I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1578: Daojian

An Lin Xiu is not particularly high, the God of War six swords can only display the first four.

The fifth-style sword, and the sixth-style sword, he still does not have enough power to support.

But when he suddenly found that he could attach the power of the heavenly authority to the moves, everything was different. He could forcefully break through certain restrictions by virtue of his power!

The breath of Anlin changed abruptly, and the edge was so full that it seemed to melt itself into the heavens and the earth.

The darkness of the triumphant sword, floating in the dark, into the night, everything is so natural, if not the other party to pay attention, it will be easy to ignore her existence.

At the foot of Anlin, countless black lines are mesh-like, spreading rapidly on the ground, just like a spider web, but it is extraordinarily exquisite and beautiful. Every black grain has a deep sense of truth.

Some of them contain the highest swordsmanship, some contain overbearing slashing methods, some are hot and hot, some are cold and cold, and there are more nights and stars that dominate the Tao...

Thousands of thousands of black lines are independent and intertwined.

Every road is not independent, but each road is unique.

On the ground, there are thousands of black lines and thousands of unique roads.

At the source of countless roads, there are countless intertwined centers, and men with white clothes like snow stand, and their bodies are full of breath, but they do their best.

At this moment, he is the master of thousands of ways! !

What is the road?

The Tao is the way forward.

Some people are physically on the road, aimless.

Some people, physically and mentally on the road, have no end but have directions.

The things that hold on, the things that are felt, the things that are obtained, all the feelings and gains along the way can be turned into the way under their feet. The farther you go, the more spectacular the scenery you see.

Anlin didn't know what it was at the beginning. He didn't even know what it was.

But after going through so many things, I have seen the birth and bustling of hundreds of millions of people, and even seen the degeneration of super powers. He already has his own understanding of Tao.

What is the Tao?

If you don't understand, go ahead.

Then look behind you, it is your way.

Above the earth, the dark lines spread to infinity, and the margins were not seen. The mountain gods that were strangled by the mysterious ice storm were already covered.

Anlin holds the sword of victory, a very wonderful feeling emerges.

There are thousands of ways at the foot, he has a sword in his hand, and he can control the life of the master!

"The sword is a Taoist sword. There are hundreds of millions in the world. Seeing my way, I can only bow down to the court." An Lin said faintly, very calm, very natural, but as if it should have been.

He has entered a very mysterious state, and all he sees in his eyes.

The mountain gods' roads are vast and powerful, domineering and arrogant, and the mountains of the world are as small as the ants. Anyone who wants it, they have to look up and look up and fear.

Its way, the characteristics of the mountain are fully displayed.

Anlin saw its way, it was so perfect, so people yearn for it, it is the ultimate way, such as the eternal light is shining...

If it is ordinary power, after seeing the road of the mountain god, you may have to sing and conquer.

But Anlin will not, he is under the authority of the wind and thunder, who has not served anyone!

The mountain **** is actually very weak, the body power is almost exhausted, and it has been repeatedly hit hard. Even the earthy yellow ring that represents the power of authority, there are faint cracks...

Anlin closed his eyes and saw the stalwart to the desperate shadow.

"The heavens are endless, the Tao is infinite, I have a sword..."

An Lin triumphed over the evil sword and looked at the mountain gods.

“You can do it all!”

The endless black lines on the ground, while releasing strange fluctuations, rushing in the direction of the mountain gods, as if from the numerous roads of crazy killing!

"Ah...!" Shan Tianshen screamed in pain.

Then, his pupils shrank and his face was horrified.

"An Lin! How dare you marry me? Don't you know that I am a Heavenly Way? For my way, you must suffer the most terrible counterattack!" The sound of the mountain **** is like a mountain, roaring, as if the whole earth is roaring. .

Anlin faintly said: "Heaven, I have not been smashed."

Mountain God: "..."

On the majestic body of the mountain god, suddenly there are countless black lines forming a circle, wrapping itself, and the turnover is endless, releasing the supreme truth of the Tao.

"It's you!" An Lin re-swords.

Under the spur of the true meaning of Daojian, the victory evil sword suddenly became a crystal white color without any flaws. Anlin instantly rushed to the front of the mountain god, once again, the sword fell, and the silver flashed in the void!

boom! The blade is on the black line circle.

The mountain **** once again screamed, and even the **** ring trembled.

Xu Xiaolan, who was burnt a little wolf, looked at Anlin, who was squatting at the mountain gods in the distance. The beauty was great, as if he was watching something incredible.

This kind of conviction, she has never met, and now watching the close up, as if to open a new world door for her.

"I want to marry my way, I am delusional!" The mountain gods are like a torch, the horrible true meaning is completely released, and the spirit of the gods condenses like a real thing~www.readwn.com~It seems as if the endless is not Zhoushan, once again crushed in An Lin body.

Anlin’s mouth oozes blood, but he holds the victory sword and slowly falls, tearing open the black lines.

"Ah...!" Shan Tian Shen once again screamed, as if it was very painful.

He showed the color of decision: "Scattered the heavens!"

The black road pattern suddenly flies away from the body of the mountain god, and will return to heaven.

This is his strongest technique, first integrated into the heavens, and then find the right time to return!

The return of the scatter to heaven is extremely great for him. If he is not forced to a dead end, he will not use this technique. The speed of the scattered road is extremely fast, and Anlin can't stop him!

The **** of the mountain gods stared at the white man in front of him: "An Lin, this hatred, I remembered it first, when I came back..."

The black lines flew to the sky.

Anlin saw the scattered road, his face changed, and then the dark eyes suddenly turned into gold, and the immortal breath was released: "Time, still!"

In the range of a thousand meters, it is instantly cut into an independent space by an extremely mysterious force.

Space and the outside world are stripped.

Everything in space begins to stand still.

Whether it is air, violent energy, or tumbling magma, or even the black lines that are about to fly toward the sky, they are stagnant.

Everything is still, and everything in the heavens and the earth can't escape the imprisonment of time.

Only one person moved.

Anlin is holding a crystal-clear and white-sounding evil sword. The power of the wind is fully motivated. There are countless ideas on the ground gathered in the sword. The sword really climbs to the peak and falls against the black lines!

"Give me broken!!"

The evil spirit sword blooms infinite white light, tearing the road of the mountain gods torn!


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