I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1596: Shocked by the world

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The Heavenly Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor Anlin of the Forty-nine Immortals, the Snow Emperor, the High Priest Mengzhi, and the news of Shangguanyi’s death and resurrection, came one after another, causing a terrible sensation in the early mainland!

But this is not the most scary.

In the more than 30 million South Line, the Tianren National Alliance was completely destroyed. The superpower of the road was three dead. The Marshal of the Tianqiu died more than a dozen, and finally the atmosphere of the whole mainland was detonated!

The news after that is even more scary.

The power of those messages, such as nuclear bombs, is enough to make the lives of the entire mainland of the world feel suspicious of life, silence the numerous powerful, and let many powers stunned.

Breaking the road squad, all the way south, the nine-day Tianqiu Marshal, two gods and gods, two powers outside the Tiantianmen, even the heavens to the high authority of the earth gods are defeated and escaped...

The two borders of Nantianmen were broken, and there is no South Gate in the world! !

As soon as the news came out, the whole continent was like a storm.

Countless creatures took a breath of cold, as if listening to the book in general.

Kill nine heavenly marshals? Although it is very exaggerated, it can accept...

But killing two gods and gods? This kind of legendary can be compared to the world's strong, since the appearance of the Terran, never died, and now suddenly died two? What a joke! !

Also, the death of two power gods in a row, escaped a supreme authority of the gods, which is completely peaking the imagination of the world's living! In the past, this is something they can't even think about! !

However, now, it really happened in front of you!

Hundreds of millions of people can't believe this news, but this news has been confirmed by many top-notch forces. The remaining four-way Tianren national army has retraced more than 100,000 miles, and it just confirms the truth of this news from the side...

So, what is the sacred squad that has created this brilliant record? !

Hundreds of millions of souls have focused their attention on the broken squad.

The team with such a low-key name has become the most dazzling presence in the whole continent!

This extremely strong contrast has made everyone feel the squad of the broken squad. Look, the name is so low-key and inconspicuous, but it is a terrible event!

Breaking the road squad, breaking the hardest road in the world, is harder than going to heaven, because the broken squad is going to break... It’s the road of heaven! !

None of the world's monks are curious about the members of the detachment.

At this time, the Forty-nine Immortals seemed to have responded to the voices of the vast numbers of mainlanders, and officially announced the detailed list of the broken squad.

The power to return to the virtual world is Meilun, Cocosti, Dabai, Xiaohong, Ethical Tianxian, Xiyue Tianxian, Nian'an Tianxian, Yanna, Liuqian, Sun Yuluo, Yao Mingxi, Bai Ling, Quan Sheng, Ann forest……

There are super powers in the road, such as the goddess, the phoenix Xiaohuang, the heavenly emperor, the ancient dragon, the Raphael, the white snake, the black snake...

There is also a very special person, the second day of the day, Chen Chen!

When the worldly creatures saw this lineup, they were shocked.

I have to say that every one of the above is a big man who is famous in the mainland. The luxury of the lineup is the only thing in the world. The sentient beings can also learn more about this thrilling feat from this incomparable lineup. This is really a well-prepared and unexpected raid!

After all, there is only such a strong lineup to make such awesome things.

Although a lot of rational power, it is still unbelievable, think that the enemy of the **** level, not this lineup can deal with. But the reality is in front of them, they have to believe, they can only be very convinced and sighed, broken road squad!

The most important thing is that when the creatures know that the captain of the broken squad is not Chen Chen, nor is it the Heavenly Emperor, the Black Spirit Snake and other peaks are super powers, but it is a time when a returning monk named Anlin is called. The shock of the sentient beings began to take it to the next level.

Countless creatures began to recall the man of the century.

Today's forty-nine sects, the king returns! !

Many famous newspapers and periodicals in the mainland have used the four characters of the king to return to the title of this earth-shattering event, in order to show the reverence and fanaticism of the character.

Do not doubt the influence of Anlin. A hundred years of time may make many people forget his name, but once his name re-emerges on the mainland, the chain reaction will make him more popular than before!

Many elders who have lived for hundreds of years will relish the story of Anlin to the younger generation. Every story of his story is very ups and downs. It is a good talk.

Many of the strongest gods have become the incarnation of dogs, and they have advocated and praised Anlin, just to make a good impression on this sage who can help people to rob.

Therefore, for a time, Anlin’s name has been detonated throughout the mainland.

Also detonated together is the forty-nine sects, because everyone found that most of the members of the detachment team ~www.readwn.com~ actually came from the four nine sects! The Forty-nine Xianzong once again became a legendary sect, not only the head of the five major sects, but also the faint influence of the heavenly level.

The Kyushu border forces and the close forces have become a sea of ​​joy.

Linghujie, Kyushu, Sanctuary, Devil, Donghai, Xihai, countless warriors are all fighting high morale.

The broken road squad destroyed the road of the Tianren people and let them see the dawn of victory for the first time in the hard battle of decades. Yes, the broken squad has already proved it with action. The Heavenly Terran can be defeated, and the sky can be defeated!

The broken squad has become a team of legends and hopes.

The news of Raphael’s sacrifice was also spread throughout the mainland with the news that Nantianmen was broken. Her degeneration has added a lot of sadness to the battle, and it has diluted some of the joy of victory.

The popularity of Raphael is too high in the whole continent. In the early days, the first goddess of the mainland fell, so that countless souls were filled with sadness and spontaneously mourned the kind and gentle angel.

Not only the Kyushu alliance forces mourn, but even the enemy's celestial forces, the field of creation, the West Tianlong Lin and other first-class forces, there are countless souls to mourn the woman.

There is no other reason, because her healing light has also shinen in those places. In the early days, the mainland’s mourning for her has surpassed the war.

Eden also hosted an unprecedented funeral for her and read her story to the entire continent.

In the eastern part of the mainland, the Kyushu border.

Since the beginning of the all-out war in the mainland, it has not been so lively and festive for a long time.

All of this seems to be caused by the return of a certain man.

At this moment, the man has returned to the Zongmen, quietly began to recuperate.

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