I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1588: Clean land

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At this moment, Chen Chen is still indifferent, but it is a bit more solemn.

Perhaps it is his respect for the initiative of the heavens and the high authority.

The blue-yellow blade fell straight above the white aperture.

At the beginning, Chen Chen used this aperture to unscrupulously block the sword of the heavens and the earth after the outbreak of the fullness of Qiaosi.

There is no earth-shattering in the imagination.

The blade is on the white aperture, and even the sound is not emitted, just like falling into the calm lake, stirring up the silent ripples.

The ripples on the white aperture are swaying, containing some kind of power to isolate everything. Chen Chen and the Earth God are close at hand, but they feel very far away. It seems that it is not a world. If you are out of this world, you will not be able to touch him.

The gods of the earth are carrying a continent, but they find that they are not a world. How can they slap each other?

Not only that, the earth **** also found that the energy of the blade in his hand was also quickly dissipated. It was actually the white wall whale released by Chen Chen, which was swallowed by the sea and then transformed into a kind of energy that was very special, not like the power of the world.

The earth gods saw this scene, and there was no sign of stopping. Instead, they slammed harder and harder, and the rare colors of the two emerged.

"Chen Chen... This is your failure!"

"You try to absorb my strength, analyze my strength, and then study how to beat me... But to absorb my strength, there must always be a point of communication with the world. That is the real flaw in your clean place. Where!" The earth gods have flashed countless streams of information.

The calculation of the day!

Analyze and calculate everything in the world!

Everything in the world has become incomparably clear in his eyes, material rhythm, law, cause and effect, as large as the sun and the moon, and as small as the dust multidimensional expansion of particles, there is no secret in his eyes.

Xeon's analysis can't solve the absolutely perfect technique, but Chen's dust-free land is obviously not a complete body, it is not perfect.

Since it is imperfect, the analysis of the technique can find its fatal flaws!

As long as he can break through the dust of Chen Chen, he will be able to win this battle! So all the creatures present will be killed here! !

However, when he got the results of the analysis, he was stunned.

At this moment, the earth gods seem to have seen destruction and creation, saw the end and the new life, saw the end of the eternal martial arts, the destruction of the heavens and the Tao, and also saw the infinite dawn of humanity recasting the heavens.

This scene is too shocking, beyond imagination, let the earth gods stand in the same place, followed by endless dangers shrouded the whole body, and the idea of ​​removing Chen Chen is more determined.

"It turns out that your dust-free land is the way to re-create by destroying and absorbing the power of my attack..." The earth gods sighed.

Chen Chen looked at the amber-looking boy in front of him and gently nodded: "This is my fault. If you have the power to be destroyed by me, may you come to see my world?"

The earth gods eyelids gently.

He thought that Chen Chen's dust-free land had a special hole that could transform his power, so that he could break through the hole.

However, the technique of heaven counts to tell him that Chen Chen’s entire self-contained world is like a continuous meat grinder. If you want to enter, you must be destroyed first!

Can this be the same?

It is not the same at all!

Destruction and re-creation first, and simply absorbing energy and then transforming are fundamentally two levels of things. The defects of Chen Chen can be said to be the demonstrations of the Creator...

Chen Chen still looks at the earth **** indifferently, but the earth gods seem to be able to see from the other's eyes. You can come and see me, just see if you can withstand the ridicule of the power of my own destruction. ......

Yes, after all, the flaws of Chen Chen’s dust-free land are just defects that are not defects...

Earth God, is there any force to personally step into the field of Chen Chen?

If he can withstand the destructive power of Chen Chen's own world, he will be able to kill Chen Chen when he can enter. But if it is not, the one who greets him is death...

The blue-yellow blade is still madly tearing the white aperture.

Endless weight, vast to the end of the energy, frantically tilting towards the white aperture, as if to squash the aperture.

The power of an entire continent has collapsed. If it is a super-powerful ordinary road, it will be instantly crushed into flesh and foam. But now, it can't be broken even with a protective wall.

The earth **** did not take the initiative to enter the white aperture of Chen Chen, but did not give up the attack.

He will use absolute power to crush the dust-free land of Chen Chen!

The power of the blue-yellow blade is destroyed by the aperture and then absorbed. However, the power of the blade is like endless. No matter how much it is absorbed, it can increase. It can't see the end, it is huge and unimaginable pressure, so it has been pressed against Chen Chen's shoulder.

Chen Chen understands what the earth gods want to do. Is he going to compare himself with endurance?

The earth gods are bright and bright, holding the blue-yellow blade and pressing down hard~www.readwn.com~ Endless gravity and impact are poured down, such as the infinite borderless continent.

The level of this kind of attack has been horrified to the world created by the creation of the gods, and slammed against Chen Chen again and again.

Does the dust-free land absorb his energy? That's all right! Despite sucking! See how long you can hold on?

The earth gods are full of war, he wants to see, it is his knife of the earth lasting, or Chen dust's dust-free land to last longer. Yes, you can't break the dust-free land, then wait for the moment when the dust-free land is lifted, and the dust will be dusted!

Chen Chen nodded gently: "Your thoughts are good. This is indeed the best way to break my defense. Your attack is as vast as the earth, and once the power is weakened, there is earth again. The new power of the pulse is integrated."

"If I want to insist that your knife can disappear, I am afraid to absorb the power of the land equivalent to half a South Heavenly Kingdom..."

How old is the half of Nantianyu?

That is equivalent to the power of the earth above ten earths! !

Once the power of the earth is swallowed up by Chen Chen, the earth gods will immediately supplement it, and the endless pressure will be enough to crush any creature.

The two sides have always insisted that the heavens and the earth seem to have become quiet.

Anlin and others swallowed silently, hesitating whether to intervene.

If this level of fighting is unauthorised, will it help me?

Everyone has this kind of worry.

Anlin thought for a moment, decided not to tangled, silently elixir, to recover the injury.

Time passed by, the blue-yellow knife of the earth and the dust-free land of Chen Chen, the position did not change in a slight change, really like a picture scroll.

A sigh suddenly broke the silence.

Chen Chen looked at the earth god: "Unfortunately, you are still too anxious..."

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