I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1568: Opened the 2nd pulse of Ren Du

Qiao Si Tian crazy burst.

Where did the Emperor of Heaven let him escape, holding the cloud and the sky sword to pursue.

"Breaking the chain!"


"Breaking the Heart!"


"Breaking the frosty chrysanthemum burst!"

"Oh ah...!"

The Emperor of Heaven seems to have opened up the second line of Ren Du, and has made a series of strange and powerful, but very powerful, screaming and screaming.

The two black sisters, the black snake and the white snake, were stunned at the side.

They even suspected that the Emperor of Heaven was a spy who had been stalking the Tiantian gang. This kind of smashing style was used by a person who had just received the ruthlessness.

Is this special open? !

The thoughts of the two sisters of the Shen snakes are strikingly consistent with the thoughts of Qiao Tian. He did not believe in killing. This kind of horrible move is something that the Emperor of Heaven can use after he has just learned the law of breaking the sky. The Emperor is definitely playing pigs and eating tigers!

However, this is actually the sudden opening of the Emperor.

He seems to have discovered the New World and enjoys the ingenuity that he has just realized. The more you use it, the easier it is to use it. The more you use it, the more arrogant it is... even some of the core sacredness is faintly related to some of his thoughts on researching the world, coincidentally, and even have a sense of identity...

What surprised the Emperor of Heaven is that the combination of innocence and the power of the heavens has achieved the effect of one plus one and two, and the power is even more amazing!

This is also an important reason why Qiao Si Tian Shen, suddenly being beaten by the Emperor of Heaven to doubt life.

Regardless of whether the Emperor of Heaven releases himself on the side.

In the battlefield of the mountain gods.

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan fought side by side.

They were treated by Raphael and accepted the gift of Rafael after his death. The wounds and strengths have recovered a lot, and they have the confidence to fight again.

"The end of evil swords, forever night!"

The dark artifact field spreads and pulls the mountain **** into a special space.

An Lin held a victory over the evil sword and fell away with a sword.

Sword gas with the meaning of the end, turned into invisible fluctuations, the mountain gods swept away.

Shan Tian Shen did not move, and slammed into the front.

Hey! The force of the endless mountain range is crushed, and the sword of the night is crushed and crushed together, together with the defeat, and the art field of the evil sword.

At this time, the air suddenly became hot.

Shan Tian Shen suddenly turned around, behind the dragon bird sword!

Xu Xiaolan once again used the real dragon and Suzaku double explosive body secret method, the momentum surged, the blade wrapped around the flame, and slammed into the body of the mountain god.

The mountain gods movement is actually not too fast. In an instant, he can't even keep up with Xu Xiaolan's sword speed.

The Dragon Sparrow Sword squats on the chest of the mountain god, and smashes the sky with the innocence, as if there is a real dragon roaring, Suzaku rises for nine days.

This is already an extremely deep break.

But the blade fell on the mountain god, and it sounded a humming sound. The extremely horrible power, the extremely sharp edge, fell on the hard skin of the lines, and it was just tearing a very small crack, just like carving a line on the body, completely harmless.

so hard!

This is Xu Xiaolan's first feeling.

At this time, the size of the sandbag-like fist has fallen towards her.

Not parked in her pupils.

For a moment, Xu Xiaolan seemed to see a huge mountain that was desperate and fell to her own. In the next second, she would be completely crushed into meat!

This is the illusion that the other party is too powerful to produce!

A green dragon suddenly appeared, wrapped around the body of Xu Xiaolan, forming an indestructible dragon protection wall!

Xu Xiaolan was originally the only double-combined road on the mainland in the early days. The true dragon's way to defend, the Suzaku's main attack, is now her most defensive state.


The power came from the sea, wrapped in the supreme rule of crushing everything.

If it weren't for Xu Xiaolan's real dragon protection wall, it contained a very strong and innocent, her defense would be broken open instantly, and then the body was beaten by a real fist.

The huge explosion rang through the world.

Qinglong screamed and the body was broken.

Xu Xiaolan felt a force, penetrated the dragon's wall and bombarded it.

She couldn't help but spurt out a blood, and the body was hit by a huge force and rolled away.

Even if she is well prepared, she still can't completely block the attack of the mountain god.

At this moment, suddenly the sky suddenly fluctuated.

The face of the mountain **** has finally changed dramatically.

It will also have some action in the future, and the head will be shocked by a terrible energy. The hard skin will instantly crack and it will be cut into tens of thousands.

Anlin held the sword of victory and looked at the mountain **** with breathlessness.

He has just used a big tactic to win the evil sword, Ling Tiansheng evil annihilation.

Shan Tian Shen is also the first one to be unable to use annihilation techniques to make a certain part of the body disappear.

It is indeed hard!

"What is this technique?" The hoarse but heavy voice sounded.

The khaki **** ring on the head of the mountain god, burst into a dazzling light, restored his broken face, and repaired the sharply defined head, such as a knife-cut head.

Anlin cross sword is in front of him, cold channel: "This is a dog sword."

The atmosphere is quiet.

Shan Tian Shen took a deep breath and continued to stand still in the same place.

At this time, Anlin was shocked. The mountain **** seems to have fought from the beginning. Until now, he has never moved his footsteps. !

Is it intentional to force? Still can't really move? Or what is the negative impact after moving?

There were countless speculations in his heart and he thought of countless solutions.

At this time, Shan Tian Shen took two steps forward and embraced his hands: "Very good, you have the qualifications that I will deal with seriously. I will kill you before the earth gods solve Chen Chen!"

An Lin: "..."

Well, the previous plan for the enemy, all the special thoughts.

Above the sky, suddenly there was a roar.

The stars and the moon above the sky suddenly disappeared and turned into darkness.

At the same time, an unprecedented pressure, suddenly enveloped in An Lin and Xu Xiaolan.

It is a feeling of powerlessness and awkwardness in the face of the imaginary behemoth~www.readwn.com~ Above the sky, the reason why it becomes dark is because there is a mountain that cannot see the margin, blocking the whole sky, Falling quickly from the sky!

With the current strength of Anlin, the full force of the outbreak, even the Wanzhang Mountain can be split into two.

But now, he faces this endless mountain, but it rarely produces a sense of despair.

What is this special mountain? This **** is awkward, I am afraid that I will not lose a piece of the continent to kneel down! !

The mountain gods spread their palms, and the **** ring on the head evoked an unprecedented luxuriant light, and pushed the power of authority to the extreme.

God of the gods.

Not falling in the mountains!

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