I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1586: Escape!

Say everyone is fighting hard?

Say good to launch the ultimate move, let you **** terrible?

How is it going to get the sky?

How about going to get the No. 2 big sword?

What happened to me?

"Ah...! I went to Nima!!" Qiao Si Tianshen's eyes were round and round, and finally he couldn't help but set up a collapse, and began to swear, and the mood began to break out.

The three of them flew in different directions, and they made it clear that they wanted to run away and prevent him from catching up! I can say that the escape is so strong and strong, and I am no one.

Wrong! Helpless! Not willing! !

Qiao Si Tian is like a hungry wild beast and looks around.

Bai Ling opened the space white elf, carrying Xuan Chengcheng, Xiaohong, Dabai and other small partners, but also steadily flew away in the distance...

Xu Xiaolan carried Anlin with a coffin and used Suzaku, which was also very fast.

Gu Longdi was seriously injured, and some of them struggled to follow Xu Xiaolan.

As for the nine-color gods and phoenixes, when Qiaosi Tianshen flew them, they were ready to run. When they saw things wrong, they ran immediately.

On the escape, their birds and beasts are professional! !

At this time, all members of the broken squad were very tacit. Like the rehearsal, the unification began to run...

Almost a moment, Qiao Si Tian Shen entered the embarrassing situation.

The state of the Nine Gods is an irreversible explosion. The longer the time drags on, the more likely his life will be reversed. As it is today, it will not pass through time.

No! Even if you die, you must pull a few enemies to die together!

Qiao Si Tian made up his mind and continued to turn his eyes to the people who fled.

They all ran away in different directions, that is, he decided that he could not destroy everyone, only one can start. Even because he lost his chance, he might not even catch up with one.

It’s true, it’s all happening too suddenly, and after a moment’s sigh, Qiao Si’s **** has indeed lost the best chance of chasing...

"Ah...! I hate it!!" Qiao Si Tian is almost going crazy.

At the expense of life, I gained absolute power. As a result, the enemy ran away without saying a word. And are all running? What about your face? What is your dignity? What are your swearing words? Did you take the dog to the dog? !


and many more.

It seems that there is still one person who has not ran...

Qiao Si Tian was the first to look at it, then turned his eyes to the only two people on the field who did not move.

Chen Chen and the earth **** are still squatting, as if they did not see him.

"Chen Chen... The second day of the day, the dangerous level of heaven, must be removed as soon as possible..." Qiaosi Tianshen whispered, and his eyes gradually glowed.

He also does not chase the Emperor and other people. Now, is there not the best hunting object here?

Without the obstacles of the heavenly emperor, the black snake and other strong people, it just happened to create an excellent hunting environment for him. This may be God's will!

At this moment, the state of Qiaosi Tianshen has reached the level of creation, the technique is fascinating, and the spirit is unpredictable. Naturally, there is also a great judgment against the sky.

Chen Chen and the earth **** are in a delicate balance.

At this time, once the balance is broken, Chen Chen will be in a state of annihilation.

"Hehehe... Sacrifice me one, can kill the second day of the broken gang, value!" Qiao Si Tianjian body shape, began to rush toward the distant low-sounding teenager.

The blessings and the blessings are interdependent. There is no chance to kill the Emperor of Heaven. Instead, there is an opportunity to kill Chen Chen, which makes Qiaosi Tianshen excited to tremble!

As far as they are loyal to the heavenly people, a dust can be more important than the three heavenly emperors, but it is the focus of attention that the **** of power must kill!


The endless momentum of terror is coming. It is like an endless ocean, like an endless ice and snow plateau, as if it is a huge star that is desperate, as if... the whole world!

Qiaosi Tianshen broke out with all his strength and exerted the momentum that is comparable to the creation of the world.

The dark black ring on his head released a dark light like silk, and he wore a dark feather coat, sucking all things, as if the soul of the world's souls were also inhaled.

With the help of the dark feather coat, the speed of Qiao Si Tian Shen skyrocketed again, faintly detached from the world. Even if it was moved by Qiao Si Tian Shen in the distance, the Emperor and other people who were scared to continue to eat melons could not keep up with the speed of the movement of Qiao Si Tian.

Qiaosi Tianshen inserted a void into one hand and dragged a dark and dark energy sword from the void.

The energy sword body is black and black, and the black is as deep as the endless universe.

There are nine strange stars in the universe shining.

Two stars are located at the ends of the blade, the purple demon dreams, the middle of the blade, a star golden like a star, a star blue azure like the ocean, a white like a fog, a star green green, A star is orange and clear, and a star is red and dark.

There is also one of the most important stars, it is located outside the purple, at the tip of the sword, deep and dark as if to devour the light of all the stars, not only that, but also to swallow and destroy everything in the world, let everything belong to dark!

The power of the Nine Gods is gathered in a sword.

"God of Heaven, the sword of heaven and earth, the source is dark!"

Qiaosi Tianshen rushed to the side of Chen Chen, holding a sword of darkness ~www.readwn.com~ a sword fell.

The sword of the heavens and the earth, with the law of darkness, swallows everything, whether it is the earth, the stars, the moon, or the dust floating on the void, even the air, and even the space. Everything belongs to the eternal darkness, to the endless chaos! !


The darkness enveloped the void of a thousand miles, like a huge black ball.

Inside, there is the power to devour everything in raging, cutting power, gravity, the power of death, the power of cause and effect... all kinds of forces are attached to the dark forces, making the power of darkness even more terrifying.

The Emperor and others looked at their hearts.

This alone can kill a city or even a country.

Even in the small world of the earth, I am afraid that this sword, which is the ultimate weapon of the world, will tear the earth apart.

"Fortunately, we ran fast..." An Lin squatted in the coffin, and looked at the explosive power of the swallowing, and secretly swallowed.

If Qiaosi Tianshen came to chase them, then the probability that they can block this move is minimal.

Anlin is so scared, Sun Yuluo, Yao Mingxi, Quan Qi, Dabai, they are even scared faceless and no dog color, if they are chasing them, then they will die 100%!

Although, Sun Yuluo and others are well aware that Qiaosi Tianshen will not chase them, the value of the two waves of Anlin and the Emperor of Heaven is much higher than them.

This is also the reason why An Lin and the Emperor of Heaven can escape without any scruples. If they escape, they will earn, and they will not be able to escape. If they can't do it, they will not lose.

Then, they fled the squad, and they inexplicably gave the pot to Chen Chen...

The hearts of the people are also raised at this moment.

Chen Chen, he... will not have anything?


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