I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1449: The death of Anlin

A battle finally came to an end.

The countdown to death in the minds of hundreds of millions of snow women disappeared.

It disappeared over time with the death of the gods.

But the snow girls are not happy, because the Anlin who saved them died, their female emperor died, and their beloved high priest Meng Zhi and Shang Guanyi died.

Oh, the Emperor is also dead.

Time is the same as God, taking away all important people.

The snow girls are caught in the silence and sorrow that are hard to extricate themselves.

Yanhua stood on the broken earth, looked up, did not feel red eyes, looked at the empty void, shouted: "An Lin! Come back soon! There are snow women's billions of products waiting for you to inherit! ”

The voice echoed in the open earth and no one responded.

She shed tears: "If you don't come back, I will break the contract..."

However, in response to her, there is only a cold wind like a knife.

The rest of the snow girls looked at the Palace Palace, not far away, and they also showed the color of mourning.

"Right, why is the Yanhua Palace owner calling Anlin not to call our female emperor?" A snow woman suddenly said.

Snow woman: "..."

A younger snow woman stood up: "That is because Anlin is not our snow girl, but she still stood up and sacrificed her life to save us! He is the hero of our family, we should all be forever Respect him, remember him!!"

As soon as this statement came out, the snow women suddenly awe.

The woman who questioned Yanhua’s snow woman was even more shy and self-sufficient. She was red-eyed: "I am wrong, I should not misunderstand the Yanhua Palace Lord, Anlin Sect, I am sorry for you, hehe..."

At this moment, the soft valley, Su Jingxiang and other palace owners also came to the front of the Yanhua, comforting her.

Yanhua is usually hot and hard, but now it is crying with pears and rain, sobbing: "They must be able to come back right? Just like they were once inhaled into the millennium sword, there will always be people who break open and save them. ,right?"

"Yes, yes, spend your sister, don't be sad." Su Jingxiang looked distressed.

They all know that the millennium sword is just a move, and it is the time when God is able to boast at the expense of life.

Now, whether An Lin and others are trapped in a certain place, they may have been blown up.

However, people want to see people, die to see the body.

Perhaps, the speculation of Yanhua can also become a hope for everyone.

The impact of the event is fermenting.

Within the Imperial Palace of Heaven.

The jade card of the Emperor of Heaven suddenly cracked and the four emperors shook.

Forty-nine sects.

"Small day, you finally came back. Anlin also said to go to you, he did not come back with you?" Xu Xiaolan in the Yange, saw a ball of snow in front of him, his face smiled brightly.

"Hey... Xiaolan... Master him... Master him... Dead!" Xue Yutian rushed into Xu Xiaolan's arms and burst into tears.

Xu Xiaolan was a sneak peek. Then he gently stroked the soft white hair of Xue Yutian. He smiled and said: "Don't be kidding. Anlin is the world's first strange man. The wind **** of the war, even the heavens can't help him, and How can you die?"

"This is a true thing. I witnessed it. The opponent is the **** who can control the time. It finally began to blew himself up. Not only the master, but the Emperor, the female emperor... ah ah..."

The snowy days have not spoken yet, and the whole body has been struck by giant force. Like a cannonball, it hits the top of Yange and flies toward the sky.

Only Xu Xiaolan’s anger was resounding through the heavens and the earth.

"I don't listen! You give me a roll!!!"


The news is unstoppable, whether it is the death of the Emperor or the death of Anlin.

If others have sacrificed, they can’t even do funeral.

Snow Maiden is the female emperor, Mengzhi, Shangguanyi, and the three held a grand funeral.

At the same time, the same grand funeral was held for Emperor Tian, ​​Anlin and Chen Chen.

The news revealed by the funeral caused a huge sensation in the early days of the mainland.

This kind of big event can be said to be a rare encounter in a thousand years, and the impact is even more earth-shattering.

Some people don't believe, some people cry and scream, and some people spend their days.

Obviously, if this incident is true, it will be a huge and heavy blow to the Terran forces and the Snow Maiden.

Now it’s just the snowy woman’s statement that both Tianting and the Forty-nine Xianzong are silent, so many souls are still not convinced that it has risen in just a few years, and the famous ecstasy of the whole continent and the ruling of the Kyushu world are numerous. The emperor of the year will fall like this.

But all this was confirmed after a month.

A month later.

The heavenly court declared the heavenly emperor and the heavenly **** of war, Anlin, to hold a funeral!

Announced, shocked the world!

The official of Tianting officially hammered the death of Emperor and Anlin. This incident was finally in the early mainland, and it caused a storm.

Countless powers came from all directions.

Representatives of the creation hall, representatives of the western bliss, also have representatives of the Sanctuary, Longting, Bishui, Linghu, Nantian, and other forces.

However, only the Xihai Union and the Forty-nine Xianzong, did not send one person to come.

From the beginning to the end of the Forty-nine Xianzong, they did not admit that their sovereigns had fallen.

The world only cares when they are unable to accept the fall of the sovereign.

Not long after, all the high-level members of the Snow Girl announced that the entire Snow Girl will be attached to the Forty-nine Immortals, obeying the command of the Forty-nine Immortals!

Once this statement came out, the mainland once again caused a sensation.

The impact of the incident is still fermenting, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to calm down.

Many souls are only shocked by the fall of several big men. The super powers who are truly at the end of the mainland have already smelled the deadly danger from this incident.

In the darkness.

I don’t know how long it’s been.

Suddenly, there was a gentle voice coming.


Consciousness slowly returns.

Upon hearing this familiar emphasis, it seemed to be thundered and directly bounced.

"I don't want to drink medicine, I don't want to drink medicine!!"



Anlin felt that his head seemed to hit something, and it hurt a little.

He immediately opened his eyes~www.readwn.com~ The field of vision gradually became clear, but he found that Shangguanyi looked at her delicate nose and looked at herself with a look of resentment.

"Oh...sorry..." Annlin noticed that he had started too suddenly and hit the nose of Shangguanyi.

"It doesn't matter..." Shangguan geek licked the nose, and Mei Lin told Anlin: "What do you mean by yelling not to drink medicine?"

An Lin heard a smile: "Nothing, nothing, a nightmare..."

Looking at the beautiful face of the woman in front of me, the memory is like a flood of water, the time of the gods is like a ring of life, and the scene she was forced to smash and blew...

He was somewhat grateful: "I didn't expect that we are still alive."

"Actually, our situation is not much better than death, you look around." Shangguanyi Road.

Anlin heard the words turning around, the pupils gradually contracted, and the face was shocked: "The trough! What is this place?!"

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