I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1554: 9th God of the Rings

The Qiaosi god, who is fighting, saw the strangeness of Lin Yutian, and could not help but scream: "Lin Yu! You give me some calm, don't use it!"

On the ground, the extremely embarrassed Lin Yu slowly stood up, white long hair and messy shawl, black and dark, with a strange suction, as if to swallow everything.

The **** red sky scatters the devastated earth and blends with the dark gray soil, as if the earth is oozing blood, and there is a tragic silence in the desolate.

She looked up and looked up at the **** and desperate sky. She pulled her lips and seemed to want to laugh. She said with a slight sigh: "Sorry, I can’t calm down... It’s too irritating, the majesty of the Terran can be like this. Was it dusted? What else can I do? I can only kill them all."

Qiao Si Tian also wants to say something more.


A dark and dark **** ring began to appear on the head of Lin Yutian!

This is the first time God Ring appeared on the head of the god.

The darkness of the light, as if to **** all things in the heavens and the earth.

Anlin has never seen such pure darkness, as if the ring of the gods is there, there is never light, there is nothing, and darkness is eternal.

Lin Yu's white and flawless skin, the white cloud clothes, and the black halo on the head form the sharpest contrast. If she is not under the gods, Anlin will fall into the darkness in an instant.

Almost everyone has been shocked by this scene.

No matter who they are, they feel the purest power released in the ring of God. It is the great dark horror that all the gods could not match before.

An Lin’s face became dignified, and she said nothing to Lin Yu’s god.

The wind condenses the blade, smashes everything, and carries the infinite edge to the woman on the ground.

The woman stood in the same place, lifted the head of the show, and the black-eyed eyes shimmered slightly, seemingly stunned by the sky, and the dark black waves fluctuated in the void, and the blade edged away.

Hey! !

The blade began to twist, and the pure white edge of the endless blade, like falling into the endless abyss, was swallowed up by the darkness, the power is getting smaller and smaller, more and more bleak.

When it plunged into the face of Lin Yutian, he saw Lin Yutian’s white palm-like palm, and with a shot, the blade would burst and disappear into nothingness.

An Lin’s eyes widened and he couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

Before Lin Yutian’s attack on this attack, at least three or four **** rings must be used to condense the shield to resist. Now, with just a black ring, can you take over the blade?

"Hey... why are you doing this..." Qiao Si Tian sighed, looking at Lin Yu with a sigh of relief, frowning slightly.

Lin Yutian's **** was independent on the earth, and his face was no longer full of complicated expressions before. Everything seemed very indifferent and quiet, looked up and stared at Anlin.

At this moment, An Lin felt a very strong crisis!

It was a feeling that had never been seen before, as if in the boundless darkness, there was a terrible chaotic beast, sticking out his claws and trying to drag him into the endless darkness.

Uh... it’s a long tremor.

Lin Yutian's remaining eight gods, suddenly from the hands and feet, waist, back, neck, heart parts, at the same time, separated into the black ring of the head.

No, it is better to say that it is engulfed by the black **** ring.

The decaying part of Lin Yutian’s arm also contracted quickly and disappeared.

Her temperament is getting more dusty, and she looks at the white and jade's flawless arm, revealing a shallow smile.

This is the first experience of Anlin. Lin Yutian God reveals emotion in this state.

I have to say that her beauty can break through certain barriers.

Soon, the cold and indifferent sight, once again gathered in Anlin.

"The nine-fold **** ring is fully open. Now, I will let you know that the real power of the gods."

Lin Yu’s voice is very nice, but now it’s like a devil’s whisper, which makes people shudder.

Anlin has the feeling of a pill. He knows that this opponent is probably the most powerful opponent he has ever encountered! He couldn't help but feel nervous and push the power of the wind to the extreme.

Lin Yutian’s footsteps step forward and the space sways.

The next moment, she has come to Anlin's back!

So fast! !

Lin Yu of the Eight Gods Ring, An Lin has some difficulty in keeping up with each other's speed.

Now that the Jiuzhong Shenhuan is open, Lin Yu’s speed has skyrocketed again. Even if Anlin is fully aware of the capture, it is still difficult to keep up with the other side!

An Lin can't help but erect all of them. I don't want to, I just turned around.

The wind of despair!

The barrier of the wind forms a moment, insulting the invasion of all forces.

Lin Yutian is still a simple punch against Anlin. The white show is wrapped in dark black gods, just like the white thunder in the endless darkness, hammering into the indestructible wind barrier.

The two forces that contain the law of absolute will collide at this moment.

Anlin felt the boundless energy flowing toward him. There was no margin, no hope, and only absolute darkness and nothingness.

This unprecedented power of darkness can swallow him at any time!

Anlin knew that if he had no authority to protect him, he would have been bombarded by this punch.

He is trying to resist Lin Yu’s fist and shun the body. At this time, I saw Lin Yu’s fist, but it was a hindrance to the breath of the wind, and slammed against his belly.

Even if there is a wind stop, the speed is still too fast!

Anlin’s old waist jerked, his fists passed by, and the darkness of the light, even swallowed the flesh and blood of his waist directly into nothingness!


The wind around the fist, carrying huge force, collided with Anlin's body.

Accompanied by the cracking of the internal organs and bones.

An Lin fell back like a cannonball, and fell to the ground.

Lin Yutian’s **** is falling, the clothes are fluttering, the beautiful face is innocent, and the perfect body is so beautiful that she is like a goddess. It’s just the black **** ring on the head, the red blood behind her, and the ruthlessness and indifference on her face, making her as terrible and dangerous as the devil.

The two temperament contradictions and harmony appear simultaneously on a woman.

Anlin lay on the ground and watched Lin Yu Tian Shen fall, as if to harvest the death of his life.

At this time ~www.readwn.com~ Phoenix came to protect the car, a hundred miles, a fire in the sea behind the sky, burned out of the void, like the sun generally crashed into Lin Yu Tianshen.


Lin Yu waved a shot.

The phoenix that crashed like a red sun was actually shot like a ball!

Lin Yu continued to murder and rush to Anlin.

An Lin: "..."

How much is this?

Can't you deal with Xiao Huang first? !

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember: book guest

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