I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1452: How do you want to die?

The picture on the river, sensing the proximity of Anlin, suddenly broke out with a force of suction.

Anlin’s heart was shocked and there was no movement. After the power touched his illusory body, he could not find the target. He wandered around and could not touch it.

"Great..." He couldn't help but admire.

The strength of Chen Chen can be described as unfathomable. Even the techniques that can separate the power of the gods will be used. Not only that, but also the technique and mass production can be passed on to others!

Although he just said that he can only practice this technique if his qualifications are excellent and he is repaired as an object of returning to the virtual, the threshold is quite high. But for the Terran, this is definitely a crucial step in the fight against the avatar! Breaking the sky is really worthy of the name! !

When I was in the heart of An Lin, the system suddenly slammed.

His heart was shocked, and the system’s presence was very high recently!

At this time, don't enact any moths and pits.

He is trapped here so badly, if he still abuses people, he will really die!

Anlin opened the system a little and looked at it.

A line of words appears on the system.

The source of the host contact time is detected, and the following special tasks are released:

Enter a certain picture of the river in time, feel the power of evil, and die once.

Mission success: gain the second weight of the Yin Shen method.

Mission failure: permanently become the fairy Anlin.

An Lin: "..."

System, Ma Mai batch! I am in the middle of your day! ! Did you hear it? !

Chen Chen discovered Anlin's abnormality and hurriedly said: "An Lin, how are you crying?"

Yes, An Lin’s face has already shed two lines of tears.

Life is so difficult, the system still has to be the last straw to crush the camel.

He slowly retracted his foot, his lips twitched, his voice whimpered: "If you give two choices, one choice is to enter the picture of the river and die once. The second choice is to become a fairy forever, you choose Which one?"

Chen Chen’s face changed: “What are you talking about?!”

Shangguanyi did not think about it: "Of course it is a fairy!"

Anlin’s face is dark: “You don’t talk to a woman!”

Shangguanyi was somewhat reluctant to shut up, and at the same time, a pair of black eyes looked at Anlin, his face was full of curiosity: "Do you have to choose one?"

Anlin wiped the tears from his face and nodded, "Yes."

Shangguanyi: "..."

Chen Chen heard that his face changed slightly, and he kept looking at An Lin, hesitatingly said: "An Lin Daoyou, why are you so strange, is it cursed?"

Anlin immediately nodded: "Yeah, I cursed, a curse named Xitong."

"The curse of Xi Tong?" Chen Chen caressed his chin and still looked blank. "But I didn't see the curse of clues in you..."

Anlin looked up in a melancholy face and looked up at the space of Kim Min: "Maybe because this curse is too advanced? It should be a way of unlocking or transferring, but my current strength is still not done, nor Know when to be tortured by it..."

When Chen Chen saw that the status of Anlin was OK, he would no longer be entangled in this matter, so he seriously analyzed: "In fact, I think that what is gender or something is outside the body. It is a big horror, from death to life. I don't think it is a big problem to become a fairy."

He is still a look of indifference to the outside world. He faintly said: "If you feel that you have become a fairy, you can turn into a fairy and then use the fairy method to turn yourself into a man."

Anlin’s words suddenly exploded, and Chen’s collar was excited: “Just kidding, the essence of life is different! I became a fairy, and then become a man, just self-deception!”

Chen Chen still looks indifferent: "In my eyes, the difference between men and women is that when they are not repaired, the way to go to the toilet is different."

An Lin: "..."

This big sister is not an ordinary person, there is no way to communicate!

Anlin took a deep breath and said: "Forget it, I haven't prepared for Xiaolan Lily yet, and I won't be a fairy if I die!"

"So?" Chen Chen was curious.

"So..." An Lin looked at the endless river in front of him and said, "The kind of evil punishment in the world, I have to taste it once!"

Whether it is Chen Chen or Shangguanyi, after hearing this sentence, they all respected.

"An Lin Daoyou, the curse in you can be really vicious... I forced you to do this kind of thing." Chen Chen's indifferent face, rare and unexpected.

"An Lin...I am hurting you, I blame me for making you so unlucky... oh..." Shangguanyi gave himself the system's pot to himself and kept apologizing.

Anlin looked speechless and knew that he would not say anything about the system curse.

Well... use the curse to describe the system's accidental affiliation!

This kind of thing is the misfortune and the mutual dependence. Although the system pit is very miserable, but it has come over, as long as it does not die, it can still have a lot of gains.

Thinking so, he came to the edge of the river.

"Chen Chen, I only enter a picture in the river. If I die inside, I really won't die?" An Lin said a very contradictory statement.

Chen Chen nodded and said: "It should not die. After all, when the gods want to go with us, they want to pull us into this river. It says that we must die hundreds of millions of times, naturally we will not let When you die once, it will end, it will not be so cheap for you."

Anlin heard the face and couldn't help but sigh: "This time God is really vicious! But this viciousness has made me feel relieved..."

Chen Chen nodded: "You only need to resurrect the moment, run the virtual illusion that I give you, you can get out of the river."

Anlin sighed with relief.

In fact, the system will never issue a mortal task, which is also the basis for his decision to step into the river.

He stood on the shore and looked at the river.

The extremely evil punishment in the world kept flashing from his eyes.

Every picture, if experienced once, will leave a shadow of a lifetime.

The biggest question now is which one to choose...

The system is to let him die once, he is now choosing how he died.

Anlin just watched the shore for ten minutes.

If there is a good thing to cramp and skin scraping ~www.readwn.com~ He has already jumped in, the problem is not!

Every kind of torture shown on the river is thousands of times more horrible than cramping...

Suddenly, he saw a very fresh and refined picture.

There is sunshine on the picture, there is grass, it looks very fresh and natural.

A harmonious and natural scene without any torture!

"I am going! Am I winning this?!"

Anlin’s eyes exploded and he jumped to the picture.

You are the one! !

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