I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1443: 0 year sword

The scene of Anlin’s explosion scared countless snow women.

The female emperor reacted the fastest, flashing in front of An Lin, using the ice seal method to freeze the injury on his body, and then hugged in his arms.

"An Lin! Are you okay? What the **** is going on?" the female emperor worried.

An Lin opened his tired eyes. With the strong body of the **** of war, he finally did not faint on the spot, but he was also weak and had no fighting power.

"I'm fine... I can't die, the aftereffects of the technique..."

He opened his mouth weakly, and at the same time he secretly concealed the unscrupulous system.

Finally, I can use one Heaven and One Finger, and I will once again blew myself. Do you want to bully people like this? This horrible sequelae really made him unable to afford the heavens!

The last time it was a big life, there was a fight to save.

This time it was purely thanks to the thick skin and thick, which was a sigh of relief.

Just as An Lin kept her belly, the female emperor took out the only remaining healing elixir from her martial arts, and put it into Anlin's mouth with a delicate jade hand.

A burst of cool energy began to flow throughout the body, quickly repairing his body injuries.

The grade of Xiandan should be very high. The potency was fully exerted under the full force of Aoki's longevity exercises. His injuries recovered quickly, and the skin wounds were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Anlin felt a sense of comfort. At this time, he realized that he was being held by the female emperor. The old waist was surrounded by the white arms, and the back was close to the delicate body of the female emperor. The soft and elastic touch came from behind. ......

The female emperor held him slowly and landed on the ground.

In the wind, in the snow, in the arms of the female emperor.

This moment, really like a dream, the contrast is too big, just like he suddenly came to the paradise of human bliss from the inexhaustible hell.

Tiandi, Mengzhi, Shangguanyi and others quickly flew over to check his injuries.

"An Lin Xiaoyou!"

"An Lin, are you okay?"

"God, how suddenly did you blow up?"

The people were full of concern and condolences.

Anlin didn't want to talk, just wanted to lie quietly in the arms of the female emperor.

"An Lin Xiaoyou, I remember you have a coffin, hurry up and lie in the coffin to heal the wound." The Emperor said with a look of concern.

Anlin rolled his eyes and took the coffin out of the ring.

He opened the coffin cover and was about to lie in.

Suddenly, I saw a golden light shining in front.

His pupils shrank slightly, and even the heartbeat slowed down half a beat, knowing that the sound of a nightmare sounded again.

"Time roulette."

With a "beep" roulette sounds.

Spots converge.

Time is like a rushing river, and the sky is long and the passage is endless.

A unique atmosphere spreads the world.

Everyone looked at the spot where the light gathered, and for a moment they were so nervous that they forgot to breathe.

Somehow in their hearts, suddenly there was a terrible conjecture.

The light spots gather, the slender body, the exquisite and perfect face, the long hair of the golden waterfall, exudes the supreme majestic ring...

Time God reappears in the world!

Their most worried conjecture finally came true.

Almost everyone who saw this scene forgot to breathe!

Anlin was even more desperate, and the body that recovered was as if it was still in pain.

Even Tiandao can not destroy her, what power, can kill the other side?

Now, his physical condition, let alone use one more heaven and one finger, even if it is a common boxing method, it is completely dead, and it is completely dead! !

Time God once again appeared in front of everyone, a pair of golden scorpions staring at An Lin, as if there was an unconcealed vendetta and hatred, and there seemed to be a bit more vigilance in anger.


A crisp cracking sound suddenly came.

The ring of God on her head is cracked again...

The **** ring has two more cracks than before, plus the previous crack, and now there are three cracks in the ring.

Anlin didn't know how the three cracks appeared on the ring of God, and how much influence he had on the **** of time, but he knew that the result of this kind of effect must be very large for him...

"My ring, how did you break again?" Time God's hands were a little trembling, gently stroking the time of the head of the gods, revealing the sorrow of shock.

Time, the name of God, always makes Anlin have a sense of violation.

"You all have to die... unforgivable, I want to torture you for thousands of years!!" The golden snow woman shouted, and the **** ring glowed brightly on her head, dazzling like a yang, while holding her hand with a blank hand.

A golden beam of light fell from the sky to the earth and gathered in her hands.

When the **** of heaven holds the pillar of light, it is like holding a pillar of stone, holding the earth, releasing the eternal eternal breath.

"Millennium sword!"

The golden snow female wrist moved, the golden light column descended from the sky, across countless, everything on the ground was within the range of the golden light column.

"Let you live forever in my time, suffer eternal torture and refining, so that I can ease the hatred of my ring!"

It is a light column and a sword. It has an edge that is difficult to contain.

Whether it is the Emperor, or a group of snow-women, looking at the sky-light column from the sky, the heart has produced a feeling of difficulty to escape.

"Is it going to die here?" Meng Zhi muttered.

Somelin was desperate and said: "No, we will not die. Didn't she say it? We must trap us in her time and suffer torture and refining forever."

An Lin did not doubt the authenticity in the mythology of time and day. Before she said that she would cut Anlin’s 30,000 swords and a hundred holes in one sword, then she would dare to do so...


Under the light column, Anlin, the Emperor, and millions of snow girls were swallowed up.

When the light is gone, only the gods stand in the void between the heavens and the earth.

There is an empty piece underneath, without any living beings, quietly.

Time God smiles collapsed, and there is a big hatred to report: "Finally... finally let you sinners who ruined my ring, taste the most terrible pain in the world..."

"My millennium sword contains an infinite amount of time. They constitute a dead cycle, enough to let all creatures fall into a certain time and cycle endlessly!!"

"Come on, start reincarnation now!"

Time flies and twinkling, the consciousness falls, and the time is invested in the sea~www.readwn.com~ a silence and darkness.

Suddenly a soft call came from the ear.


Anlin tried to open her eyes and saw a beautiful and beautiful woman in Tsing Yi, looking at herself with concern and a pair of warm jade hands clinging to her face.

"You finally woke up, is your health better?" The woman smiled and smiled.

"Xiaolan!" Anlin got up and was a tiger pounce, holding the delicate body of the woman in front of him.

"Oh, you still have injuries in your body, take a break first." Xu Xiaolan struggled.

Anlin did feel that the body was weak, and let go, and the look was a bit stunned: "I... how can I be here, how come I am back?"

Isn't he fighting with the **** of time? How did he wake up and go to Xu Xiaolan's room? He feels that the surrounding environment is real, not like a dream.

"It was the Emperor who saved you."

Xu Xiaolan came to a bowl of medicine and smiled and said: "Come, Anlin, should take medicine."


Four more, the snail should eat a monthly ticket...

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