I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1553: God's best assists

An Lin didn't really think too much. Suzaku saved him many times. He saw that Suzaku was still alive, and the gratitude in his heart could not be expressed. He offered this kiss.

Just kiss a mirror.

Just a piece of jade fell on the ground without breaking, others smashed the jade, kissed it, and then thank God, probably just like this situation.

Then, Zhu Jujing will blow up! !

The entire mirror trembled fiercely.

"I rely! Ann Dad! Are you crazy?!"

"you you……"

"My first kiss... oh..."

Zhu Quejing cried for a while, then did not speak directly, like dead.

An Lin: "..."

Is this a kiss that I am autistic?

What kind of mirror do you have, and the first kiss?

No, the point is not this.

The point is, don't I kiss a mirror?

How do I know the mirror of the mirror, is her mouth?

This... this is too unscientific!

Anlin had a spartan look.

The heart of Lin Yutian’s **** emerged with an anger that was ignored.

The opponent did not care about her existence at all, but instead looked at a mirror and asked for a dog's food. She was stuffed with dog food in a mirror. What kind of feeling is this?

"Go to hell!" Lin Yutian screamed, covering the golden **** with one hand, slamming towards her heart, smirking, "Ha ha ha... continue to hide!"

"Even if you can use the power of the wind to avoid my attack, after establishing a causal link, I kill myself, it is equal to killing you, how can you hide?"


Pure white blood splashes out.

Lin Yutian’s face screamed in pain, and the palm of his hand passed through, and the blood was covered with milk on the same white knife.

This is the feeling of a broken heart!

She was very painful, but with an extreme enthusiasm, she looked forward to Anlin with anticipation, hoping to see the man's painful screams.

Anlin was also very nervous. He took a healing elixir in advance and entered it in his mouth.


Ye Ling, who was watching the battle in the distance, was close to the small hand and worried.

"the host!"


"An Lin classmate!"

"The great ancestors!"

The small partners outside the stadium, I was shocked to see this scene.

They know that Suzaku is broken, and Anlin is likely to repeat the mistakes of the Emperor!

Everyone’s heart is raised.


A bang sounded.

Blood flower splash.

The screams sounded again.

An Lin, Phoenix, Lin Yu Tianshen, the face of the shock at the same time.

They all looked at the heart of Lin Yutian, where the blood flower bloomed again, and the golden robe was white, which looked extraordinarily beautiful.

That scream was exactly what Lin Yutian sent.


"This... what is this?"

An Lin’s eyes widened and he looked at the heart of Lin Yu’s two consecutive explosions. It seems that the heart is really unsuccessful...

"Could it be that……"

Anlin recalled Zhu Jujing and remembered the rebound of the technique.

"The little bird has broken, but the effect of the rebound is still there. The little bird bounced Lin Yutian's causal curse to Lin Yutian, let her bind herself and establish contact!"

"But once Lin Yu Tian Shen hurts himself, he can once again pass this damage back to himself through the causal power in the underworld, forming a double blow, a self-attack!"

Anlin said excitedly.

Lin Yutian listened, and a burst of blood was not smooth, and a large mouthful of blood was sprayed.

There is only one thought in her mind that is spinning. What have I done just now? ! I killed myself twice? Buy one get one free?

In the heart of Lin Yutian’s heart, the 10,000-headed beast rushed past, which just spurred her to die. After clearing the ins and outs of the dragon in a very short time, the green **** ring behind him began to frantically release the healing power, trying to restore the heart’s wounded injury. .

When Anlin saw this scene, where would she still succeed?

"Look at the trick, Tianjian!"

An Lin said nothing, the authority of the wind, and rushed to Lin Yutian!

Lin Yutian had no choice but to release some of his strength to resist the attack of Anlin.

The phoenix is ​​also a monk who looks at her illness and wants her life. Immediately, she screams with a big mouth and a big mouth, and Nirvana breaks through the world and burns the world!

Lin Yutian God had a great advantage. Now it has become a disadvantage, and it can only rush to resist two big storms.

All of this is due to the mistakes she made when she cast a causal curse...

Xuan Yucheng, Cocosti and others, at this moment is both happy, and can not help but spit.

Lin Yutian and Qiaosi Tianshen, when they were in the Seven Gods Ring, they were as fierce as dogs. They finally opened the eighth **** ring and cast a causal curse. The situation immediately reversed! It became the two gods of Lin Yu and Qiao Si, such as dogs, who were beaten...

Is this really a curse of cause and effect?

It’s just that the curse is not the enemy, it’s your own!

One almost made himself devastated, and he blew his heart twice in a row.

Is this not a curse?

Thanks to the assists of the eighth **** ring, more losses from the sand sculpture operations of the two gods, An Lin and the Emperor and finally saw the dawn of victory.

The offense is still insane.

The body and spirit of Qiaosi Tianshen were severely damaged. They could only continue to squeeze their own strength, while recovering their injuries, while resisting the three superpowers of the Heavenly Emperor, the Black Spirit Snake and the White Spirit Snake.

The end result is that the weak Qiaosi God can not stop the continuous brute force attack, the injury continues to increase, can only increase the strength to recover the injury, and then can not stop the attack, such a vicious circle......

Lin Yutian God is not so good. Anlin Mingming has already exhausted the oil, but she still insisted on using her five consecutive blades for a continuous use, and she was desperate to kill her.

But I have to say that the effect is very good.

Lin Yutian God had no time to cast multiple shields twice, and the residual Tianjian force passed through, and she took out two extremely scarred injuries.

The situation of the two gods is obviously very bad, and it is a matter of time to lose. Unless their power can rise again and gain the power of a new **** ring, it will not be able to change the situation.

So, will these gods have a new **** ring?

Whether it is the people watching the battle, or the fighting of An Lin and the Emperor and other people ~ www.readwn.com ~ my heart has such a doubt. This question is like a mountain, pressing in the hearts of everyone.

No one knows how many gods can be opened by the heavenly people of the gods.

Therefore, no one dares to say that they will win in this battle.


A golden light column descended from the sky, and Lin Yutian, who could not escape, landed on the earth.

The phoenix wings stretched and looked proudly at the gods on the ground.

Lin Yutian is like a fallen god, full of scars and burnt black, looks so horrible, the decay on the wrist has spread to the entire white jade arm.

No one noticed that her pupils have gradually become darkened by pure gold.

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