I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1592: Close the bronze door

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The bronze door is as high as 100,000 feet. It is like two small continents standing in the heavens and the earth. It looks very spectacular. It is close to giving people an invisible pressure, which makes people feel their own smallness.

Anlin and others stood near the bronze door and pushed the door. It was like an ant pushing a door. It was wrong. It might not be as good as an ant, just like a microbe pushing a door.

But this is not a problem.

In the 100,000-foot mountain, Anlin has the confidence to open it with a sword.

Pushing a bronze door of 100,000 feet, although it is difficult, but it is not to push it?

But when he really pushed it, he discovered that he thought it was too naive. This bronze door with a height of 100,000 feet is not an ordinary bronze door with a little taller!

The people of the broken squad, together with the push of the bronze door, even keep the lines still, this is simply not normal! If it is an ordinary 100,000-billion bronze door, it doesn't blow black, and any one of the roads is super-powerful, and you can push it with all your strength!

"What is going on, this door is a bit wrong." Xu Xiaolan confused.

"If you don't push it, blow it up." Xuanyuan suggested.

Everyone even thought that Xuanyuan’s proposal could be.

Xuanyuan couldn't think of his thoughts being accepted by everyone. A sense of satisfaction that was done in his way made his excited smile appear on his handsome face.

In this way, everyone began a trip to the door.


Rumble, rumbling, rumbling...

Hey, hey, hehe...

After an extremely fierce bombing.

The bronze door was still unmoving and unscathed.

This time, everyone is even more desperate.

"What is going on, this is not a bronze door at all, how can there be such a hard bronze door?" Xuan Yucheng grabbed his head with both hands, and looked at the huge bronze door in front of him with some frustration.

"I can't think of the enemy going out, but we can't close this door? It's too sad." Cocosty couldn't accept the ending.

"The bronze door seems to be integrated with the heavens and the earth. It is fixed and protected by the absolutely powerful laws. The ordinary forces cannot move and break open..." The Emperor opened the eyes and analyzed it.

Later, he turned his gaze to another direction, where there were two colored energy columns that passed through Tianyu: "Perhaps, breaking the doorpost is the key."

"We also bombed the doorpost... no effect..." Su Xiaoyun softly shouted.

"It makes sense, even if it is the power of the earth's gods, the power of the dust, Chen Chen should not be right, how can it be broken?" An Lin is somewhat confused.

Chen Chen has some problems with this.

He flew to the column of colored energy, gently touched the column of energy, and then felt a mysterious force, actually madly sucking the power inside him!

Chen Chen immediately retracted his hand and his face was extremely dignified.

"This energy color column, there is a problem!" Qing Xiu teenager began.

He indulged for a moment, seemed to be thinking about something, and suddenly turned his eyes to Anlin, and said: "An Lin, you come over and touch."

"Ah? I have to touch it too?" An Lin was shocked.

Judging from the fierce reaction of Chen Chen, this color energy column is obviously problematic. In this case, what is the meaning of calling him to touch?

It’s like a person who walked into the pit accidentally, but suddenly said to the little friend outside the pit in the pit, hey, you will fall down and try.

What a joke!

An Lin’s heart is rejected.

But seeing Chen Chen’s seriousness, very clear and serious eyes.

Anlin hesitated for a long while, or flew over.

Isn't it just a touch of a pillar? If there is anything big, don't believe that this pillar can still be pregnant! ?

Anlin took a deep breath and pressed it to the pillar.

A force, immediately move, quickly close to Anlin, and then quickly dissipated.

An Lin blinked his eyes, as if he was touching a normal pillar, rubbed his head and looked at Chen Chen. He seemed to be asking: Then?

Chen Chen’s face immediately showed the ecstasy color: “You’re fine, you’ll be fine, it’s really great!”

An Lin’s face is dark: “Don’t you know that I will have something to do?”

Chen Chen tried to calm himself down, just looking at An Lin’s eyes became even more hot.

"An Lin, you try now, run the dark system, attack the color energy column." Chen dust said again.

Anlin didn't follow this time: "What did you find out? Tell me clearly, or I won't do it."


A loud roar was heard all over the world.

The two boundaries of the shattered, the power of chaos is mad.

The self-protection between the heavens and the earth has gradually closed the cracked void.

Chen Chen hurriedly said: "Fast! The two worlds space has begun to close. Our urgent task is to push the door into chaos, and then I will explain the cause and effect with you!"

If the gate is not taken away one day, it is possible for the Terran to reconstruct the two corridors according to the coordinates of the gate at the beginning of the mainland. If the door is lost, the coordinates disappear, the medium is not seen, and the cost of reopening a two-lane passage will be much greater, even for tens of thousands of years.

Anlin naturally knows the priority. Just destroying the gate, he used the power of the highest damage, and did not use the dark system of the technique ~www.readwn.com~ Now that Chen Chen has proposed, he will be difficult to use.

"Little evil."

Anlin called out, and the evil sword behind him was squirted out, and a beautiful arc was drawn in the void, falling in his palm, and the huge and overbearing dark kendo was soaring.

"Evil swordsmanship, royal king!"

Anlin held the sword of victory and the sword, and went to the horizontal energy column of 100,000 feet.

The dark swords instantly cover the sky and stretch for hundreds of miles. It is extremely overbearing. For example, the momentum of the supreme king is released from the sword, and a dark arc is drawn.


It seems that there are countless years of pillars, suddenly penetrated by the dark sword.

The dark swords kept cutting in, and the pillars of 100,000 feet seemed to scream and scream, and then split open...


Dark black sword gas will cut off the energy column towering into the cloud! !

Everyone widened their eyes and stared at the scene.

"It was really opened..."

"God, obviously we can't break together before!"

"The owner is very good..."


Sun Yuluo, Xuan Yucheng, Bai Lingzi and others, marveled again and again, both excited and very surprised to look at this scene.

Anlin continued to work hard and waved his sword to another energy column.

Another column of energy collapsed under the attack of Anlin.

The two bronze doors made a roar of "Oh, oh," and the collapse of the pillars changed.

"Everyone joined forces to push the bronze door into the outer space!" Chen Chen excited.

The people of the broken squad screamed in unison and pushed the door with excitement. The bronze door that was unable to push the half point last time was now rumblingly pushed and finally pushed into the broken space!

The ruptured space slowly closes.

There is no South Gate in the world! !

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