I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1600: Anlin's evil plan

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Anlin thought about the power of cultivation in an instant.

The challenges of the future are getting more and more serious, and you have to find a chance to bring the realm up!

As for the 100-year contract you said?

That agreement, when An Lin and Xu Xiaolan reunited, had already said it once.

Xu Xiaolan said that listening to An Lin can be done at any time.

An Lin said that he had dealt with the matter of the Terran and then got married.

He didn't want to appear, and he had a wedding. As a result, a group of powerful gods ran to destroy the wedding and engage in a sudden attack on this stereotype.

To hold a wedding, you will be safe, happy, and happy!

This will be the best memories of his life, and he will not be mistaken.

Therefore, the first thing to do now is to work harder and stronger, and then turn over the Tianren and the authority gods, and finally open the heart to return to the ancestral gate Xiaolan!

Anlin silently set a goal for himself and felt more energetic.

He turned his attention to the system and looked at the realm.

In the mid-term of the virtual period, the conditions are met: the nine will be convinced.

Mission progress: 6/9, the souls that you are currently being convinced are boundless, Eden, the Emperor, the Black Emperor, the Sorcerer, and the gods.

Anlin was somewhat pleased. As a task that was originally impossible to complete, he has already completed most of the work. As long as he conquers three super-powers, he can break through to the middle of the virtual world!

The swallowing **** was beaten by this and made him somewhat surprised.

Because of the strength, swallowing the gods is the peak of the road, he even beats the body and can not swallow.

Don't say that the authority of the gods is better than swallowing the gods, and Anlin has the power to control the gods, and he will be able to fight the gods. The reason why Anlin played the authority of the gods is entirely because of the mutual restraint of his own power, as well as the special characteristics of self-physique and the characteristics of the sword.

All kinds of special hanging, add up, this will be able to win the right to win the gods before the ground.

In fact, from the control of the power of authority, he is not high, and the power of authority is also weakened. No matter the power and frequency of use, it is actually weaker than the ordinary authority.

The same is true of swallowing the gods.

Really one-on-one, he really can't win, but don't mention it.

The system actually judged that it was convinced, it would not be because he and Xu Xiaolan mixed doubles, plus the black snake in the sky does not park the big group of the group mode, as long as the other party is convinced, it is considered to be convinced?

This analysis is not a problem!

Anlin suddenly seemed to move.

He turned his eyes to the two disciples in front of him, revealing a kind smile.

"Xiao Xiao, Xiao Tu..." Ann Lin smiled.

Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu suddenly burst into hair and looked at An Lin in amazement.

Xiao Ze: "What happened, Master?"

Xiao Tu: "Anecdote?"

"Well... you didn't have to be promoted to join the road for a long time, ask a question, who two of you, who is stronger?" Anlin curious.

Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I don't know, I didn't talk to my brother." Xiao Ze shook his head.

"I and Xiao Ze are actually special types of war resistance. He is invincible. I have countless lives. It is the most difficult existence in the road. If I fight once, I am afraid that I will not be able to win a game for three days and three nights. Negative..." Xiao Tu analyzed it in great detail.

Xiao Ze sank for three seconds: "It is possible to play for one year, and it is impossible to tell who is stronger."

An Lin: "..."

"An Lin, you ask what to do with this question." Xu Xiaolan on the side is curious.

"I want to see who is weaker. Let's join forces to beat him up and beat him to conviction..." An Lin said honestly.

Xu Xiaolan: "..."

Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu: "..."

Zongmen has a super power, and naturally you should make good use of this resource!

Since it is useful to know that the group is fighting each other, why should Anlin waste this opportunity?

Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu finally understand why they saw An Lin's smile, and they will feel a hair. This Nima is a neuropathy!

"I think I am stronger!" Xiao Tu did not hesitate.

"No, obviously I am stronger!" Xiao Ze slammed back.

An Lin: "..."

Xu Xiaolan: "..."

"An Lin, they are stationed in the Kyushu area, and finally come back to rest, don't be so embarrassed by your apprentice?" Xu Xiaolan did not have the heart to persuade.

"The teacher is very good!" Xiao Tu voted with grateful eyes.

"Long live Xiaolan!" Xiao Ze is also excited to shout.

An Lin heard that this is also the reason, it dispelled this idea.

Do not say anything else, the disciples were born and died in battle, and finally returned home, is it still necessary to be mastered by Master? This is too bad!

Anlin can't bear it!

"Xiaolan, you are right." An Lin looked at Xu Xiaolan with deep affection.

Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu seem to have realized something.

If you want to live well, it is the right way to please the teacher!

Anlin knows the urinary nature of his system. He wants to complete the system task, and he will be able to conquer a super-powerful person. At least he will be beaten to death. Xiao Ze Xiao Tu does not consider it. If Xiao Huang suffers such a wave, he may leave home. www.readwn.com~ Lose it forever.

As for Xiaolan...

Don't say that you are convinced, even if you hit her, Anlin can't bear it!

In this way, this evil plan was temporarily put on hold by him.

Anlin must think of other methods.

Anlin took a deep breath: "Xiaolan, I have a plan, I may need your help..."

"Good." Xu Xiaolan said.

An Lin stunned: "I haven't said what the plan is."

"As long as I can help you, I am willing." Xu Xiaolan laughed.

Anlin’s heart trembled, and a kind of trusted warmth poured into his heart.

As for Xiao Ze and the clowns, it is natural that they are once again smashed.

They are all Taoist, and still feel that they have been smashed with a wave of dog food.

Xiao Tuo has no feeling. After all, she has been single for hundreds of thousands of years. She has long lost interest in the mother dragon. She loves love and loves it. She just thinks that this teacher is not bad.

"Xiaolan, you will tell me that in the hostile forces, which kind of super-combination is super-powerful, we will bully it together." Anlin said.

"The bully is a super power, what is this?" Xu Xiaolan was shocked.

"I have a strong task, I want to be able to conquer the super power!" Anlin said frankly.

Xu Xiaolan suddenly realized that he finally understood what Anlin wanted to do before...

Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu are a slap in the face, what's the matter, how can the super power of the road be stronger?

"Well, I will collect the information for you!" Xu Xiaolan Zheng focused on the road.

She knows that this time, Anlin really wants to take advantage of the time when the war is easy. As for saying that the road can become stronger, others may not believe it, but Xu Xiaolan is absolutely convinced.

A person who can eat a beast can be promoted, and a person who can eat God Dan can break through.

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