I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1444: Anlin, it’s time to take medicine.

Looking at Xu Xiaolan’s elixir, which was scented with medicine, An Lin said with a smile: “I am seriously injured, I can’t drink it myself, I want you to feed.”

Xu Xiaolan smiled and yelled: "Look at your virtue, let me, I will feed you."

She took out the spoon and fed the potion into the mouth of An Lin.

Anlin drank the potion and felt warm all over the body. He felt that this was a wonderful life. The previous battle seemed to be hell. He never wanted to experience the second time again!

He finished drinking the potion and was about to lie down comfortably.


A strong discomfort from the body!

First, there was colic in the stomach, and then the skin of the whole body was like a tear. The pain seemed to penetrate the potion constantly, deep into the bone marrow, and spread to the soul, as if to tear the soul and crack it together.

"Ah...!!" An Lin screamed.

"An Lin, An Lin... How do you feel?" Xu Xiaolan looked at An Lin and asked with a smile.

Anlin saw Xu Xiaolan’s sullen smile, and the whole person was paralyzed.

Then, a conjecture that can't be trusted anyway, comes to mind.

"Xiaolan, is your medicine..." Anlin’s lips trembled and exclaimed.

"I did it, is the medicine good?" Xu Xiaolan sneered, stretching out the slender fingers, picking Anlin's chin, looking at Anlin's painful look, seemingly addicted.

"Why... why are you doing this? I don't believe it!" Anlin felt that his heart hurts, ten times more than the pain he suffered!

Xu Xiaolan smiled: "Why? Why do I do this, are you not counting?"

An Lin looked awkward, why is this, he really does not know!

Xu Xiaolan did not wait for Anlin to speak. He was full of resentment and said: "The Snowy female emperor is holding you, staring at you. What do you mean for me?"

An Lin’s eyes widened: “???”

"Hehehehe..." Xu Xiaolan smiled with a sullen look. "Like a slap in the face of you, you are ruined by a man who is abandoning and ignoring!"

Suddenly, a huge amount of pain rushed through Alling's body, as if to tear every inch of his skin!

An Lin was twitching, foaming at the mouth, and the pain reached the peak in an instant!

He rubbed his legs and turned his eyes.

An Lin, died.


In the deep sea of ​​consciousness.

Absolutely in the dark.

A soft call, ringing in the ear.


Anlin opened his eyes and saw the warm candlelight, a little embarrassing.

Didn't it die? Great, just a false alarm!

He saw a quiet woman sitting next to her.

The woman was very happy: "Great, you finally woke up, is it better now?"

"Xiaolan? I... I just had a nightmare." Anlin was a little scared.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a dream. Isn't there me with you?" Xu Xiaolan gently hugged Anlin, as if he wanted to make him feel at ease.

Anlin felt the warm embrace, and it was not so panic.

"It’s good to have you with me," Annlin said.

"You still have injuries and pay more attention to your body."

Xu Xiaolan patted An Lin's back gently, stood up, and came to a bowl from the top of the table. He smiled and said: "Come, Anlin, drink medicine."

An Lin: "???"

The memory flooded like a tide, letting him **** a big sigh of relief, and the tiger's body trembled.

He stared at the elixir in Xu Xiaolan's hand and panicked.

what happened?

what happened?

Just that is a dream?

Is it true now? !

Anlin’s brain was very messy and he thought a lot.

"An Lin, what happened? You are not quite right." Xu Xiaolan said.

"I..." Anlin looked at Xu Xiaolan with some fear. "I am... I don't want to drink medicine now, I just want to rest!"

Xu Xiaolan gave a slight glimpse, and then suddenly screamed: "I have spent half an hour on this medicine. You have to drink more or less, so it is my heart..."

Somein couldn't bear it, but some didn't trust: "Is there nothing in this medicine?"

When Xu Xiaolan heard this sentence, his eyes were red: "What do you mean by this?"

"Nothing." An Lin felt bad, and quickly took the medicine, but found that he was weak, even a bowl is difficult to hold.

"Come, I will feed you." Xu Xiaolan took the bowl very intimately and picked up the spoon. He must feed it bit by bit.

An Lin: "..."

What is this familiar scene, what is going on?

"First, when I was fighting with the **** of time, I was hit hard. The female emperor of the snow woman took me and helped me to heal!" An Lin was very serious.

Xu Xiaolan stunned his head: "Oh, I know, what do you say to me?"

Anlin saw that Xu Xiaolan’s expression was not abnormal. Then he let go of his heart and drank the elixir handed by Xu Xiaolan.

A warm, very comfortable feeling instantly flooded the body.

"Xiaolan is so good." Anlin was lying in bed, and he was savouring.

"I am naturally good to you," Xu Xiaolan said with a smile. "But it is a pity that you are not good to me..."

The air suddenly stopped.

An Lin’s heart raised a bad feeling.

The next second, his body came with a violent pain. First, there is unbearable colic in the stomach, and then spread to every inch of the body, even deep into the bone marrow and soul ~ www.readwn.com ~ potency seems to tear his body completely! !

"Ah...!" Anlin screamed.

"Why? Why do you want to do this to me!?" He made a roar of incomprehension.

"Hehehe..." Xu Xiaolan sneered. "You and the nine-colored gods are kissing, do you really think I don't know? You actually got caught with a bird!"

An Lin: "???"

"No, you listen to me, it is a misunderstanding!" An Lin explained loudly.

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen!" Xu Xiaolan kept shaking his head, and then smiled and cruelly said, "Like a man like you, who is ruthless, and who has been abandoned, will be destroyed and die!" ”


The drug effect broke out.

In the extreme pain, Anlin had foaming at the mouth, his eyes were black, and his legs were awkward.



A dark and chaotic.

There is another gentle voice.


When Anlin heard the sound, the tears were about to fall.

He thought he came to heaven, and the result was that he came to hell! !

Even if you are a fool, you know that things are not easy.

Not only is he infinitely dead and resurrected.

But everything he has experienced now is very real, absolutely not illusory! He seems to be caught in a real strange circle, and once he dies, he will regain his bed in bed...

Anlin has already decided, just fall asleep like this, not to get up.

"Quick, Anlin, get up and take medicine."

Xu Xiaolan’s voice echoed in his ear.

"Can't you get it? This can't be done, the medicines are all good, can't be wasted."

Said, Xu Xiaolan came to a bowl of medicine, regardless of whether An Lin woke up or not, rushed directly into his mouth...

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