I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1451: Misfortunes and mutual dependence

The aura of Shangguan’s doom is not a joke.

Not to mention other places, at least in Suzaku, no one dared to deny her aura of bad luck. That is simply the existence of a bug. Which one is going to go, and why she is so unlucky is a mystery.

At this time, Anlin suddenly realized that he had been invincible, why he suddenly failed, and he was abused by an authority numerous times. Could it be that……

Is it related to Shangguanyi teacher?

He looked around and kept sobbing, and the woman who was wronged like a helpless little girl silently left behind the conjecture in her heart. This should be a coincidence.

At least, his business should not be smashed to the sister, or blame himself for being too weak.

An Lin reached out and took a picture of Guan Yi’s shoulder and smiled. “In fact, what you can bring to others is not just bad luck. The blessings are originally dependent.”

Shangguan Yijiao gently trembled, raised his tears, a few drops of tears wet the white tender and delicate face, staring at An Lin: "Blessings and blessings? Where can I bring blessings to others?"

Anlin said in a serious way: "You think, when I entered the Zhuque prison with you, I encountered a bad luck, and I even met the black phoenix that returned to the peak..."

"But I experienced a dead battle. After killing him, I actually got the blood of Zhuque. This thing indirectly saved Xiaolan, let Xiaolan get a new treasure of the world. You said, is there a blessing in your trouble? If you didn't recruit black phoenix, I wouldn't have the blood of Zhuque!"

Shangguanyi heard a glimpse: "This...the black phoenix thing, is it that I recruited?"

Anlin looks like a singer: "With you, anything that is unlucky is yours!"

Shangguanyi: "..."

Seeing a woman who was wronged, An Lin said again: "Of course, if there is any good fortune, good harvest, it will be yours, and the blessings and the good dependencies."

Shangguan geek licked the tears of Yingying Yingying, could not help but break the smile.

"The slick tongue..."

"I am arguing for it!"

Anlin continued: "There are still snow girls, time gods originally wanted to destroy your family, but because of you, look at your face, I went to save the snow woman. The snow female whole family is not the same because of you, Did you escape the power of the genocide?"

Shangguanyi looked at Anlin with shame and gratitude: "That is because you are good..."

An Lin was not able to get a good man card, and he was not surprised. He was a great person. He said, "Just, I am a bit confused. The incarnation of the authority is to think about destroying the human race. This time, first of all, from the snow woman. it has started?"

"Because the snow girl is also a human race." Shangguanyi raised the black scorpion and looked at Anlin Road.

"Snow woman is a human race?!" An Lin stunned his eyes and was shocked.

"Why are you so shocked, what is the snow woman not like a person?" Shangguanyi slightly grinned, seemingly dissatisfied.

"There is no man in the whole family, but it can reproduce normally. You say this is human?" An Lin couldn't find a channel.

Shangguanyi's face is slightly red, whispered: "My last life, that is, human beings, then I feel that men are disgusting, and they hide in the snow-capped mountains to practice... Finally, the success of enlightenment not only changes the source of life, but also creates the method of asexual reproduction. It is the origin of the snow woman..."

An Lin opened his mouth and heard this, even more shocked than hearing the snow woman is human.

He knows that Shangguanyi’s last life was an ice ancestor. That is to say, she is not only an ancestor of a race, she even created a race! !

One person can create a race, and it is a very famous race in the early days of the mainland. How terrible it is.

"Right, you said that you used to think that men are disgusting, then now..." An Lin looked at Shangguanyi, curious.

"Now, of course not!" Shangguanyi was nervous, fearing that Anlin had misunderstood something, adding that "Ice is an ice ancestor, I am me, this life, I am different."

Anlin nodded.

Now Shangguanyi is indeed different, much worse than the previous life.

He suddenly thought of another thing: "Right, all said that the blessings and the blessings are interdependent. Now we are so miserable, will there be any unexpected gains here?"

Shangguanyi heard the words and looked around. There was nothing special about the golden plaque. It can be said that except for the terrible river, there is nothing left: "No, it is empty, what can be gained?" ?"

Anlin stood up and fumbled around.

He spread his knowledge, explored the entire space, and found that the space was too big.

He also took out the evil sword and cut it toward the soft ground, but found that with the sharp edge of the sword of the evil spirits, he could not leave a trace on it.

"Wait, this doesn't seem to be a substance..." Anlin slashed it on the ground with a sword. Although he encountered a block, he did not cut the specific material.

"Well..." Shangguanyi stood up and said: "Chen Chen said that this is a strange world built by the remnant power of the **** of time. Because of the death of the **** of time, it becomes an unconscious space. And because of the time authority. The characteristics, it is immortal."

Anlin had a headache when he heard this.

The general technique, as long as you hold it for a while, no one maintains it, it disappears by itself.

But now the caster is a metamorphosis, people are dead, and the technique can still exist forever! This means that Chen Chen and others, if they can't find a breakthrough in this strange space, they will always be trapped here!

No wonder that before going to Guanyi, they said that their status is not much different from death.

After all, they have a high probability of suffocating here! !

"When Chen Chen comes back, I want him to teach me how to isolate the river from this time. I have to go to the river to find clues." Anlin looked firm.

"Me too, people are more powerful." Shangguanyi nodded.

The two watched on the shore.

Not long after, the river downstream swayed.

Chen Chen’s figure gradually rises and looks very tired.

After seeing Anlin wake up, he only had a smile on his face: "An Lin, you woke up, how is the injury now?"

An Lin smiled and said: "Thanks to the female emperor's elixir, and the rest of the time, the injury has now recovered more than half. It is no longer a problem. What is the situation now?"

When Chen Chen stepped on the footsteps, he came to Anlin's side and said, "The situation is not very good. This river contains the world's evil. It can be seen in the water, into the world of the picture, and tortured. Since it can lead to a specific world or space, then in the constantly moving picture, there should be clues to the world of the early continent, but I did not find..."

"Give me the way to enter the river, I will also look for it." An Lin heard the words ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Chen nodded, fingertips bloom white mans, point on Anlin's forehead: "You don't want to refuse, I infuse you with a virtual body."


When Anlin blinked again, his body was looming and became somewhat illusory.

"The original way, by this method, the sense of existence can be eliminated to the utmost, and the power of time ignores my existence..."

Anlin’s eyes were bright and he came to the river and looked at the picture of the most evil **** in Hanoi, carefully stepping into the river!


(Third! For the Silver League, I may have raised a fake snail plus more! Ah, ah, so excited, the first silver league of the fake fairy, the next burst will be more!)

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