I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1595: Anlin's choice

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Heaven has six sovereignty responsibilities.

Sky, earth, ocean, life, light, darkness.

Now, Chen Chen asks if Anlin is the **** of darkness, what should I do...

An Lin’s mouth couldn’t help but pumped.

Dark authority? Does he actually have this thing?

If so, why not prompt the system? Why can't he use the power of the dark system? If not, then what about Lin Yu’s god, the color energy column, and how?

Can't you think that the heavenly people of the heavenly gods will talk nonsense before they die?

Anlin’s brain is very chaotic, mainly because he instinctively rejects that identity, and he is very afraid that that identity will bring him tremendous changes...

The **** of darkness is indeed very powerful, but what is represented behind it will completely change his life. Does this mean that he is not a human being, but a part of heaven?

Anlin can't accept this setting!

There must be a problem!

Anlin frowned and thought about it.

Chen Chen saw Anlin did not answer, nor asked, just looking at him quietly.

This must be related to the system! But what role does the system play in this matter? The power to consume the power, the power of the power of darkness, or the power of the system...

Half an hour.

Anlin looked up again and looked at Chen Chen: "I have a problem."

"Please speak." Chen Chen was very refreshed.

"You know where the land pressure is?" asked Anlin.

Anlin thinks that there are some problems. It is time for him to ask the old man in person.

“The land pressure road Jun?” Chen Chen frowned slightly, then stretched out again. “He seemed to have a big happy event more than a hundred years ago. He was very happy, and now he went to other world vacations.”

When Anlin was in the blue, there was a urge to flatten people.

God is so happy! !

He threw the pot of the system to me, is it a happy event? !

Heartbroken! Laozi is very hot here, he went to other worlds with joy...

Anlin thought about it and came to the air.

"What's wrong with you?" Chen Chen looked blankly at An Lin, who was suddenly angry.

"Nothing..." Ann Lin smiled. "I am leaving here."

Chen Chen stopped talking and then couldn’t help but said: "An Lin, I have a word, I don’t know if it’s not right..."

"Don't talk about it! Absolutely not!" Anlin interjected.

Chen Chen was stunned and then continued with a slap in the face: "I don't care if you are the **** of darkness. I just want to ask you, if you are the **** of darkness, would you choose to stand on that side?"

An Lin looked at everyone outside the aperture and smiled: "My Taoist, my friend, my disciple... all live in Kyushu, all human beings, I will use everything to protect them."

Chen Chen bowed his head and sighed, as if a certain burden had fallen.

He looked up and looked at An Lin and smiled. "We didn't look at the wrong person, I hope you can always practice this sentence."

For the first time, Anlin saw Chen Chen revealing the pure and fresh smile of the boy. He changed the face of the indifferent poker face before, and he smiled very naturally and was very energetic, making people look particularly comfortable.

He couldn't help but stunned God a little.

"Let's go." Chen Chendao.

Anlin returned to God and nodded slightly.

The aperture of the dust-free land disappears.

The two people who were beaten in the mosaic reappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone couldn't help but scrape together, widened their eyes, looked at Anlin curiously, didn't take the initiative to speak, but it meant that it was self-evident, just waiting for Anlin to reveal something!

Anlin thought about it and decided to reveal some key information to everyone: "Chen Chen said that I might be very good, I think he is right."

Everyone: "..."

Chen Chen: "..."

Everyone seems to have an old slot in his heart.

The melons that couldn't eat the secrets of Anlin were very difficult. Now Anlin gave them a crit.

"Oh..." Ye Ling couldn't help but smile. He smiled and smiled. "Master still likes to tell the truth..."

The Emperor raised his thumb: "Not only perfunctory, but also a forced, praise."

The rest of the members heard the words and laughed, and the matter quickly turned over and no one asked.

The celestial notes of the Emperor also lit up at this moment.

Inside, the voice of the longevity emperor came, the tone was very excited, and the laughter haha ​​made people feel that the other party laughed as happy as a child: "The Emperor, success, you have succeeded!"

"Oh? You know it?" The Emperor remembered that he had not told the war to others.

The longevity emperor excites: "The eastern, middle, west and north lines of the Tianren, in the case of superiority, actually began to retreat, and a retreat is 100,000 miles, it is obvious that they are afraid of a force, I Thinking about it, only your strength is in line!"

Heavenly Emperor suddenly realized ~www.readwn.com~ The southern line of the Tianren nationality was completely destroyed. The Tianren people who want to come to other fronts have already got news... I don’t want to be the next broken front, so they all converted their combat style.

"Ha ha ha ... can not think of the Tianren will be afraid, it is really cool!" Changsheng the Great is still laughing, only feel that decades of grievances, have been raised at this moment!

The Emperor smiled slightly: "Don't be too happy and proud, the battle has just begun."

The two emperors chatted briefly and hung up the notes.

Everyone knows that it is time to separate.

Can't say the difference, it should be said that it is time for the squad to break the squad!

"The next step is to go back to Tianting, officially announce the return, and coordinate the arrangements for the Kyushu coalition." The Emperor said.

"I and Xiaobai have to go to the niece's life lodge first." The black snake also spoke.

Bai Lingzi smiled and waved the white tender hand: "An Lin senior, my black sister and I will come back soon, and then fight side by side with you!"

The petite and cute little **** turned into a gorgeous and elegant nine-color god, and the sound of the silver bells echoed in the sky: "This girl is going to avoid the limelight, everyone wants to cheer, I hope the final winner of the battle, It’s you!”

All the people in the broken squad waved their faces and said goodbye to the beautiful gods in the sky.

The gods and gems of the gemstones reflected the white figure, and after a deep look, they stretched their wings and flew to the west.

An Lin, Xu Xiaolan and others, sitting on the white space of Bai Ling, flying back to the Forty-nine Xianzong.

The battle of Nantianmen was officially closed.

In the near future, the news spread out with terrible horror and spread throughout the continent.

Nantianmen was broken and shocked!

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