I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1585: Obtain metal authority

In An Lin’s mind, a huge amount of information suddenly appeared, and the system flickered.

Congratulations to the host, breaking through to the second source of the gods. Congratulations to the host, breaking through to the third source of the gods. Congratulations to the host, breaking through to the fourth heavy source of the gods. Congratulations to the host...

Congratulations to the host, breaking through to the ninth weight of the gods!

The metalwork has been cultivated to the highest level and has obtained metal authority.

A strange energy, began to integrate into the body of An Lin.

An Lin trembled and screamed in pain and refreshment: "Ah...ah!!"

When Xu Xiaolan stepped into the void, his body flashed to the side of An Lin, looking at Anlin with concern. He said: "You have swallowed the authority of others? Have you obtained new authority? A very satisfying pain, right?"

An Lin: "..."

In the face of Xiaolan’s fatal three-shot, An Lin was somewhat speechless.

It’s true that it’s Xiaolan’s, it’s seen at a glance...

At this time, even the Gulong Emperor couldn't help but fly over. She was completely ruined by the sleeves. She showed her white arms like jade. It seemed that she had some force after the war and was hanging down weakly.

Her red, beautiful eyes were sly, and she looked at Anlin curiously. After a while, she saw that Anlin was not so painful. This was hesitantly asked: "You... you can absorb all the power of heaven." ?"

In the battle just now, she really felt that Anlin used the power of the power series.

The supreme power of Tianwei, the power of the supreme law, can't be faked.

Anlin heard the words and nodded, it was admitted.

There are so many witnesses on the field, and guessing can be guessed. There is really no need to hide it.

With the confirmation of Anlin, Gu Longdi couldn't help but take a deep breath, did not speak, just raised his eyes and looked at the sky with a slight sigh, and the British cheeks were a little softer under the moonlight.

The death of the metal god, once again caused a sensation on the battlefield.

The people who broke the road squad were most excited, and some even couldn’t help but cheer.

"Is there any MVP?" Yao Mingxi waved the sword and was excited.

"Ang's really arrogant, Lin Yutian, Mountain God, metal god, are all killed by him! Wang!" Dabai also waved his claws.

"It turns out that even if the Anlin lord is ruined for a hundred years, after the return, you will still dominate the hegemony. This can't be changed." The brain residue powder No. 2 Sun Yuluo is hot, looking at the white figure, facing the yearning Said.

Bai Ling smiled slightly and said softly: "You can't forget the efforts of other teammates. With Anlin alone, you can't do this kind of feat."

Xuanyuan Cheng Junmei’s face smiled: “Yes, if there is no such thing as the Emperor, Xu Xiaolan, Gu Longdi and others, Anlin wants to defeat the gods, it is not difficult.”

Su Xiaoyun also nodded and said: "Yeah, this is a team battle after all, can not ignore the contribution of the Emperor and Xiaolan."

Bai Ling corrected his face with a cold face: "I mean, don't forget, if there is no fire support from my cannon, An Lin and Xu Xiaolan are still buried in the mountains."

Su Xiaoyun: "..."

Xuanyuan Cheng: "..."

Eat the melon: "..."

It turns out that you can't forget the efforts of other teammates. I want to say this! !

Qiao Si Tian battlefield.

The Emperor, who is struggling to support, laughed again: "Jos, God, look, what if you give your life to fight? The mountain **** is dead, and the metal **** is dead..."

The Emperor's gaze gradually became sharper: "And you, you will die, waiting for you, it is destined to be a group!"

In the state of the Nine Gods, Qiao Si Tian Shen, the mood has been completely converged, but now he is frowning slightly, faintly suffering and struggling.

If there is nothing in sight, it will drift in the direction of the metal god, but it will see the empty world and the earth that has been destroyed.

When he decided to launch the Nine Gods Ring, it was that the mountain **** suddenly appeared, telling him that he did not have to start, and that he did not have to sacrifice himself. Everything was solved by them. At that time, the two gods appeared, shocking the audience, what the scenery, how powerful the sky.

Now, Qiaosi is still alive, and the two gods are dead...

No, he used the Ninth Ring and is not far from death.

What a sorrow, what irony...

Chen Chen and the battlefield of the earth gods.

The two are still squatting.

Chen Chen said faintly: "Look, now you can say, will you win?"

The earth **** is silent. He looks at the sky and looks at the ground. Finally, he turns his gaze to Anlin. The momentum is not obvious. It seems to have merged into the heavens and the earth, and there is no trace. No one can detect it.

"He is more dangerous than you." The earth **** suddenly said.

Chen Chen rarely showed a smile again: "This is a good thing."

The earth gods also laughed, and some of the delicate faces had a mocking smile: "Unfortunately, the exposure is too early, the next time I meet, I will kill him!"

"If I am there, you can't do it." Chen Chen made a decision.

The atmosphere suddenly stopped.

Chen Chen and the earth gods looked at each other, and there was a fire in the void.

Joss Gods battle.

The void collapses and the mountains and rivers rewind.

The earth-shattering technique shocked the night sky and reflected the heavens and the earth as white.

Phoenix once again uses the strongest killings ~www.readwn.com~ Nirvana! Unexpectedly, it was shocked by Joss, and it flew hundreds of miles together with its body. It is clearly the most advanced body of the beast, but it is almost hit by this hit, and it is completely destroyed!

The nine-color gods released the nine-colored Shinto and tried to entangle the Qiaosi gods. As a result, they were slapped by Qiaosi’s gods, and the place where the palms passed, even the nine-color gods were flying together, and the birds were also sent. Scream.

Then, the nine-color **** bird will never come back.

The black spirit snake, the white spirit snake and the three emperors of the heavenly emperor, also fought **** battles, injured many places, still insisting on persevering, even though stubborn resistance, but still in a disadvantage.

But they have already seen hope, the ring of God on the head of Qiao Si Tian has cracks, and the black lines of the whole body are getting deeper and deeper, obviously there is not much time.

Qiao Si Tian Shen also realized this, his face became more and more gloomy.

"Next, I will use this last move to end you..."

He suddenly stood up, the ring of God on his head, bursting out infinitely, as if to devour all the darkness, covering up the moonlight moonlight.

Heavenly Emperor, Bai Ling Snake, Black Spirit Snake, his face changed at the same time.

"Ha ha ha ... good momentum, wait for me to get back my scroll, and then come to you with a high score!" Said, the Emperor laughed and turned and flew away.

"I will go back and take my No. 2 sword. You will wait for me!" The black snake dropped a swearing word, and the tail fluttered and flew in the other direction.

"I..." Bai Ling snake racked his brain, "I am going!"

After all, the white spirit snake also flies away in different directions, and does not look back.

The heavens and the earth suddenly quieted down.

The smile of Qiaosi’s **** is solid on his face, stupid.


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