I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1599: Stronger power

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Xu Xiaolan couldn't help but smile at the side, and couldn't help but tear down the platform:

"Xiao Xiao, your serious nonsense skills have increased. What is the strength to prove that only strong strength can become respected by thousands of people and become taller... This is not to say that there is strength. Can you force it!"

"However, An Lin is indeed a precept and a teacher. At least he has proved by practical actions that he is strong and can really force it. If this is the driving force for your cooperation, it is quite pursued."

The Qingyi woman looked at the handsome boy not far away, and smiled and smiled.

Anlin’s heart seems to have been slashed with a sword. Master used his clothes to force the apprentice to let the apprentices comprehend the true meaning of life, and then succeeded in joining the road. I am afraid that even the ghosts will not believe this! ?

Xiao Ze looked at An Lin with a serious look and neglected Xu Xiaolan’s words. Zheng said: "Master, I am telling you all, you have to believe me!"

Anlin’s face couldn’t help but pumped out: “Good... I believe in you.”

Ye Ling smiled and held An Lin’s arm, his voice was crisp and clear, and he said with a heart: “The power of Linger’s strength is also because Master has done a good role model. I want to prove that Master’s choice to accept me as an apprentice is right. I didn't let Master disappoint!"

Anlin had been tied with a few swords and was cured by the cute and lovely Ye Ling.

"I don't have such a sincere emotion as my sister." Xiao Tu sighed. "I just don't want to die, I want to live longer."

Anlin quite nodded for the approval: "a good pursuit!"

From a certain point of view, the reason why Xiao Tu is strong is the most reliable!

Not long after, a woman with a graceful figure and a golden body, a beautiful woman, came slowly, holding Xiao Ze’s arm and bowing her head. She smiled and said: “Fanny has seen Anlin’s lord!”

Anlin’s eyes brightened: “You, you two...”

Fanny and Xiao Ze’s face were red at the same time.

"I... Master, I officially became a fellow with Fanny sixty years ago..." Xiao Ze said with a little embarrassment, and scratched his head when he said it.

Fanny was also as shy as she looked at An Lin.

An Lin was a little embarrassed, "I don't speak very much" Xiao Ze, finally took Fanny down.

I thought that when he was playing in the other side of the game, he was still the most important assisting player.

At that time, as a master, he had nothing to send to his apprentice, and he planned to send his apprentice to a wife... and then bet with Fanny, and he had to accept the other request.

Then, Fanny lost, and he asked Fanny and Xiao Ze to try to talk to friends. Xiao Ze successfully conquered Fanny with a three-inch tongue.

Unexpectedly, after decades, Xiao Ze and Fanny actually made a positive result.

Personally promoted a marriage, this marriage is still a lifelong event of the disciples, as a master, this feeling is quite wonderful.

“Congratulations, congratulations! I wish you both happy and happy!”

Anlin got up and congratulated and laughed very happily.

With the blessing of Anlin, Xiao Ze and Fanny are also very happy.

They took out a sacred wine from the Nayong and gave Anlin and Xu Xiaolan a cup.

"Master, we had a wedding before, you are not there, now we officially respect you." Xiao Ze raised his glass and his eyes sparkled with tears.

Fanny also extended her hand and lifted a glass of wine. She was grateful: "Ze Ze's master is my most respected person. If I don't have you, I won't find Zeze and gain my happiness."

"Little Ni..."


The two are deeply affectionate.

Anlin scalp numb, lift the glass again and bless the two newcomers.

Oh, no, they are not new people, they have been married for decades, and they are old wives.

After Xiao Ze and Fanny finished the Anlin, they smiled and came to Xu Xiaolan.

"We will respect the teacher again." Xiao Ze's eyes are bright.

Xu Xiaolan also got up from the lounge chair and smiled warmly: "I wish you all the best."

After Fanny's salute, some jokes and some expectations: "When are the wines of Master and Shi Niang, when can we drink? After all, I listened to Ze Ze, your agreement... ah?"

The woman who is covered in glitter, picks up the eyebrows and looks like you know.

Xu Xiaolan naturally knows what she wants to say. She rarely talks. Instead, she turns her eyes to Anlin. The eyes are full of affection. She smiles softly. "I listen to Anlin, and it is decided by Anlin."

"Oh...!" Fanny exclaimed meaningfully.

Xiao Ze, Xiao Tu, Ye Ling, the three apprentices also followed suit.

An Lin was mentioned to have a wedding with Xu Xiaolan. He usually had a thicker face than the city wall. He couldn’t help but look at the old face. He took a few people and said: "What is it?!"

Although it is said that, but his face is also a smile.

Xiao Ze Lehe said: "I didn't expect it. I have always been a very strong teacher. I will be in front of Master, and I will be so gentle and gentle."

"Well...?" Xu Xiaolan frowned and dragged a long tail.

"Ah! The teacher is very gentle, very beautiful, very fairy sister!" Xiao Ze immediately opened his mouth with great sincerity. "And you really respect Master, after all, in your mind, the other party's feelings are the first. Bit, this is also the performance of true love ~www.readwn.com~ taller than the sky, deeper than the sea..."

"Okay, OK, let's take your magical powers." Xu Xiaolan rolled his eyes and turned his eyes.

Xiao Ze suddenly shut up.

An Lin is stunned. The Shinto, the heart of this big man, is a mouthful.

Because the South Tianmen was broken, the remaining four-way Tianren army retreated more than 100,000 miles, and the Kyushu coalition forces on all major battles got a chance to breathe.

Because of this, Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu could not wait to return to Zongmen to see An Lin.

Soon, the rest of the small partners are back.

The clown and Bai Yao couple came back.

It is said that the years are killing the pig knife, but for a hundred years, but did not leave any traces on the face of the clown, it is still so ugly, holding Anlin's crying look, it is even more ugly.

But Anlin was very moved. In his eyes, the clown at the moment is handsome.

Bai Yao smiled and saluted Anlin. She still looked like a genre of style. She was charming and pure.

The white rain is also coming, and the beautiful face has a bright smile: "I have seen the Anlin lord all the time, and I hope to take care of it in the future!"

"It's all family, where to say two words." An Lin said haha.

Now they are really a family. Since the field of creation has planned to join the Heaven and Man Alliance, the royal power of the White Fox family has collectively moved to the Forty-nine Xianzong and became a member of the Forty-nine Xianzong.

Of course, Anlin is also welcome!

Zongmen has a lot of handsome guys, why not?

This time, the white fox forces collectively migrated, and the Shijiu Xianzong had more than ten returning virtual powers.

Anlin thought, suddenly remembered, the clown and Bai Yao are the power of the early days of returning to the virtual.

Think carefully, as if his beast and servant are also the power to return to the virtual world!

what! Is Laozi the lowest person in the realm? !

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