I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

: Silver League testimony

False fairy finally ushered in the book's first silver alliance today! !

The mood of the snail at the moment is very exciting, and I have been excited for one night!

I have been writing books for more than a year, and I feel the first silver alliance.

Really wonderful, I feel a dream.

The Silver League is not just the Silver League. It is also the reader's biggest affirmation and the greatest encouragement to my writing.

The snail can proudly say to other people later, see, there are people who like my book so much, so support me!

Here, I would like to thank the Silver League "I may have raised a fake snail".

He is a local tyrant of the world, ID is my king saber, for the snail, specially run to the starting point to reward my silver league!

(Because the starting point gives the author more points)

Thanks for the words, the next step is to explode!

Today is four more, and in the future, it will be four more!

The snail is not a person who likes to owe debts. In the shortest time, the snail will give back the owe of the silver ally! (20 in total)

So, what tickets are for the snails, your support is the biggest motivation of the snail, hahaha...

Happy! !

"I may be a fake fairy", the silver alliance testimony, and the explosion declaration

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