I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1572: The temptation of breaking the sky

The Emperor saw the red causal line stabbing him, and the speed was like a flash of lightning.

He sighed in his heart and immediately snored, but he forgot to have a Qiaosi god.

Qiao Si Tian is not a weak character. If he is to liberate all the power, then the power can be comparable to the creation level. At this moment, he is in the state of the Eight Gods ring, and the causal method, level and creation **** are not much different.

In this state of being created, the Emperor could not find a way to escape.

However, when the red mans flashed.

A touch of white shadows descended from the sky, the hands of yin and yang double-edged yin and yang, broken cause and effect!

The red causal line was cut off by the swordsman.

The white girl is dancing in blue, her eyes are cold, and her eyes are like a sword. The power is watching the Qiaosi gods with force: "It is not a good habit to arbitrarily intervene in other people's battles."

At this time, a woman in a black dress, holding a big sword, slammed down to Qiaosi God.

"Breaking the Great Sword!"


The golden swordsmanship is a pillar of the sky, and the universe is filled with thousands of kilometers.

The Emperor breathed a sigh of relief and threw himself back to the mountain gods not far away.

The mountain **** haha ​​laughed, and the huge cracks that came out of the claws began to heal quickly: "The Emperor, I am like the eternal mountain, can survive through the ages, and the vitality is what you can imagine. Your attack is against For me, it doesn't hurt. If you hurt with a wound, you will definitely die!"

The Emperor of Heaven was arrogant, with one hand in his claws, and two golden lighted emperors appeared on his palms and hands. A force of the sky fell on his claws, and he was yin and yang. At the same time, he was the only one in heaven and earth. I can't help but what is my hegemony.

Shan Tianshen's eyelid jumped: "Return?!"

"Ha ha ha ... is a man who has to punch to the flesh!" The Emperor smiled and smiled, and the momentum was so strong that he attacked again without fear, "breaking the claws!"

“Fist to the flesh?” The mountain gods are round and round, “You obviously use claws!”

After all, he also blasted to the Emperor of Heaven, the power of authority to the extreme, absolute weight, absolute kinetic energy, turned into the power to crush everything!


It seems as if the ancient clocks of the wilderness oscillated and the roaring resounded through the mainland.

The Emperor of Heaven was crushed by an unimaginable force, colliding, and the veins were almost broken.

However, at this time, the Heavenly Emperor's broken mountain claws have also completely fallen.

The golden claws pierce the indestructible body of the mountain god, and tear it.


The body of the earthy yellow lines is torn by the five claws.

"Ah...!" The screams of the mountain gods also sounded at this moment.

Where is there no pain?

The method of breaking the sky is precisely the destruction of the origin of heaven! As the authority of the heavens, the mountain gods bear the heavenly art of the heavenly emperor, and it is impossible not to be injured!

Before the mountain gods said it was not painful, it was just out of it.

If he hasn’t called the pain yet, it’s not enough power! !

The Emperor of Heaven was once again shaken by the giant force to vomit blood, but when he saw the mountain **** also screaming backwards, he could not help but smile happily.

It turns out that the sky will also cry.

For the first time, he is so eloquently fighting the sky, this feeling seems to be good too?

The Emperor of Heaven knows why there are so many people who like to help the sky. When they know that the sky can be defeated, why not challenge it? This kind of magnificent, proud of nine days of life, for every super strong, is the best aphrodisiac!

Throughout the ages, many people have hanged their hearts in the mouth, but there are not many people who actually give practice. Most of them are only fools who have committed diseases.

But when the skybreaker appears in the world, redefining the day when it breaks.

The cause of breaking the sky has become the most legendary top business on the mainland.

Although many forces that support the elimination of the Terran are unwilling to admit it, the fact is that the ruthless gang has become the number one force in the billions of forces in the early Taiyuan.

The Emperor of Heaven had originally looked down on the help of the heavens. They felt that they were a group of cowards, and sooner or later they would have to push the Terran and even the whole world to a dead end.

But now, he has begun to understand some of the help.

Heaven, it is there.

Anyone who wants to embark on the Supreme Avenue, who wouldn't want to challenge? !

"How, this will not work?" The Emperor took an elixir and continued to pounce on the mountain god, haha ​​laughed.

"You are a madman!" Shan Tianshen's torn body quickly healed, and also rushed to the Emperor, the fists of the wind whistling, the most original mountain power sprayed out!

At this time, the khaki **** ring on his head has already faded a bit.

The collision between the two caused a disaster like a catastrophe.

Within a radius of three hundred miles, no living creatures have survived.

At this moment, the battle circle is thousands of miles away.

Sun Yuluo looked at the beautiful woman with a tall figure in front of her, and trembled: "White House Lord, what are you doing, pulling hatred...?"

In front of him, Bai Ling moved out of a huge cannon.

The turret occupies a land of a square kilometer. The caliber has a hundred feet. The whole body is made of silver-white metal. The whole body is engraved with dense black runes, engraving numerous complicated and complicated arrays.

Not only that, but there are various machines on the fort that he can't understand, and they are running at high speed.

The only thing that everyone can understand is ~www.readwn.com~ the more and more horrible energy accumulated in the muzzle.

Everyone looked at Bai Ling with some fear.

Bai Ling’s face was light and clouded: “I’m not pulling hatred, I am the lord who saved our love.”

The woman smiled and laughed: "Our dear master is too incompetent. I can’t get out of the mountains. As a good member of the Zongmen, shouldn’t I do something?”

Everyone heard that the face was changed.

"Save Anlin classmates? He...he was crushed by such a big mountain... Can you do it?" Su Xiaoyun has a big-eyed eye, and some are not self-channel.

"Cannons hit the mountains?" Melan's mouth twitched gently.

Bai Ling looked up at the towering clouds, almost endless mountains, and nodded: "To deal with these giants, naturally, we must use the most violent means to solve. Since we have no ability to move mountains, then give the mountain Blasted!"


Members of the broken squad, Qi Qi poured cold air.

How daunting the power of the cannon to make such a big mountain?

"This, if the power of the cannon is too strong, what should I do if the owner is killed?" Xiao Hongjiao drip. She does not doubt the power of the Bailing cannon, but she is somewhat worried that the cannon is too powerful...

"This is why..." Bai Ling smashed Ming Ming, and did not seem to have thought of this problem.

"Haha... He is so thick, my cannon can't beat him, rest assured." This beautiful big sister showed a reassuring smile and said comfort.

Everyone saw Bai Ling’s smile and always felt that he was more uncomfortable.

Bai Ling clap his hands and smiled and said: "Well, you are far away. My Super Sky Cannon 2.0 will be launched!"


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