I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1579: Obtain the authority of the soil

Time is still.

This is the only time system that Anlin can use.

Although it is the only time-based technique, still or relative time, but the power of the technique is terrible, even the mountain gods with authority can stand still. From this point of view, its level is unimaginable by Anlin.

It is a pity that with the current strength of Anlin, time can only last for one second.

But it is a pity, because a second is enough to decide many things. For example, the Taoist pattern of the mountain **** was completely smashed and smashed by the sword of Anlin...

Time is back to life.

The relative time is again in line with the absolute time.

The expression of hatred and jealousy of the mountain gods still stayed on the face, and then they saw their own lines, and they were completely shattered by an extremely overbearing force.

"This..." Mountain God shouted his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him with incredulity.

who am I? Where am I? What happened just now?

The mountain **** was ruined by everything that happened in front of him.


At this time, the ring of God on his head suddenly cracked and then collapsed.

"No... how could this be... I am not spreading my way to heaven?" Shan Tianshen looked horrified and puzzled and looked at the man in front of him. "What did you do to me?!"

Anlin slowly took the sword, and the endless lines of the feet were all exhausted. The look was lightly said: "Time is still."

The mountain gods are astonished and thundered, and the whole majestic and hard body is sluggish. It seems to have become a stone that will not move. Looking at Anlin in a foolish way: "The power of time god, you have it?"

"Slightly understand, a little understanding." An Lin modestly said.

Mountain God: "..."

At this time, I am so modest! Can't you say that it is stronger? I was defeated by a slightly understood force, and I was very embarrassed!

The mountain **** is still mad in his heart, but his body gradually collapses and the air machine begins to sever.

When the lines are destroyed, there is no need for a living body to exist.


A bang sounded.

The body of the mountain **** suddenly burst open, splashing a lava and gravel, even the whole body can not be retained, the end is extremely miserable.

At this point, the mountain gods have finally fallen completely!

Xuan Yucheng and others are already excited and cheered.

Although they did not know what happened, the result was obviously good.

The metal gods and Qiaosi gods have changed their faces, and there is a sense of hunger in the rabbits.

"How come... How can the mountain gods die like this?" Qiao Si Tian snorted and looked awkward, apparently unacceptable.

The metal **** is sullen and gloomy: "It is Anlin, how is it Anlin? First, Lin Yutian, now even the mountain gods... this son must not stay!"

Shocked and unbelievable relative to the enemy.

The teammates felt a sigh of anger.

"Ha ha ha, really worthy of the heavenly **** of war, good!" Heavenly Emperor Yang Tianxiao smile, seems to be encouraged, chasing and killing Qiao Si Tian Shen have become a lot of fierce.

Chen Chen and the earth **** are still squatting.

The earth **** rarely turned his eyes to the direction of Anlin and took a look.

Chen Chen smiled and said: "How do you think you can win?"

"I didn't expect that the power of time, he also has..." The earth **** shook his head. "But... how can it be amazing? It only has a way to fall. The higher the flight, the more it falls. It is despair."

Chen Chen shook his head: "You can only swear by your tongue..."

Qing Xiu Mai continued: "Don't go, when you are careful, you can't go."

"Oh..." The earth **** couldn't help but laugh. "Are you kidding? This day, there is no place where I want to go but I can't walk away. Even if Cyril is here, I am not afraid."

Chen Chen stopped talking and looked at the earth **** quietly.

The earth gods raised their chins, the same delicate face, and a smile that appeared in the corner of the mouth, as if the death of the mountain **** did not have much impact on him.

The two sides fell silent again and quietly groaned.

At this time, An Lin’s mind suddenly heard the sound of “叮咚”.

He was trembled and was about to open the system, but he found that his mind was "squeaky, sly, sly, sly, sly..." and it rang like crazy.

"Catch the grass! Is this awkward?" Anlin was shocked and immediately turned on the system.

At this time, in the column of exercises, several pieces of information popped out at the same time!

Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the mountain god.

The soil attribute method, the earth lotus **** power rose to the second place, the earth lotus **** power rose to the third place, the earth lotus **** power rose to the fourth heavy, the earth lotus **** power rose to the fifth weight... the earth lotus **** power rose to the ninth weight !

Congratulations to the host, the soil attribute method is repaired to the last one, and the power of the mountain is obtained! !

When Anlin saw this series of information, the whole person was paralyzed.

"Bell!" He slowed down for a moment, and he couldn't find a proper adjective. He could only use this sentence to express his inner rich emotions. It is a huge surprise for him to completely replenish the function of a property and gain new authority.

At the same time, his mind also has a clear understanding ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sure enough, in order to obtain authority, you must personally end the life of the **** of authority! !

In the next moment, a huge amount of information and Taoism, madly poured into his mind, as if to blast his head.

"Ah...!" Anlin bit his head in pain.

"An Lin!" Xu Xiaolan hurriedly flew to the side of An Lin, hugged the man who was about to fall to the ground, and looked scared. "What happened to you, don't scare me..."

"Nothing, I am ready to evolve!" Anlin gritted his teeth.

Xu Xiaolan: "???"

Although I don't know what evolution Anlin said is a ghost, Xu Xiaolan still diligently guards An Lin, and looks at the remaining gods with vigilance.

Qiaosi Tianshen opened the state of the Eight Gods Ring, but it was still smashed by the impeached Emperor, and the Black Spirit Snake and the White Snake were pressing **** the sidelines. Now it is clearly in a desperate situation.

The metal **** is still fighting with the Gulong Emperor, and the outcome is unknown.

Chen Chen and the earth gods are still looking at each other with affection, and they have not yet played.

Xu Xiaolan saw this scene and took a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, no other enemy is now able to deal with her and Anlin, so I can slow down.

After a moment of relief, the look on An Lin’s face was finally less painful. It was only sweating and sweating fiercely.

"Are you okay?" Xu Xiaolan was bright and asked, smiling.

Anlin nodded in a difficult position: "It's much better."

As he said, he screamed in the arms of Xu Xiaolan Wen Xiang Yun Yu: "Thanks to you holding me, I can recover so fast."

Xu Xiaolan cheeks red, want to push open Anlin, think about it, not too willing, just have to scorn: "point face!"


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