I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1571: Heavenly Emperor

The little bird girl panicked and hurriedly checked her wound again.

She found that there was a very strange power that was spreading from the wound. She wanted to use the power of Shinto to clean the power, but found that she couldn’t help the power.

"Well, I was cursed..." The little girl was so sulky that she was sore.

At this time, Gu Longdi angered the metal gods twice. The face of the metal **** was hammered again, the plump chest became a bulge, and a recess entered the body...

The metal **** also used the smashing ghost alloy to hurt the arm of the ancient dragon, haha ​​laughed and said that the ancient dragon was dead, Gu Longdi's face remained unchanged, and continued to catch the metal **** martial.

The little bird girl saw the appearance of Gu Longdi, who was not concerned, and finally let out a sigh of relief.

Since the fourth day of the break, I don’t care about this curse. I want to solve this problem. When the battle is over, she will call Gulong Emperor to help clear it, simple!

If she knew that Gu Longdi was so calm because she was not afraid of death, she did not know what expression she would be at the moment...

Solved the mountain gods of Anlin and Xu Xiaolan, and felt that the metal **** did not need help.

It focuses on the body of Qiao Si.

Qiao Si Tian Shen is a picture that is going to die.

Mainly the Emperor of Heaven is too fierce, and one by one, the techniques of breaking the sky are endless, obviously just learning. The sentiment and exertion of this technique completely crushes most of the super powers of the practice of breaking the sky. . It seems that the most important thing in the practice of breaking the sky is the talent, which is not false.

Helping the sky to help the big man, instantly turned into a broken sky to help!

The black spirit snake and the white spirit snake were also convinced of this. They were still somewhat dissatisfied with the son-in-law, why did they not give the position of the second-handed helper to them, but gave them an outsider.

Nowadays, when the Emperor of Heaven sees the singularity of the sci-fi method and creates the technique on the spot, they understand that the decision of the son-in-law is not wrong, and the talent of the celestial **** is terrible!

Both the sky and the sky are required to have a profound understanding of the day.

The Emperor of Heaven is so good, and the accomplishments of Tiantian will be worse?

Perhaps, in the future, when Tiantian is officially on the stage of history, the name of the Emperor can once again resound throughout the mainland?


On the earth, a series of earth-shattering techniques continued.

The void bursts and the heavens and the earth change.

The Emperor of Heaven worshipped the white gold robes and danced in the wind, chasing the gods in front.

"The Eight Gods Ring, the curse of cause and effect!" Qiaosi screamed, and finally was forced by the Emperor to use the Eight Gods Ring to force the strength.

He overlapped his hands and countless blood-colored butterflies appeared in the void.

The butterfly is radiant, like a dream, and the man who rushes toward it rushes away.

"Jingle Bell."

"Hey, hey."

The sound of silky sounds sounds through the ancient and modern future.

Every butterfly is intertwined with cause and effect, and it contains extremely powerful power.

"The sky is roaring!"

Emperor Tian opened his mouth: "Hey!!!"


The huge skybreaking sound waves shattered the causal butterflies that rushed to the surface!

Qiao Si Tian looked at the Emperor with a stern look: "What is it?"

"This method, is the Emperor of Heaven serious?" The black snake face is dark.

"But I have to say that it really works." Bai Ling snake covered his mouth and smiled.

The two sisters who retired to the camp of the melons admire the Emperor who is flying away.

I have to say that the Emperor of Heaven released himself like this, although the paintings collapsed, but some inexplicable.

The Emperor himself also played well, creating the incomparable method of breaking the sky again and again, and rushing toward Qiaosi. The thick accumulation of hair at this moment, he was revealed to the fullest.

He even produced a naive and fun, nervous and exciting, why do I have to play the boring and boring technical doubts of the sky.

At this time, suddenly there was a huge breath in the distance.

The supreme breath is vast and flamboyant, so that the sentient beings can't help but look up.

"Jos, I will help you." Shan Tian Shen screamed and joined the battlefield!


With a punch and a bang, the power of the huge mountain ruined all the way, crushing everything, colliding with the power of the heavenly emperor, the horrible energy strangling each other, shocking hundreds of miles.

The power of the Emperor of Heaven was frustrated for the first time and was slammed back a few steps.

The mountain **** was also shaken back, and his face was shocking.

From the method of the Emperor of Heaven, he felt extremely terrible.

Although Shan Tian Shen has dealt with An Lin and Xu Xiaolan, it has spent a lot of power, but there is still room for it. It is not a problem to deal with the super power of the Heavenly Emperor.

But now, for the first time, he felt awkward.

The Emperor found that Tian Tian Shen actually intervened in the battle, not only without irritability and tension, but more excited and eager to try: "Mountain God, eat me a trick, break the claws!"

He reached into his claws, and two golden lighted emperors appeared on the palms of his hands and the backs of his hands. The power of the sky fell on the claws, and they were yin and yang. At the same time, I was alone in the heavens and the earth, and I couldn’t help me. Really spread.

Shan Tianshen saw the claws that he caught at him. The golden ones not only borrowed the power of the sky~www.readwn.com~ but also revealed the strong intention of breaking the sky, and even contained the meaning of the extremely strong mountain.

"A good broken mountain claw!" Shan Tian Shen angered and laughed.

It is the attitude of the Emperor of Heaven, in the face of the "Heaven", borrowing the power of "Heaven", and then transforming the power of "Heaven" into the power of breaking the sky, this is simply a naked provocation!

Just like someone, in your face, borrowed your money, hired a murderer to kill you.

This kind of scalp numb thing, even someone can do it!

There are so many people in the world who have no lower limit! !

Shan Tianshen’s so stable temperament was opened up with anger, and he did not go to the attack of the Emperor of Heaven. He directly gripped the fist and slammed it into the chest of the Emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven was shocked.

Punch a paw?

The Emperor of Heaven is only amazed for a moment, and he is even more excited. The broken mountain claws will fall toward the mountain gods in a more swift way!

The smashing claws of the golden jewels, with the extremely horrible edge and the extremely deep ruined mountains, broke the power film of the mountain god, pierced his chest, and then quickly slid down, turning his hard chest. Cut open!

At the same time, the fist of Shan Tian Shen has completely fallen.

Huge power of the mountain, instantly shocked the Emperor of Heaven's body, Xianyuan, hammering his body into a smashing destruction, could not help but spurt a blood, such as shells flying backwards.

The two sides called for a move, it can be said that both lose.

At this time, Qiaosi Tianshen seized the opportunity, the red ring of the heart part of the radiance, a red color causal line, slammed to the Emperor!

The Emperor, who had just been hit hard, couldn’t escape his sneak attack!


(Three more for the monthly ticket (=^▽^=))


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