I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1450: Within the strange space

Anlin found himself in a very strange space.

The space is pure gold and does not seem to have any margins.

The ground is also golden, full of material, but I don't know what the material is, it is very soft, and it is warm.

A golden river rushes past them, not knowing all the time.

Just looking at these pictures is actually quite good.

But the river made Anlin feel astonished.

It is not his face that the river reflects, but there are countless pictures. The extreme horror of those pictures is the torture that the world can't imagine.

For example, when the eggs are implanted on the body, the eggs hatch continuously absorb the nutrients of the parasitic person, and the body of the parasitic person rots every day, and then the flesh and blood are hatched by the hatched worms, and finally the foraging is not left. The living creatures are screaming and desperate, and they are more painful than death.

Above the river, there are many similar tortures, and even more terrible torture is countless.

A variety of different forms of torture, flowing like a river, are endless.

Shangguanyi walked to the side of Anlin and said slowly: "If it wasn't for Chen Chen, we would transfer it to the shore before we fell into the river. Maybe we will experience the torture on the river."

When Anlin heard this, the scalp was numb in an instant.

Torture on the picture of the river, if you experience any one, you must be born to die. He almost has to go through these tortures.

He looked at the endless river, his face was dark: "This is nothing at all. Endless torture, it is the most terrible **** under the sun!"

"Perhaps, time God is putting all her torture on the river and looking at all the tortures on the river." Shangguanyi also looked a little scared.

"Really... She said before she died that we should fall into the endless cycle of time and die hundreds of millions of times. I didn’t expect this kind of death..." Anlin was equally impressed.

He suddenly felt that Xu Xiaolan's punishment for feeding him poison was simply a gentle township! !

I have to say that the power of the millennium sword and the self-explosion of the **** of time are really not a grade.

An Lin suddenly remembered that Chen Chen could even block the self-explosion of the gods, and saved them by the way. Isn't it more arrogant?

"Right, where is Chen Chen?" asked Anlin.

Shangguanyi extended the white jade finger and pointed to the river: "He is in the river."

Anlin was shocked. Then he blinked and almost cried. He whimpered: "I don't think that Chen Chen, the chief of the school, sacrificed it to save us. I have to suffer such terrible pain..."

"What do you want to do..." Shangguan Yibai took Anlin's eye and said: "Chen Chen is going to the river to find his way back. In this long time, there may be clues to go back."

"He won't have anything? Does it hurt?" Ann Lin was worried.

Shang Guanyi smiled and said: "Your master Chen Chen is very powerful. There are special ways to isolate the erosion of the river. He has already taught the method to the female emperor, Mengzhi, and the Emperor. Now they are all in the river of time. Look for clues to go back. I am responsible for caring for you here."

"Everyone is desperately trying to go out..." An Lin looked at the golden plaque around him, and realized that his current situation was trapped in this strange space.

Here, there is no room for power and no sense of direction. The only clue is that the road ahead is not only the record, but also the most cruel river in the world.

Seeing the picture on this river, it will faint, it will be disgusting.

When Anlin looked at it for a while, he couldn’t stand it anymore.

This is much more exciting than watching a horror movie. Any one shot can scare an ordinary person to lose his soul, or be disgusting for a few days to eat.

Anlin found a place to sit on the ground and took out a psychic fruit.

Shangguanyi followed and walked over to Anlin. There was a smile on the innocent face of Baiyu: "Is it difficult? I saw this river before, and it was worse than you, and spit directly."

Anlin looked at Shangguanyi with some surprises. It seemed that he did not expect the legendary ice ancestor to reincarnate, and the resistance was so weak.

Shangguanyi's legs were bent together, and his chin was on his knees. The golden enamel, which was full of mightyness, gradually dissipated and turned into a black and white pair of eyes, adding a bit of tenderness and sorrow to his face.

She whispered: "Look at the torture, not to mention the tortured creatures. Even if you exhaust my imagination, you can't think of one in ten thousand."

"But in the long river of time, this type of torture is almost endless... You say that it is also a living being, why are so many creatures going to be inferior?"

Listening to Shangguanyi’s words, Anlin couldn’t help but smile: “The forest is big, what birds are there.”

"Can we think of a way to kill the bad birds in the forest? Or let the bad birds have no qualifications for birth?" Shangguanyi said again.

"Oh..." An Lin stunned. How does this sound like a little girl's wayward slang? It's like roaring, bad guys, and nothing!

"In this world, there is evil in goodness." Anlin thought for a moment, "The meaning of the existence of the bad guys may be just to set off the greatness of the good."

Shangguanyi was teased by the words of Anlin.

Thinking about it, it seems to be the same.

There are black and white, and there are dirty things, it seems to be kind and great. There are not a few devils to set off the decent and decent, and those who are decent in the name of the decent, who is going to set off?

But people who don't like black things still don't like it. It's like everyone likes to be clean. Who would like to hide the dirt and dirt.

"Actually, I have always wanted to make the Snow Maidens become the souls that everyone loves." Shangguanyi looked at Anlin Road. "Unfortunately, although they look good, they are cold, just like you often say." Like the goddess of cold, the outsiders are ignorant of love, making people feel inaccessible. Over time, there is no race that is willing to deal with us."

An Lin smiled and said: "Then I was treated with your warm hospitality, is it very rare?"

"It’s rare that even the female emperor has not been so warmly received by them." Shangguanyi raised a gorgeous smile.

Anlin recalled the scenes that had been warmly served by the snow girls before, and I couldn’t help but have some recollections.

"An Lin..." a soft call rang in the ear.

Anlin turned his head and found that Shangguanyi was looking at himself with a gaze. The white face was like a jade, and the pink thin lips trembled ~www.readwn.com~ seemed to want to say something.

Anlin’s heart beat, the first reaction is that Shangguan can’t, we’re not possible, Xiaolan will force me to drink medicine!

"Anlin, sorry, I am really sorry..."

Shangguanyi’s face was awkward and his head lowered.

An Lin stunned, this thing develops, it seems different from what he imagined?

"I am tired of you. If it is not my request, you will not encounter life and death crises in succession. I am a disaster star and blame me..."

She held her arms in her arms, buried her head in her arms, and shrank her body. He whispered: "Whoever meets me will be unlucky... I have worked very hard, but whoever I meet is unlucky. , should I not approach anyone? Or, should I not exist in the world?"

Some of Anlin did not return to God.

The woman who looked at the sudden crying in front of him, was at a loss.

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