I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1552: Broken mirror

Anlin saw that Lin Yu had released the eighth ring of God, and his face changed.

The character of the **** ring of Qiaosi God and the character of the **** ring of Lin Yutian should be the same. The movement of Qiaosi Tianshen to release the eighth **** ring is so big, how could Anlin not know.

The eighth **** ring is a causal curse of the **** ring.

The power contained in this ring of God is too strange and mysterious. Even the Emperor is not careful, he can easily take it without that confidence.

Almost no hesitation, the victory sword behind Anlin flew out, falling in the hands, urging the power of the wind's authority, gathered on the sword, and fell directly.

Can smash all the absolute attacks in the world, the sky blade!

The sword falls, and the white thin line divides the heavens and the earth into two halves, which contain the power of absolute cutting.

In the early days of the mainland, the use of the power of the wind, although the power will be extremely suppressed by the heavenly pan-awareness, but still the world's unparalleled power. No matter how it is suppressed, it is still the hegemony of all wind power!

Lin Yutian felt the danger, the blue defense ring around the waist, and instantly condensed the shield in front of him.

The blade of the heavens fell on the shield and erupted with a very brilliance of brilliance, as if two very different powers were strangling each other. Anlin knows that Lin Yutian’s power through the display of the gods is not really the power of authority. At most, he can only count as a pseudo-authority.

Although the pseudo-power is not so pure, it is also the power that contains the will of the high heavens, or the power to block the true authority.

The shield is like glass and cracks quickly.

The power of the Tianjian is also gradually weakening.

Seeing the shield can't hold it anymore, Lin Yu laughed and laughed, and there was a golden shield in front of him, a white shield, a purple shield...

The quality is not enough, the quantity comes together.

An Lin could see the twitching of his mouth. Lin Yu, who completely disregarded the nature of the **** ring, used the power of the **** ring as he wished, and apparently already released himself.

It is really hard to fight against such a madman. If you are not excited about it, you will be with you.

With this in mind, he couldn't help but think of the time when the gods blew themselves, dragging the scenes of the people.

This experience has left a large shadow area for Anlin.

Time God is a madman, this Lin Yutian is also a madman.

Mommy! How do you meet these madmen?

After the blade of the blade defeated the three shields of Lin Yu, the power disappeared.

Anlin forced a sigh of relief and waved the sword against Lin Yutian.

It was also a slash of the sky, and the speed was incredibly fast. When the victory sword fell, the blade sniper had already crossed the space and hit the shield of Lin Yutian.

Lin Yutian had to release the shield again, and sneered at the same time: "How, I am afraid that I will use the causal curse, so you will take the attack first, and want to continue the war of attrition?"

"The idea is very good..."

The shield in front of the white-haired woman suddenly began to deform, forming multiple layers of film covering the whole body.


She tore the void and rushed toward Anlin.

"But have you stopped me?"

Lin Yutian’s body pushed the blade to the Anlin flight, extremely crazy, and even fearless!

On the way, he even stretched out the slender white fingers, gently penetrated the protective film, and clicked on the wind blade. It seemed to imagine that like Qiaosi Tianshen, the causal link between the two sides was forcibly established through enemy techniques.

But the fingers are almost broken, and still can't be established.

When Anlin saw this scene, he did not know what to say.

The reason why Qiaosi Tianshen can establish contact with the Emperor of Heaven is because of the Emperor's seal, the method created by the Emperor of Heaven, and the core method of the Emperor. And Anlin’s authority for the wind is robbed, and it’s the method of Fengtian’s, it’s not the same!

Even if you create a causal curse, you are afraid that the object of cursing is also God of Wind...

Lin Yutian also realized this and went back to Anlin with no hesitation. The red mans of the red **** ring on his chest were attached to his fist and fell directly toward Anlin.

Since you can't make a connection through the technique, then you can make contact through physical contact!

The fist of Lin Yutian’s **** collided on the shield of the wind of Anlin, and the speed began to slow down. However, Lin Yu, who is now in the state of the Eightfold Gods, has a higher speed and strength than the Seven Gods Ring. Anlin has produced an instinct that cannot be avoided...

No, this way, it will definitely be hit!

An Lin’s heart was shocked, and the ghost took the mirror out of the ring.

At this time, he can't resist Lin Yu Tian Shen, let Zhu Zhuo come to block it!

At this time, Lin Yutian’s fist has completely fallen.


The tremendous power of incomparable horror came, and the power of causal curses exploded.

The brilliance of Zhuque’s glory seems to want to bounce the supreme will contained in Lin Yutian’s god.

"Ah, ah...!"

A scream of crisp, tender and angry sounded.

"An big stupid, what kind of ghost things do you block me?"

"It hurts, ah...!"


A sound like something shattered suddenly sounded.

Lin Yutian felt an unparalleled anti-seismic force and was directly bombarded by tens of thousands of meters. The impact seemed to completely shake her slender and slender arm.

"Oh..." Blood ran down from the corner of Lin Yutian's mouth.

She did not have any hands on Anlin's attack, so she was able to withstand her most powerful power shock when she was unprepared!

Anlin didn't want to be happy, but looked at Zhuque with some panic.

The smooth mirror of Zhuquejing, the crack that has already been filled at this moment, is like a young girl from the beautiful and beautiful girl, turned into a grandmother, who is full of wrinkles...

"Little bird, little bird... What's wrong with you?" Ann Lin panicked.

He never imagined that Zhu Jujing would crack because of blocking Lin Yutian’s attack.

Suzaku has been with him for so many years, and he has saved him from danger many times. His feelings are very good. Although they usually bicker with each other or quarrel, they still respect each other.

Now, Zhu Jujing has cracked. This scene is like the death of An Lin’s best friend. It makes him feel sad and tears.

"How is the old lady, you are not forced in your heart! My face is cracked! Oh..."

"Anlin, you are stupid! You are a bastard! You are a melon!"

"I haven't finished with you, hehe..."

Suzaku screamed and screamed and screamed.

An Lin was relieved: "Too good~www.readwn.com~ can still speak, not dead yet..."

"Great? Good mom! You can't see me..."


Suzaku suddenly felt a warm touch on the mirror.

She couldn't speak, and she was shocked.

Anlin was so excited to pick up the Suzaku situation and kissed him on the broken mirror! !


(Third, the plot adds. What, you ask why Valentine's Day adds more? Because the snail loves you! The snail excitedly picked up the book friends, is it a 哒 づ (づ ̄ 3 ̄) づ crazy hints )

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