I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1593: Fruit of victory

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Nantianmen disappeared completely.

There are only two pillars in the world that have broken into slag.

The energy fluctuations of the column disappeared and have completely turned into waste rock.

As for the bronze gate with coordinate positioning, it has already entered the chaotic turbulence and disappeared.

Everyone looked at this scene in front of them, and the tide of heart surged.

"South Tianmen, which has stood on the mainland for decades, was finally broken by us..." Sun Yuluo looked at the empty Nantianmen, and looked a little sly.

"I can't believe it, it's all true." Mellon is also unbelievable.

"It's not easy, we actually did it..." Su Xiaoyun's dreamy blue scorpion, now a little red, an unspeakable sense of accomplishment and fear of coming to the heart, inexplicably want to cry.

"In the early days of the mainland, there was a saying that Tianmen could not be broken. I really wanted to let the creatures who said these words look at the scene in front of us..." The black snake smiled.

Xu Xiaolan turned Mei Lu to An Lin and smiled: "On this matter, we have to thank someone for making a bold decision. It is because of this self-confidence decision that we made such a shocking Feat..."

The rest of the people heard this sentence, and this suddenly woke up, it is indeed someone who played the most crucial role in this matter! When the world thinks that breaking the Tianmen is absolutely impossible, he is the first person to stand up and confidently say that he wants to break the obstacles!

Whether it is Su Shaoyun, Xuan Yucheng, or Emperor Tian, ​​Chen Chen, they all turned their eyes to Anlin.

Yes, it was the confidence of Anlin’s savage savage, infected them, let them go with him to the waves, and finally made this totally impossible event!

If other people invite them to go to the regiment to kill the Tianren, they will not hesitate to slap in the palm of their hand and say that he has a package in his skull. But if Anlin said this, the legendary figure who repeatedly made the impossible possible, they chose to believe!

Whether it is a member of the Forty-Nine Emperors, or a friend of the Sovereign, Anlin always has a magical power that allows people around him to choose to believe in him!

Some people may not believe him, but after many textbook-style face-lifting, they will soon be conquered by Anlin.

Joining the black scorpion of the broken squad, the white spirit snake and the boxing sac, is a surprise.

"An Lin turned out to be the initiator of the broken squad?" The black snake was shocked. She thought that such a powerful decision was made by the Emperor or Chen Chen. I did not expect it to be Anlin.

However, when she thought of An Lin’s past experience, she was relieved.

An Linben is such a look of heaven and earth!

"Oh... Anlin's predecessors are so powerful!" Bai Ling's eyes are brightly lit, and a kind of worship from the heart overflows into his face.

At this time, Anlin was very modest: "You don't have to look at me like this. I am just the initiator of the action. This feat is done by everyone. Without any of us, the action is impossible like today. perfect!"

Hearing this, as a member of the detachment team, everyone has a full sense of accomplishment.

They are all determined to join the broken detachment, and they have already given enough courage and strength for the survival of the Terran, so this honor, they accept well deserved.

Anlin looked at the feathers that were not far away, and the graceful goddess smiled. "Of course, our little **** are also indispensable. You are also a member of our broken squad. The Terran will not Forgot your credit!"

"Hey... can I count it?" The colorful body of the bird flew in the air, and the heart was a little surprised. There was a sense of accomplishment that made Anlin a world-class event.

But after a long while, she suddenly returned to God: "An Lin, you specially drag the girl into the water! Nantian Yuguo's attitude towards the Tianren is neutral, is it neutral?! Hehe... I was You are miserable! You are a confusing, too crowded!"

Everyone is ridiculous.

Anlin was also a little embarrassed to scratch his head.

Xu Xiaolan smiled and looked at the sly **** in the sky, feeling a little cute.

The scene of the little bird girl holding her and Anlin escaped, still vividly emerged in her heart, and because of this, she has a lot of good feelings for the little bird girl.

Under the stars, the smashing squad of laughter echoed around in an uninterrupted atmosphere. After everyone experienced the battle of life and death, the intimacy of each other also improved a lot.

Even the soon-to-find Boxing St. and Xuan Yucheng can discuss the power of the explosive fist and the possibility of implementation in a harmonious and serious way.

Of course, how to deal with the relationship between Nantianyu and the Tianren is the focus of this discussion.

If all the forces of the Heavenly Terran are completely destroyed ~www.readwn.com~ Fortunately, some of them are handled. After all, there are no witnesses.

But the earth **** escaped.

It witnessed the scene of the little bird girl being the top high-level of the South Tianyu country, but he took the opportunity to rescue An Lin and Xu Xiaolan, and finally attacked the god. This situation is different in an instant. It can even be said that the little bird girl indirectly indicates the position of the South Heavenly Kingdom. The birds of the South Heavenly Kingdom are likely to be targeted by the Heavenly Terran.

The little girl was very upset about this. At that time, An Lin and Xu Xiaolan were almost dying. She didn't think so much at the time, just thinking about saving people.

In retrospect, she only knows what big mistakes she has made, and even the wrong thing that jeopardizes the survival of the whole family! Against the sky, there is no good end! In this regard, she is still very self-blaming, the beautiful feathers on her body have been entangled in several.

The people seriously discussed the situation of the little bird girl.

In the end, I can only get a very helpless result. The nine-color **** bird will join the Kyushu border army with a bird family from Nantian Yuguo. Let's play together...

Another way is that the nine-color gods officially announced that they have left the Sun Tree from the South Heavenly Kingdom. The previous actions were completely personal and related to Nan Tianyu. If there is anything dissatisfied with the Terran, even come to her.

Then, she can find a safe place, hide in the side and eat melon silently, waiting for the end of the whole event. Or, she can also join the forty-nine sects, everyone will come and play together...

The little bird girl thought about it, or the second way is reliable.

As for joining the four nine sects, everyone will come and play together?

Is it really a fool when she is a little girl? How proud and free she is, how can she be full of freedom, where she will be full, risking her life and fighting against the celestial beings, and making fun of it, it’s impossible, it’s impossible to kill. !

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