I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1573: Suddenly exploded

The sun has gradually fallen into the horizon and into the night.

Double moon volley, starry.

The night tonight is extraordinarily clear and clear.

The tall and vast is not next to the mountain projection.

There is a petite figure that is sneaking close.

"Good... so big..."

The delicate and innocent little face has a shocking color, and some tremblingly said.

From a distance, it has already felt great.

Now I sneaked into the vicinity to see it. It was a mountain in the past, the sky was a mountain, the earth was a mountain, and everything in front of me was a mountain!

Great enough to be desperate!

The girl lifted her feet and kicked the mountain with red high heels.


"I am going, still so hard? It seems that there is still a law that isolates all forces from blessing on the mountain. This is not easy." The girl took a deep breath and was a little bit annoyed. "I want to save the Anlin." Come out, how is it so difficult?"

The girl in front of her eyes is the nine-colored **** bird.

She didn't want to get involved in the battle between the gods, but she couldn't bear to watch Anlin being buried alive in the soil. Out of her sense of responsibility to her friends, she decided to sneak up and save Anlin.

However, as soon as she came to Zhoushan’s projection, she was a little dumbfounded. The front is not too high, too big, too hard, really want to move this mountain away, that is dreaming!

The little **** licked the 眨 眸 眸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"The power of the mountain gods can only be applied to the whole mountain. It can't cover every small part of the mountain. I just need to slowly remove it and slowly corrode it. One day..."

She remembered the Jingwei reclamation and remembered the Yugong Yishan.

Thinking, thinking, she was touched by herself!

"Rogue, the girl is willing to do this for you, I don't know where you are from the blessing!" The little girl licked the pink mouth and turned her eyes back to the projection.

The most beautiful and beautiful beast of the South Heavenly Kingdom, silently smashed it, using the top-level fusion technique, and blending the mountain in front of it into the ground behind it.

It is said that Yugong is moving mountains, but the little bird girl is much more powerful than Yugong.

She can use a technique to integrate hundreds of millions of tons of mountains into the earth.

The interval between spells is only ten seconds!

"Oh... 氓 氓 安, I believe that it will take a long time, I will be able to save you from the fire!" The little bird girl even imagined that she once again became an Amrin savior, Anlin worshipped her, and even wished With the appearance of the body, I think there is still some little excitement.

Just as she kept carrying the mountain.

In the distance, there is a sudden burst of inexhaustible light.

The fire is particularly glaring under the night.

Earth trembles, the energy of horror is approaching quickly, as if to swallow the whole world!

The little bird girl looked up and could only see the other side of the mountain. The endless golden light covered the heavens and the earth, and the heavy bombardment was on the mountain. The power of destruction broke out!

"I...hold the grass!"


Golden gunfire instantly swallows thousands of miles!

The artillery fire contains extremely sophisticated bursting energy, directly tearing the thick armor of the mountain, breaking the huge mountain body and tearing it!

The little bird girl feels what is called the real destruction of the earth, pneumatic Tianyu.

This level of energy has exceeded her imagination as a super power.

There is no doubt that this is a world-class cannon!

"Ah...!" She suddenly screamed and her body was swallowed up by the endless fire.

The position of her station is obviously the other side of the shelling! !

The energy of the cannon explosion is like a golden sun that is constantly expanding. In the blink of an eye, it devours the mountains, and then carries hundreds of millions of tons of mudstones to rise and then continue to melt and melt...

This shelling also scared all the strong players on the field who stood in battle.

Metal gods looked at the explosion in a near-suffering spectacle, thinking that if she did not avoid the explosion, I am afraid that it will not die or be ruined...

Shan Tian Shen is even more shocked: "How is it possible that my non-Zhoushan is blessing my enormous power? How can there be other existences that can destroy the protection I set?"

The Emperor laughed happily, and his mood was more pleasant: "We can break through the squad's ability, and can you be so arrogant?!"

When the mountain **** heard this, his face was even worse.

Is this emperor a chance to seize everything and mock me?

A blood-stained Emperor, such as a **** that will never fall, continues to pounce on the mountain god!

Another place on the battlefield.

Chen Chen and the earth **** are still squatting.

Even if the two sides have not yet started, there is still no one who dares to approach within a thousand miles.

The fire of the explosion illuminates the night sky, and it is extremely dazzling.

The body of the earth god, under the fire, bursts of brilliant brilliance, just like amber shines, especially beautiful.

In the face of these earth-shattering explosions, his face still has not much look.

Taishan collapsed in the front and remained unchanged. On his body, he was well interpreted.

Perhaps, in this world, there are not many things that can make him feel fluctuating in his heart. As one of the six highest powers between heaven and earth, the level of his attention is obviously different.

Chen Chen stared at him, paying attention to his every move, and suddenly smiled: "I can't kill you."

The earth **** nodded slightly: "I can't kill you too~www.readwn.com~ You are despicable, but there is a universe in the dust..."

Chen Chen is not surprised that the other party can see through himself and continue to be unhurried: "You and me will be flat, you will be defeated, your gods will die, this battle is I won."

Earth Gods hand: "Is it? I don't think."

After that, the two began to stare at each other...

The contest between the masters depends on the momentum and the mouth!

Next to the Super Sky Cannon 2.0, members of the Broken Road squad, joined forces to open the enchantment, resisting the aftermath of the cannon bombardment.

"Well, the power of the cannon is so terrible, the giants of Anlin are going to die!" Dina looked at the energy of destroying the earth in front of her eyes, her face was white, and she used the poisonous milk of the goddess to Anlin.

"Cough cough..." Bai Ling lightly coughed a few times. The cold and white face was particularly bright and glazed because of the explosion of fire. It was a good cover for the cockroaches. "Reassure, the Anlinji people have their own natural world. Something!"

Sun Yuluo’s mouth twitched: “You didn’t say that before.”

Yao Mingxi shocked: "So, Bai Ling's description of the thick cannon that was previously used by An Linpi has become the current Anlinji people's own natural phase. What has happened in the middle?"

"Thinking is extremely fearful..." Xiao Hong Jiao dripping.

"The ancestors are so poor..." Cocosti couldn't help but cry.

"Nothing, you didn't see it? Chen Chen still didn't react much, which proves that our Anlin classmates are still safe!" Xuan Chengcheng once again used his own reasoning to comfort everyone.

Bai Ling Chao Xuan sincerely voted with approval.

Everyone: "..."

Therefore, Chen Chen’s expression has become the vane of Anlin’s survival?

What if the other party is a face? !


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