I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1446: Breaking the sky for the second day

On the edge of the shore, on the empty land.

Like a golden jade-like snow-covered woman, her face is showing a cruel smile.

"Hey... I’m looking at you all in pain, I’m so happy, so happy... I’m sad, shouting, tears, how funny it is...”

Time God closed his eyes and said to himself, the smile on his face was not disguised.

Anyway, no one looks at it. It doesn't matter if you laugh a lot.

Seeing the key targets, Anlin, the Emperor, and the hundreds of millions of snow women who have received the money, are suffering in the cycle. She is finally relieved.

While savoring, he opened the glistening eyes.

Time God turned his eyes to the south, and his face was not reduced: "The snow woman is gone, the next goal is the Terran. The Emperor has been accepted by me. Who else can threaten me? But even if you step on the ants, it will take time. And strength, really trouble..."

She whispered softly, and the golden jade-like lotus feet stepped on the snow, slowly moving forward, and the body became more and more illusory, and began to shuttle through the space.


At this moment, a palm suddenly held her shoulder.

Time flies and trembles, a very dangerous feeling, began to flood the whole body.

"Who are you?" She did not turn her head, fearing that she would be stimulated to the presence behind her.

"I am the human ants that you have to step on."

The presence behind, the sound is light, indifferent.

Time is suddenly tense, her instincts can't be wrong, and the presence behind her does give her a very dangerous feeling, just like the Anlin who was inhaled by the millennial sword.

No, even more dangerous than Anlin...

In the midst of tension, she is more determined to destroy humanity.

Individuals who threaten her are appearing, and such creatures do not deserve to exist in the world.

Even the proposal to thoroughly clean the world should be considered.

Time God finally turned his head and looked at the human beings in front of him.

This is a juvenile-looking monk, wearing a coarse linen, white skin, a handsome face, a pair of eyes are particularly clear and clear, just look at their own look is cold.

"Who are you?" Time God asked.

"Chen Chen." The teenager laughed. "The second day of breaking the sky, Chen Chen."

Time God smiled: "Breaking the sky? What is the name, it is a gangster of ignorance."

"It won't break, you will know it later." Chen Chen is not angry.

For a moment, he shook his head again, seemingly reluctant to say: "You could have died later, the mistake is wrong, you let a person encounter danger, he is the third day of our broken gang."

Time God is not interested in what the dusty gangs Chen Chen said, but because of the dangerous feeling Chen Chen brought to her, she could not help but ask: "Who is it."

"It's him." Chen Chen smiled and reached out to the **** of time.

That hand clearly did not affect anything in the heavens and the earth, but it infinitely expanded in the horizon of the **** of time, obscuring the sky, and finally seemed to hold the whole world in the palm of your hand! !

Time God's face changed a lot, stepping on the footsteps, and the body madly swept toward the rear.

At the same time, a huge amount of golden light clusters, turned into a circle to wrap the body in all directions.

That is the power of time decay!

Any force that enters her aperture will be annihilated by the power of time.

"I was as small as a dust, and I was afraid of the time." Chen Chen faintly opened his mouth, and his body had already entered the aperture of time decay, and rushed to the time of the gods.

Time is diminished, and time is decaying in front of him, but there is no effect!

"Breaking the seven-style, palm-day." Chen Chen's hand grasped the chest of time God, five fingers contain five different five elements of power, palms are chaotic destruction and new life alternate.

Time God wants to escape at this moment, but there is nowhere to hide.

As if hiding in any corner of the world, you can't hide the palm of Chen Chen.


Chen Chen’s palm fell on the chest of the time god, as if holding something, and directly pulled it out!

At first, the thing was just a group of elliptical light clusters. Soon, the light group was endless, and the stripping was getting faster and faster. In the end, the golden light covered the earth!

time flies.

One snow woman reappeared on the earth.

They are either screaming or crying.

Mengzhi, Shangguanyi, the emperor of the Snow Girl, and the Emperor, also appeared one after another.

At the top of a house not far away.

A tall, woman wearing a colorful emperor robe, beautifully dressed, with a beautiful dragon horn, holding a white fluffy ball in her arms, looking at the direction of Chen Chen, revealing the horror.

"A very good move, is this the trick that I have to learn?"

The white ball waved its small wings and was excited: "A move is reversed, and the world will be played in the palm of your hand... What a heroic, how proud of the sky!"

"This is the big land, not the biggest figure of Laozi! Is he the second day of the gangster? Ah... I have been fascinated by him, wanting to die!"

Suddenly, the expression of the white ball condensed, and the sound stopped abruptly, as if I saw something incredible.

"How could it be... my millennial sword was broken by you?" Time God looked at the man in front of him in disbelief and muttered.

Chen Chen’s look is light and his palm has a golden light burst.

A person gradually appeared in the original form and appeared in front of him.

The rareness of Chen Chen’s tone brought a arrogance: "He is the third day of my broken gang. I am looking for the breath of heaven and earth, just to save him."

Time God saw the cohesive man with a faint color on his face.

Yes, this man is indeed the most awkward creature in mankind. If Chen Chen is coming to save him, it is understandable.

Because that man is Anlin! !

Chen Chen has not continued to speak, Anlin violently clings to Chen Chen in front of him, crying deeply: "Wow! Xiaolan, I am wrong! I am a slap in the face, ignorant, and finally abandoned. Man, I should be destroyed by heaven, you forgive me, okay... oh..."

An Lin rubbed a tear on Chen's linen.

Time God has slightly opened his mouth and looked at the scene with some shock.

Chen Chen looked at Anlin with a blank expression, and suddenly he regretted making a decision to save Anlin.

He saved the third day of the broken day, not the nerve disease in front of him!

This scene, Tai Te is a shame! !

Anlin cried and cried, and suddenly felt that his hand was not right.

Xiaolan's clothes will be so rough, and the body is not so hard! He looked up and saw a man looking at himself indifferently.

"Where! Who are you special?!" Anlin scared a big jump ~www.readwn.com~ immediately pushed Chen Chen.

He took a closer look, and this surprised him: "Is you, Chen Chen?"

"If I don't come, you have to continue to be a man who is in the middle of a slap in the face, and who is indifferent to the situation." Chen Chen no expression.

Anlin’s face is bright, and he looks around and sees the vast surroundings. The exquisite ice sculpture castles are a hustle and bustle.

Everything seems to have passed for a long time, such as the world.

"I am back... I am finally back!!" Ann Lin cried!


(Xiao Xie's image reference map has been posted on the WeChat public account, pay attention to the maverick snail, click on the history message to see it!)

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