profiteers, really not that kind of person?

"Go." Anlin took the initiative to leave the Treasure Pavilion.

Such a poor and precious treasure chest, he really did not want to search again.

Shangguanyi followed Anlin’s body and smiled at the pace of his back.

The two men strolled around the snow woman's temporary place. Wherever she went, the Snow Maiden received Anlin and Shangguanyi very respectfully. Anlin was still so enthusiastically waiting for the first time.

In his impression, all the snow girls are like the beauty of the iceberg, and they are extremely disgusted with men, and they will freeze others into ice sculptures.

But now, he is such a big man, strolling around the core of the snow woman, but strolling out of a kiln-like feeling.

One snow woman is not eager to sing, but also sings and dances, but also teas the water to send fruit, for fear that a service is not good, so that the other party feels unhappy.

"If you were so cute before, how could people in Kyushu be so disgusted?" Ann Lin couldn't help but feel a sigh.

"That's because you can save them, they are so cute." Shangguanyi is outspoken and directly smashed Anlin's fantasy.

The two came to the weapons forging station, where a man was talking and laughing with Meng Zhi.

This is the first time that Anlin has seen a man in the Snow Girl, and he is a very beautiful man.

Anlin recognized the man. At the time of Wanling Xianzong, Meng Zhi also personally brought a large wave of people to rescue the man. At that time, he was still a little young and new, and he could not control the big game.

It is said that this man is a woman's big sister, the man dressed as a woman in the Xue family has not been discovered for many years, and now I can finally appear here as a man.

There was some emotion in An Lin’s heart.

When the man saw Anlin coming, he immediately bowed his respectfully and respectfully: "Chen Qinghang, I have seen the Emperor Anlin!"

Yes, this man used to be the peerless genius of Wanling Xianzong, Chen Qinghang!

An Lin listened to Chen Qinghang's introduction, but his heart came up with another name, Bing Fu.

How can a woman's name not have a beautiful female name?

"Chen Qing Hangdao friends, can you still get used to living here?" An Lin’s smile on his face is like an elder.

Chen Qinghang nodded and said seriously: "It is a happy thing to be with someone you like. It is naturally customary."

As soon as this statement came out, Meng Zhi on the side couldn’t help but look red.

Chen Qinghang continued: "In the past few years, I have been promoting the advanced concept of the Kyushu community in the snow women, so that they are no longer so hostile to the Kyushu world, and now they have achieved a lot of results."

"It's okay~www.readwn.com~ Now they all swear that they will not hurt the humans in Kyushu. The Snow Girl has no threat to the Kyushu community." Anlin smiled.

Chen Qinghang: "..."

In one sentence, I denied the results of my ideological work. Is it a bit hurtful?

Anlin was a little embarrassed. He wanted to see Chen Qinghang still need to look up. He thought that Chen Qinghang and Meng Zhi are a pair of monks like a myth.

But now, he has been able to earn the negative emotions of Chen Qinghang without any scruples...

After that, An Lin cordially greeted Chen Qinghang, and then he left and continued to visit.

Time is gradually passing.

When Anlin was tired, he and Shangguanyi drank iced tea in a remote courtyard.

The iced tea here is not something like iced black tea, but a kind of tea unique to snow women.

It looks white like snow, like a willow leaf, soaked in hot water will rise up a blue tea mist, like a satin dance, extremely beautiful.

It is obviously a cup of tea that is soaked in hot water. It is cool to a shudder, and when you exhale, you can vomit out the heat of the body. It is really exciting!

Shangguanyi was drinking with gusto, but Anlin was shivering.

Snow girl likes to be cold, Anlin doesn't like cold!

However, this kind of tea is still a different kind of refreshing feeling, and he does not disappoint it.

After an hour.

The female emperor, the Emperor of Heaven, the high priest Meng Zhi, once again appeared in front of An Lin.

The Emperor of Heaven took the lead: "Under my eyes, all the snow girls have already vowed to complete, you can start the next step."

Anlin heard a sigh of relief and turned his eyes to Shangguanyi: "You let me see your countdown to death, I will give it a try, can you help me out first!"


Four more, with double monthly tickets, vote for the snails, 嘤嘤嘤~~~

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