I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1584: Suddenly dead

The stars are exhausted.

The square is hundreds of miles deep on the ground.

The super-twisted titanium alloy of the metal gods has been broken.

Her neck was being clamped by a cold dragon's claw, getting tighter and tighter, as if she had to break her neck like this.

In front of her, a beautiful and majestic woman is staring at her with a scarlet scorpion, her eyes full of sea-like killings, surging, endless.

"You killed Raphael, then I used a heavenly authority to pay homage to her!" Gu Longdi said coldly, releasing infinite power in his hands, madly destroying everything in front of the metal god.

"Ah...!" Metal God screamed.

When the soul is forced to a desperate situation, there will always be terrible potential. Even the metal **** is no exception. She is desperate to give up all defenses and has taken the initiative to attack the Gulong Emperor.

The power of the sky has instantly smashed the body of the metal god, and there have been tens of thousands of cracks. The crack of the secret hemp is covered with the dark and smooth body of the metal god, which is awkward.

The metal **** is sharp as the artifact's long hair suddenly erects, and then stretches to the Gulong Emperor at a very fast speed, like a sword carrying the ultimate sharp sword, while stabbing the woman in front, to stab the other side Get a lot of holes!

Gu Longdi double smashed and condensed: "The evil dragon turns a wall."

Numerous little evil dragons are draped in the scales of the true dragon class, releasing the horrible atmosphere of the horror, constantly wrapped around the side of the woman, forming a wall that is impenetrable and constantly flowing.

The sharp long hair carries the supreme rule of power, breaking everything, piercing everything, and bringing its artifact-level edge to the next level!

The body of a small dragon is pierced by black hair.

But the little evil dragons are endless, the liquidity is extremely strong, and the old ones are pierced and shattered, and new little evil dragons complement the position of the old little evil dragons.

The metal **** is madly spurting with hair, but it is difficult to penetrate the body of the ancient dragon.

"I must kill you!" Metal Gods played a sigh of relief, his face smirked, and the ring on his head once again released a dazzling god.

Behind the ancient dragon, a golden metal plate suddenly appeared, as if the metal **** and the metal plate sandwiched her.

At this time, the face of Metal God began to appear stern color, and smiled cruelly: "Give me a smog...Hung Meng Electronics, unlimited high pressure!"

Her body and the metal plate behind the Gulong Emperor, at the same time release a dark black light, echoing, the purple gold current simultaneously bursts to both sides, the target is the middle of the ancient Dragon Emperor.

Bang! !

The thunder of the earth shook.

The horrible current, piercing the void, annihilating all things, the energy of gold and purple, the faint power of Hongmeng stirred around, it is the most primitive power, purple charm, shocked the nightingale.

The little evil dragon of Gu Longdi was strangled by current and crushed into fly ash.

The small evil dragon retaining wall is quickly filled and restored, but far away, the destruction of current is fast.

"Gray flies and smokes, Gu Longdi!" Metal gods laughed and raised the power of Hongmeng electronic power to the limit. The purple gold current faintly surpassed the material level and moved toward a more horrible direction.

Gu Longdi silver teeth bite, supported by death. But she knew that she couldn’t stop this trick and would soon be torn by this horrible current...

At this moment, the purple gold current suddenly solidified in place, like a still picture.

“Hey?” The metal **** is a little glimpse.

Then, the purple gold current suddenly changed direction, with a more terrifying power, falling toward the metal god! Rumble...! !

The metal **** is madly torn by the electric current containing the power of Hongmeng.

She is not afraid of electricity, she is an electric conductor itself, but other forces contained in the current, but unscrupulously destroy her body.

"In front of my super thunder god, who is giving you confidence?" A white man, looking down at the metal **** on the ground, is unparalleled and majestic.

The metal **** suddenly awakened, before he hit the head, but forgot that Anlin had the authority of Lei.

Thinking of this, she almost spit out an old blood.

It’s Anlin, how is it that Anlin is going to break her good deeds? !

Metal God immediately canceled the technique. Otherwise, it used its own method to help the enemy to deal with it. In the end, it was the result of self-loss of 800 and then self-loss.

At this time, the Tsing Yi woman rushed from behind, and the Dragon Sparrow screamed away.

The metal **** turned and ran a metal slap on the blade. The sparks splattered and burst into a sharp hum.

Gu Longdi did not take a moment to rest, and immediately fell to the metal god.

The metal god's hair moved again, turning into countless gods and weapons to stab the ancient dragon.

The ancient dragon once again released a large number of black little dragons, resisting the fierce attack of the metal gods.

The metal **** is already the end of the strong, full of scars, and the breath is extremely wilting, leaving her last straw!

A little golden light falls from the sky.

Maximize hardness, maximize quality, maximize mountain power!

Anlin once again unreservedly released the authority of his mountain, and frantically blessed on the rock.

Metal God feels that there is a super-mountain mountain that can't see the end and is full of imagination. It is pouring down from the sky, and the vast expanse of force is crushing everything.

She struggled to raise her head and her eyes were desperate.

The small golden stone ~www.readwn.com~ smashed her celestial cover.


The world is quiet.

The golden stone collided with the head of the metal god, and the waves surged in the space.

Everyone can see that the golden stone embossed the dark metal, as if hundreds of millions of giants gathered together, nothing to stop.

The earth was shaken again by the aftershocks of the stone.

The metal god's heavenly cover is also shattered and deeper...

Her screams echoed in the void.

It seems that something has been broken, and the sharp cracking sound suddenly sounded.

The golden enamel stone tears open the head of the metal god, walks down the head, penetrates the neck, penetrates the chest, the abdomen, and finally wears out from the lower body, and the ground is torn apart!

Whether it is Xu Xiaolan, Gu Longdi, or Xuan Yucheng who has been paying attention to the situation here, and seeing this scene, they are shocked and stunned.

Even Anlin, the culprit at the top of the sky, couldn’t help but **** a night out at the sight. He had imagined using the scorpion stone to slant the head of the metal god, or even flatten it. However, I never expected that I could directly give Metal God a full-body service.

There is a huge hole in the metal god's head. It is still difficult to look up and look at An Lin. The eyes are full of unwillingness and grievances... She did not expect that her metal is the strongest and she will be killed by a stone...

The **** ring burst into pieces and turned into light particles to dissipate into the world.

"噗通." Metal Tianshen body is stiff, straight down the ground, like a piece of scrap iron.

The dark body, like the snow, meets the sun, evaporates quickly and disappears.

The metal god, once strong, was finally dead.

The stone that died from the sky.


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