I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1577: Lava Mountain God

The mountain gods have endured a combination of An Lin and Xu Xiaolan. Although they have suffered a lot of trauma, they have become another appearance.

The lava tumbling, the stone body has an incredible heat.

If it is an ordinary stone, I am afraid that it will be vaporized at such a high temperature. The body of the mountain god, with the power of the heavenly authority, can be kept as it is.

The hot air waves spread all around, and the earth that was a hundred miles away began to glow red.

"My God, this temperature has to be millions of degrees..." An Lin scalp numb.

"What's more..." Xu Xiaolan is more sensitive to the flames, and some are shocked and screamed. "If it is the surface temperature of the mountain god, I am afraid it has already reached 100 million degrees..."

Anlin scared a big jump: "Isn't it that you will be burned to death?"

Xu Xiaolan rolled his eyes and said: "Maybe, if you are not close, you will be burned?"

The earth around the mountain **** has melted into a hot liquid, and the closest place has even vaporized, forming a hollow area. He stepped into the void and stepped forward to Anlin and Xu Xiaolan. Everything was there.

"Since you like to play with fire, I will accompany you to play with the fire." Shan Tianshen said indifferently, his body disappeared into place.

Anlin felt that the surrounding temperature rose again.

The next moment, the mountain **** has already rushed to his face, fists rolling over countless hot lava, with a terrible power to fall!

The reddish lava burst open, covering all his horizons.

Anlin did not hesitate to use the power of the wind: "Evil swordsmanship, breaking the king of the gods!"

The overbearing swords are skyrocketing, and the power of the supreme supreme wind gathers on the blade, and the blazing lava that faces the front is falling.


The supremacy of the sword, the power of the wind with absolute authority, and the lava that contains the power of the mountain mad! In an instant, the edge swept, tearing the earth, the burning energy splashed around, like a fireball blazing in all directions, even where the earth was melted through a hole in the bottomless black hole.

When the giant force hit, Anlin felt that the whole body was like a piece of the shelf. The horrible high temperature seemed to melt his body.

Anlin feels that if there is no wind and a breathless body, I am afraid that in the moment of confrontation with the mountain god, his body will smolder and even melt on the spot!

The moves of the two are against each other.

Shan Tianshen was dragged back a few steps, and An Lin went straight back hundreds of meters. He felt that his body was hot and his skin was red, and he had signs of burning.

This time, it was obvious that he was at a disadvantage.

At this time, Xu Xiaolan also took advantage of the moment when Shan Tianshen had just been shot and repulsed.

A touch of green shadow flashed to the side of the mountain god, the dragon's sword flipped, and the thunder blade was facing the neck of the mountain god, flashing like a thunder, and the edge was raised to the extreme.

Shan Tianshen was too late to make a hand, but his head was slamming.


Xu Xiaolan squatted, and the scene in front of her almost let her vomit blood.

Shan Tian Shen actually used the power of his head to use his cheeks and shoulders to hold the blade. Even if the blade thunder flickers, the edge is endless, and you can't get half a inch.

For the first time, Xu Xiaolan was blocked by others in this way.

She was not convinced, she was trying to increase her strength, but she saw the slightly ridiculous look of Shan Tianshen.

"Lava, volcanic eruption." The mountain **** faintly opened, the sudden burst of light, the temperature soared, as if suppressing the energy of countless thousands of years, was released at this moment.

Bang! !

The sound of the earth shook.

Countless red lava, carrying the ultimate high temperature, instantly exploded.

The lava spreads and bursts like the flower of death in the heavens and the earth, and it becomes dazzling under the night sky, as if there is a new blood color to dye the red world.

Once the high temperature has attached matter, it is the most impactful, most durable, and the most devastating temperature attack that is not easily resisted and destroyed.

Xu Xiaolan himself has the Suzaku Shinto. It can be said that he is not afraid of all the flames. However, in the face of the flame of the mountain god, she found that her heat-resisting properties were not enough. Suddenly, she felt that the body was hot and hard, and the body had a trace of burns.

"Suzaku Yan!"

She fled with fire and quickly escaped.

But in an instant, the escaped Suzaku sacred fire was swallowed up by the lava that spread wildly.

"Xiaolan!" Anlin saw this scene, his face changed greatly, and immediately took out a sword.

Funeral sword!

Xuanlong Ice Chenjian!

The snow-white dragon sword that exudes the volatility of the fairy blasts.

The shattered blade, like countless pieces of ice, danced in the void, shrouded in a light breeze.

An Lin’s eyes are deep and deep, and the gods ring on the head shines brightly. For example, the supreme **** who is in charge of the heavens and the earth, gently touches the countless pieces of ice: “The authority of the wind, blessing!”

After all the essences of the fairy, after many years, the fairy has been completely released under his call.

The blue light is accompanied by endless cold, and in an instant, it is spread by the force of the wind to the whole world. Extremely cold, the snow is heavy.

The lava that erupted from the mountain gods was stagnation because of this extremely cold.

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The dragon has not arrived, the extreme cold and the high temperature of the lava, on the void above the court, the blue chill and the red yang hit the void and twist and tear.

With the fall of the mysterious ice dragons in dozens of miles, the blue chill is getting deeper and deeper, as if to freeze everything in the world, and bring everything into the cold of death.

There is no fear in the face of the mountain god, and the mysterious ice dragon facing the sky is a heavy punch that bursts out!

Do not doubt the power of any one of the powerful gods, the kind of endless, the supreme power of the infinite heaven and earth, turned into a red-red boxing force, and the faucet was shaken in an instant.

"Hey..." Xuan Binglong is screaming.

At the next moment, its body was shattered by Weili!

The dragon body in dozens of miles was actually disintegrated by this boxing.

However, the mountain gods have not yet received the boxing, and countless broken ice is attached to the force of all the wind, which constitutes the extremely cold cutting tornado, and the crazy gods cut into the mountains.

Every piece of crushed ice contains the most extreme ice-cutting strength of the fairy, and the power of the wind breaks all the power. Like countless small blades, the mountain gods keep on cutting!

The mountain gods screamed, and the hot flowing lava skin was actually frozen by the frost, and the ice blade containing the ultimate cutting power cracked his thick body. An ice sword, there are countless swords here!

Anlin's face was pale, and the authority of the wind was overused. This blow almost hollowed out the strength of his body. But he still had a strong breath, and the cross sword was in front of him.

Now is the best chance to kill Mountain God!

The fifth form of the Ares six swords, the road sword!


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