I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1587: Earth gods shot

The black aperture covers everything.

It also releases the horrible power of engulfing, slamming the surrounding earth and plants into the aperture, and then smashing it.

The range of apertures is thousands of miles, but the range of real destructive power is enough to have two thousand miles or even three thousand miles. This is a law of extinction! Xu Xiaolan and others, by relying on the strength of the body to resist, will not be sucked into the black aperture.

They are very nervous looking at the aperture, worried about the situation of Chen Chen.

The aperture is able to devour all things, and even the knowledge of the exploration into the aperture is swallowed up, so they do not know what will happen inside the aperture.

Not long after, the black aperture began to shrink.

The ground was swallowed up with a bottomless black pit, empty.

The space is shattered, and the chaotic winds are raging around, annihilating everything around you.

There is no material form in the world of heaven and earth.

Anlin knows that when the technique breaks out, even the light must be absorbed and swallowed, and even the road must be cracked and destroyed, and it is the true destruction! For everything, the result is always the end of darkness, no one is spared.

Everyone looked at the sight in front of them.

Nothing is gone, will Chen Chen, who is at the core of the scope of the law, still be safe?

When the dark aperture shrinks to the minimum and shrinks to the core of the battlefield, everyone's heart slams and the earth hangs in the void!

No, to be precise, the earth has been annihilated into nothingness, there is no earth around it, and only that place, there is still earth.

The teenager in a raged linen, standing barefoot on the ground, looked at the earth **** indifferently, and his body was not stained, as if nothing had happened.

But the white strange aperture released by him shows his extraordinary.

In the white aperture, a grass and a wood, a stone, and a fine dust are all different from the outside world.

There is no earth at the foot of the earth god, but it still stands in the void, and does not move, as if there is no power, can make him shake.

He looked at the aperture released by Chen Chen, his eyes narrowed: "From the heavens and the earth, the dust-free land... It turns out that the universe has reached the final step, and it has already enabled the inner universe to influence reality..."

Chen Chen ignored the earth gods. For the first time, he turned his gaze to the side, looking at the stupidity standing outside the white aperture, holding the black sword and the Qiaosi **** on the aperture wall.

There is still an incredible color on the face of Qiao Si Tian Shen.

He broke his head and couldn't think of his own full blow. The terrible blow of the beautiful world created by the Nine Gods was actually blocked by Chen Chen without any damage!

Chen Chen looked at Qiaosi Tianshen with no expression, and finally said: "Is it finished?"

Qiao Si Tian Shen stunned, and did not seem to know the meaning of his sentence.

Chen Chen said coldly: "If you finish playing, just let me roll."

He waved his hand to Joss God.

Qiaosi Tianshen’s heart leaps, but he still has something to do in the future. His body is severely hit, his chest is deeply sunken, and his bones and blood are instantly cracked!

The power of terror, extremely fast speed!

There is no chance for Qiaosi God to resist! !

He spit out a blood, was bombarded and flew hundreds of miles, turning into a black spot.

Extremely far away.

Anlin and others saw this scene, the same incredible.

Sun Yuluo: "There is no damage to the strongest blow of Qiao Si Tian Shen?"

Boxing St.: "A slap in the face of Joss God?"

Dabai: "My mother, Wang!"

They know that Chen Chen is arrogant, but I don’t know that Chen Chen has forced this to the point! !

An Lin couldn't help but look at the ancient dragon emperor beside him, but he saw that Gu Longdi looked at Chen Chen with a look of surprise and surprise.

An Lin: "..."

So, even this fourth day, I don’t know how much the next day is?

Anlin thought about it and suddenly felt that it was not right...

Time God as the most powerful authority under the supreme authority, when she and Chen Chen played against each other, although it was also abused, but it also hurt Chen Chen.

Nowadays, Qiao Si Tian Shen Jiu Shen Shen Huan state, from the feeling that it is not much weaker than the time god, how can not even hurt a Chen Chen's hair, this is not scientific!

Chen Chen seems to have telepathy. He guessed the doubts in An Lin's heart. He turned his head and looked at Anlin. He patiently explained: "I am in the strange space of time, I have a lot of views on the world."

An Lin was shocked and realized.

Chen Chen, you concentrate on the enemy, don't have to tell me this time! !

This handsome young boy is a pair of indifferent to everyone, but he is special to Anlin, and everyone is now more truly felt.

Xu Xiaolan looked suspiciously at the man behind him.

Gu Longdi also looked at An Lin, and his eyes were faintly revealing vinegar.

The whole person of Anlin is Sparta: "Xiaolan, you listen to me! There is also Miss Gu Longdi, what is your eye?"

"No explanation, I don't doubt you." Xu Xiaolan smiled.

"My Master is better than you to me." Gu Longdi snorted.

An Lin: "..."

Did he actually fall into the emotional vortex because of Chen Chen? What is this called? !

However, An Lin did not expect ~www.readwn.com~ Chen Chen in the strange space after the time of God's self-destruction, even can still achieve such a major breakthrough, when he clearly only looked for the way back. This should be the legendary talent difference?

The earth **** looked at Chen Chen, and the golden eyes suddenly flashed a sharp edge: "There are flaws!"

His left hand made a strange law, palms to the sky, index finger to the ground, earth trembles, endless veins of energy flow for three thousand miles, gathered at the foot of the earth god, flocked to his body along the index finger, while his right hand was Chen Chen is a gimmick!

Can not describe the vastness and infinity of this power.

The blue-yellow blade shape is extremely concise, but it is not spectacular. It is only about a hundred feet long. It is the distance between the earth **** and Chen Chen, just enough to get it.

But no one can dare to underestimate this attack, and they feel a lot of power to make them feel very humble.

People always refer to a person’s blind self-confidence as ignorant. And An Lin and others, nowadays, witnessed the existence of the sky and the earth, so I really felt the smallness of my body.

For example, the earth gods, the power contained in it is so powerful and desperate. Just watching from a distance, there is a kind of instinct fear that is full of tremors and hard to breathe. It seems that the opponent’s hands are a vast expanse of the mainland. .

The blue-yellow blade is not so much a blade. It is better to say that it is a continent with infinite mass and infinity.

And it, so directly fell on the dust-free land of Chen Chen! !


(Gulongdi reference map has been uploaded, pay attention to WeChat public number, maverick big snail, click on history news, you can see it!)


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