I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1569: Terrible

This is a mountain that is difficult to describe in words.

Outside the northwestern sea, there is a mountain that is not in harmony with the mountains.

It only exists in the legend, but no one has ever seen its true content.

But as soon as it appears, the world's living beings will endlessly awe from the heart, and naturally recognize its name, the lord of the billions of mountains, not Zhoushan!

The reason why Zhoushan is not known is because it is incomplete and flawed, but the specific defects are there, but no one can make it clear.

There are hundreds of millions of mountains in the world, but what about it? No one can say that it is incomplete. But not Zhoushan let the souls feel the incompleteness of it when they saw it.

It seems to define what is complete and what is incomplete in the world. It is not only a mountain, but also a Tao!

"What kind of joke? Shan Tianshen lost one of me to Zhoushan?" An Lin was a little embarrassed.

For the first time, he produced a feeling of desperation that was helpless.

The mountain is so big that he doesn't know how to deal with it.

What is the mountain of Xianshan, in front of the mountains, it is as small as the ants.

Anlin even has a feeling that if the Zhoushan is completely down, the whole continent will be ruined by it!

"An Lin! Hold your heart, these things are fake! Shan Tianshen can really move the mountain here, the Kyushu world has long been destroyed by it!" Xu Xiaolan shouted.

Her words made An Lin feel awkward and wake up in an instant.

Yes, if the mountain **** is so powerful, why bother to take it now?

False, it must be fake!

Although the power is super scary, it gives people a feeling of super real, even the whole body cells instinctively tremble because of fear, but the fake is not true!

Anlin kept comforting himself. The fighting spirit was high in the moment, and the footsteps slammed into the ground, and the body rushed to the sky. It turned out to be an initiative to rush to the boundless, huge and incomprehensible.

"Since it is not really not Zhoushan, what am I afraid of?" Anlin suppressed the fear in the heart, the **** of the wind appeared on the top of the head, the imposing and boundless stalwart, such as the wind to the world.

"The extreme of the wind, the sky blade!"

The sword of victory and evil spirits entangles the wind, and the power of the authority of the wind is maximized, and a sword falls!

The wind has passed three hundred miles and turned into the blade of heaven. The white glare instantly illuminates the huge mountain, and the endless front contains the law of absolute will, and divides everything!


Tianjian really broke into the bottom of the mountain, all the way up, skyrocketing, the vast boundless mountains like a line of heaven, extremely quickly became two halves!

An Lin was relieved and felt that the illusion had broken.

Then, in the next moment, he was extremely astonished to find that if Zhoushan said that he was split into two halves, he was really only split into two halves, only a small slit in the middle of the mountain was spread to the top of the mountain. Then continue to carry the mighty power down!

"Hold the grass?" An Lin's eyes widened, and it was difficult to use words to describe the mood of the **** at the moment.


At this time, not Zhoushan has already slammed Anlin.

The power of terror seems to crush his body completely!

This is the real strength, the endless weight, the endless power of the mountains, and the horror of the Wuzhishan, which suppresses the Qitian Dasheng! !

Anlin almost had no time to react to the next step, and he was slammed into the ground by the mountains, as if he had to suppress everything under him, crushed into flesh and turned into dust.

"An Lin!" Xu Xiaolan screamed and did not hesitate to fly to Anlin, while releasing the true dragon guard wall wrapped in Anlin and herself. The true dragon Shinto, which is integrated with the innocence, slams into the mountains.

But without the declining trend of Zhoushan, there is no pause, and it still carries the boundless power.

Anlin finally released his true dragon protection wall in Xu Xiaolan to protect him for a moment, got a breathing time, immediately released the breath of the wind and the technique of hiding the turtle, wrapped in two people.

The dragon protects the wall, hides the turtle and the wind.

The three top-notch bodyguards wrap the two.

The hearts of the two still have no bottom, they even hold each other warm, screaming loudly, and then by the ruthless and rapid situation of Zhoushan, crazy fall to the ground.


The mountains fell, and the ground moved.


The vast expanse of the earth, the life is crushed by the mountains and cracked thousands of miles.

The energy shock is wrapped in stone dust, destroying everything that surrounds you.

The Heavenly Emperor, Qiaosi Tianshen, and Gu Longdi, who were fighting in the distance, were all shocked by energy and retreated a distance. In the ultra-distance distance watch, the people who eat melon Xuanyuan and others are even more than tens of thousands of meters.

"Master, Shi Niang!" Ye Ling looked at the huge mountain in front of the sky, his face was white.

"The trough! Is this not true? Is it really swearing?" Xuanyuan was stunned a bit.

"Nature is a fake, the mountain is indeed very tall, but it is not as boundless as our senses look, and it is holy..." Bai Ling’s eyes flashed through countless streams of information, and his face calmly said, "But that The power of the stock is not the same, but it is true..."

When this statement came out, everyone could not help but take a deep breath.

This proves that An Lin and Xu Xiaolan are really stunned by Zhoushan!

Even if the Emperor of Heaven was fighting with Qiaosi Tianshen, he couldn’t help but glance at the endless mountains and the sunken land. He was secretly screaming. The mountain **** is also a sly character, looks very honest, really does not really move hands. vague.

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan have been shackled at the bottom of the mountain.

There are countless signs on the mountain and rough black lines, which constitute the invincible suppression of the town, and I am afraid that even the most powerful gods can suppress it.

Shan Tianshen’s hands were unable to fall, panting vigorously, and the **** ring on his head was also faint.

Obviously, this trick consumes a lot of his power.

In fact, he did not despise Anlin like the expression on his face. On the contrary, Anlin’s dangerous level in his mind, among the many powers on the field, can rank in the top three!

It is precisely because of this ~www.readwn.com~ he seized the opportunity, one shot is the strongest blow.

In order to solve this dangerous person, the fastest speed.

Shan Tianshen looked at the endless tall mountain in front of her eyes and nodded with satisfaction. "I don't call Zhoushan, it's really not a bad mountain, but it is not a power projection of Zhoushan. In other words, this is not a small mountain. Not Zhoushan, used to marry you, more than enough."

Shan Tianshen nodded with satisfaction, no longer paying attention to the non-Zhoushan that he summoned, and turned his eyes to the rest of the battlefield.

Metal God, Qiao Si Tian Shen, Earth God...

Next, which side does it fight for?

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