I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1601: The big guys who are about to be defamed

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Xu Xiaolan's strong support made Anlin very happy.

The two began to wonder who is better for them.

"Join the supernatural power of the Heaven and Man Alliance, we will ignore it first. After all, once they are provoked, it is easy to attract the gods and authority gods." Xu Xiaolan said.

Some Lin agreed with the nod: "Then we will start from the enemy of the Kyushu community, but the big men who have not joined the Tianren coalition began to analyze!"

Xu Xiaolan followed and nodded: "Those are hidden mines. When it is time to jump out to deal with the Terran, if we can completely remove them, it will be two birds!"

At this time, a woman in a colorful dress came over and smiled warmly: "Master, I just went to Wanhualin in Baozhou to pick up a good nectar. Would you like to try it?"

"Oh, oh! Little bones, is it right now to call you Xiaodie?" An Lin took the nectar and looked at the beautiful face of the woman who was beautiful, like a beautiful woman in Jiangnan Water Village, laughing and joking.

The woman in the colored dress is slightly blessed, and her movements are elegant. With a peach eye, she smiles softly: "All can, the owner wants to shout, you can like it."

An Lin is amazed, when is the bones so feminine?

Can it be said that the realm has become the peak of the mid-deficiency, and has the temperament changed?

It seems that I was aware of Anlin’s thoughts. Xiao Bian patiently explained: “I am repairing a butterfly. The current practice is naturally like a butterfly. Occasionally, dressing up as a flower girl is my hobby and my cultivation.”

"Can you do this?" An Lin was surprised.

"The world is big, there is nothing wrong with it." Little bones feel that there is no problem.

Her good girlfriends are red, and the sun can understand the Shinto. She realizes Shinto by becoming a flower girl, and there is no problem at all.

Xu Xiaolan smiled and said: "The world is big, it is indeed nothing, but the wonders of the odds are the ones in the forty-nine sects!"

As a master agent for decades, she is naturally qualified to say this.

Xu Xiaolan glared at the white jade fingers, one by one: "We have a small bone that tries to become a flower girl to comprehend the Shinto, a little red that has the sun to understand the Shinto, and a Xiaotu who does not want to die successfully. I have to die half-dead and then break through Xuancheng, who is scared to death, and who is scared to be a nightmare, and then promoted to the virtual, Sun Yuluo, who has the blood to understand the Shinto, Cocosty and Myron, who cried and cried in front of Anlin’s grave. Ye Ling, who broke through, has Xiaona who jumped directly to the peak of the virtual world through the promotion of the world..."

She counted the members of the forty-nine sects who broke through a variety of inexplicable ways, and Anlin heard that it was a jaw-dropping.

I don’t know if I’m listening to it. !

There are all kinds of strange breakthroughs. What happened to the members of this sect? Is it a collective release of self? !

Dina smiled awkwardly, and her face was embarrassed, as if she had broken through too simple, and she felt guilty, fearing to stimulate the little friends on the field.

Ye Ling is carrying a thin powder lip and cheeks red.

Originally, she cried in front of the grave and cried. Suddenly, the breakthrough was enough to lose face. The most terrible thing was that the object of the former crying grave was standing in front of her now... it was a huge cockroach!

When Xu Xiaolan said this, he even looked at An Lin with a meaningful look: "Of course, our masters of the great masters broke through the Kyushu. They have not seen the lord’s practice, and always do something weird. The realm is coming up..."

When I heard this, everyone was smirking, and my heart was balanced.

They are all worried that their breakthrough method is too strange, and there is always some anxiety.

But compared with their lord, it’s a small witch! With such a thought, their restless heart can be considered as relaxing.

"Hey...and so on..." An Lin snorted, saying, "The topic we just discussed is not like this?"

Xu Xiaolan also returned to God: "Yeah, we should discuss how to mix the super power!"

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan tasted the nectar brought by the little bones. The sweet fragrance of the honey was sweet and the taste was not only gently licking the taste buds, but the sweetness seemed to flow through the whole body, so that the whole body became sweet. , exceptionally comfortable.

"It's delicious!" Xu Xiaolan sighed.

"A little more!" Anlin also had an excitement.

The small bone smile is gentle, the hand is flipped, and it is two small cups of nectar, placed in front of An Lin and Xu Xiaolan. The two continued to discuss their original problems while eating nectar.

"On the land of Blackpool, I will not consider it first. Eden has been convinced by me. Futian Emperor is the peak of the road. It is not good to deal with..." Anlin said.

"To deal with the enemy, try to be close to the principle. If we are too far away from the Kyushu border, I am afraid that it will be intercepted or surrounded by other enemies." Xu Xiaolan said again.

Anlin’s mind flashed the names of several first-rate forces and nodded lightly: “So we will not consider the West Tianlonglin and the field of creation.”

Xu Xiaolan caressed his chin and muttered: "In this way, the best place is the evil spirits prison, the other side, and the virtual domain..."

I noticed that Xu Xiaolan's look is different~www.readwn.com~Anlin smiled and said: "Xiaolan, wait for my strength to go one step further, I will accompany you to see the virtual domain again, next time, who are two of them? Can't escape!"

"Yeah!" Xu Xiaolan looked at An Lin with deep affection.

The next choice is the evil spirits of the prison and the other side.

Anlin turned his eyes to Fanny and Bone.

They are two, one is the daughter of the ghost family Dan Sheng, one is the returning fairy beast of the evil spirits. If they know about the place, they still know more than Anlin and Xiaolan.

Fanny looked at the analysis and said: "The attitude of the other side to the Kyushu community is very vague. Some of them support the Terran, some advocate the elimination of the Terran, while others remain neutral."

Anlin knows that Fanny's father is a super-powerful, but he maintains neutrality.

"There is a super power of advocating the elimination of the human race. There are two squadrons and nine ghost kings. Among them, the broken army ghosts are in the middle of the road, and they have already joined the army in the northern line of the Tianren. The last moment of cultivation of the quiet atmosphere, so temporarily did not join the North Line coalition." Fanny explained.

The bone jade fairy butterfly also said: "The evil spirits of the beast is a staunch anti-human camp. The four great beasts have joined the Tianren nationality army, but the real army with the army is only the demon bear in the early stage of the road, and the middle of the road. Become a **** monkey. As for the **** bats in the early days of the road, and the jade goddess of the peak of the road, they all stay in the prison of evil spirits, and do not know what to prepare..."

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan looked at each other and saw the excitement in the other's eyes.

“First start with the super power of the beginning of the road?” Xu Xiaolan asked.

Anlin smiled cruelly: "Good! Nine ghost kings and **** bats emperor... your good days are over!"


(The reference picture of the Emperor has been uploaded, pay attention to the WeChat public number, mave the big snail, click on the history message, you can view)

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