I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1447: Let me teach you how to fight with the sky.

No one knows what Anlin has experienced.

Only he knows how this time has come.

Repeated times and times, killed again and again.

No matter how you struggle, it doesn't work.

Anlin dared to swear that even if there is **** on earth, it will never be so terrible.

If Chen Chen arrives later, maybe he will be mad when he rescues Anlin!

At the top of a palace, the female emperor of the evil dragon family is standing.

The white pompom in her arms is not calm.

"Lord...owner?" White pompoms opened his face in disbelief.

It did not think at all that it would encounter its own owner in such a situation.

Gu Longdi, the new super power of the new Jindao, the fourth day of the gang, and now also looked at the white man in the distance.

She knows that Chen Chen’s coming out of the mountain is to save the third day of the legend.

The Tiantian Gang invited him several times and was rejected.

Even so, the Broken Sky still retains the position of the third day for him.

And because of that mysterious existence, she joined the gang of help, only to succumb to a mysterious existence that did not join the gang.

Gu Longdi often thinks about what kind of fascinating and fascinating enchanting genius will be so valued by such a group of super-powerful peers.

She is looking forward to seeing the legendary third day.

I didn’t expect that I really saw the third day, not only I saw it, but I was still an acquaintance I had seen before...

"It turned out to be you, the tortoise monk!" Gu Longdi almost spurted blood.

This cargo is not the monk who had been shrinking in the turtle shell when she was fighting in the early morning. My God, he turned out to be the third day? ! !

Gu Longdi felt the ridiculousness of this world.

Losing her, she was still looking forward to the other side, this contrast is too big, right? !

However, Gu Long is not a superficial person, and will not look down on An Lin.

Can be valued by the two great emperors, Anlin definitely has something extraordinary.

Then, Gu Longdi was still watching it very seriously. Then, she saw Anlin holding Chen Chen’s crying, wiping her nose and wiping her tears...

That scene is so beautiful, and it’s beautiful to see the ancient dragons.

The snow girls who fell into the millennium sword returned to the temporary land again. They gradually recovered their minds. In the fear of panic, they also saw the man who suddenly appeared in front of the **** of time.

"Is he saving us?"

"He is also a human being..."

The snow girls look complicated and look at the boy who is rude.

"Chen Chen, I thank you for saving me!" Anlin gratefully said.

"You are welcome, against the authority of the heavens, it is our responsibility." Chen Chen smiled.

Anlin heard a word: "Is your responsibility not a day?"

"The power of heaven is also part of the sky." Chen Chen patiently explained.

An Lin suddenly realized.

Not far away, the Emperor looked at Chen Chen's figure and looked very alert.

The Broken Heaven and the Tiantian Gang were originally two opposing gangs. Now the second day of the Broken gang is here, he has to be alert.

After seeing the Emperor, Chen Chen smiled quite amicably and then said, "Now, do you know how incompetent you are?"

Emperor: "..."

"On the fight with the sky, we break the sky, it is professional." Chen Chen did not go to see the emperor's expression, turned to Anlin softly: "Heavenly fingers, not you use it, unconstrained to release, The body can't hold it easily."

"How should it be used?" Anlin asked.

To be honest, the power of Tiandao Yizhi is called the sky.

But one thing, the most headache for him, that is the aftereffects after use!

Chen Chen and a smile: "Want to learn? Join the Broken Sky, I will teach you."

An Lin: "..., don't go."

Chen Chen is not annoyed: "That line, I still have to teach you, just there is a material here..."

Said, he turned his eyes to the golden snow woman not far away.

When the gods saw it, they immediately turned and turned into a light, but they wanted to escape!

"I will teach you first, how to fight with the sky!"

Chen Chen said with a smile, the body suddenly disappeared in place.

In the next moment, he had already reached the top of the light, his hands were together, and there was a black whirlpool behind him, as if he could **** everything.

"If you want to turn into light, then I will give you a black hole that even light can absorb."

"Break the eighth style, dark road!"

The black vortex suddenly burst open.

The world is suddenly dark.

Everything in the world belongs to nothingness.

At that moment, Anlin seemed to be sucked up even with his own soul.

The direction of Chen Chen is the scream of the gods.

The golden light, like a coat, was torn and shattered by the darkness.

Soon, Jin Guang revealed her body, the golden snow female look of the **** of time.

Chen Chen appeared in front of the **** of time, his fists shrouded in golden light, and kept growing in the field of vision.

"The third style of breaking the sky, the sky is a punch."


The general explosion of the landslide.

Time God was knocked down by the ground, and the earth followed and trembled!

Chen Chen turned his head and said to Anlin: "Use the tricks of breaking the sky, you must know how to retract freely, suppress the power of moves, and do the most accurate blows. One brain will exert all the strengths, not only for your own health, but also difficult to continue. Reinvent the enemy."

Time God was lying on the crater, and with a "beep" sound, the **** ring had another crack, which made her almost mad.

"Ah... my little ring...!!"

The ring of God changed from three cracks to four cracks.

Chen Chen brows a wrinkle: "Small ring? What is the disgusting name?"

He stepped on his footsteps and flashed in front of the **** of time.

"The second day of the sky, the heavens and the feet."

Chen Chen’s foot seems to span space and time. At the moment of his footsteps, he has already arrived at the belly of Tianshen and directly kicked her petite body into a bow.


It was an earth-shattering explosion.

Time God was kicked and flew tens of thousands of meters, and there was a fifth crack in the **** ring on the head.

Chen Chen continued to pursue the victory.

"Give me death!" Time God was also beaten fierce, face dew, the light on the head of the **** ring suddenly dazzled like a yang, while a palm shot toward Chen Chen.

After the eternal winds and vicissitudes of time, with the palm of the hand such as the tsunami, Chen Chen dusted.

Wherever the palm of the hand passes, everything is turned into extremely tiny dust, without exception.

Time to dust!

In this move, Chen Chen feels the power of extremely high density~www.readwn.com~ Once caught in the power of time god, no matter who it is, the body function will suffer from the power of the ages.

He did not dare to underestimate the enemy, use Tiandao a punch, and time God's palms against the bomb!

Bang! The two collide at the same time, the world is blowing! At the center of the power bite, the void is twisted and broken, the time is chaotic, and everything is destroyed, as if to be attributed to the chaos before the beginning of the heavens and the earth.

Even the earth was shaken by the aftershocks of energy for hundreds of miles.

Anlin looked frightened.

This is what Chen Chen said, to use the broken system to suppress his own strength?

The world has to be defeated by him! !

When he was shocked in his heart, the system in his mind suddenly flashed violently.

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